Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Zoe Zimmer (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Word of unsolicited advice? If your life is anything like mine, most of the people you love already know your secrets. They're just waiting for you to be ready to talk about it. Quote2
—Ms. Marvel Vol 4 16
Quote1 All right. Let's do this. How hard could it be, right? We just march down there and... and... and super-hero our way to victory. Quote2
—Ms. Marvel Vol 4 26
Quote1 I don't know why I thought I could just waltz in and fill her boots. Actually I do know. She's saved my life a bunch of times -- me and my friends. It's made everything different. For all of us. When you know somebody's always gonna swoop in and save you at the last second, you never really have to grow up. Everything stays magic. I thought -- I thought I could keep the magic going by putting on this costume. But the magic was never the costume. It was her. Quote2
—Ms. Marvel Vol 4 27
Quote1 I think the new hot girl might be a real, actual super villain! Quote2
—Ms. Marvel Vol 4 30
Quote1 You know what you need? ♫ ♩ A road triiiiiip! ♩ ♫ And lucky for you, I'll have my parents' car this weekend! Quote2
—Magnificent Ms. Marvel Vol 1 7
Quote1 If you give a bully what they want, they'll just take more and more. I should know. I was one. Quote2
—Zoe Zimmer (Earth-616)

All items (6)
