Marvel Database

Quote1 Free will is an affirmation of life. Quote2

Eon was a cosmic being born from Eternity 8 billion years ago. A benevolent entity, he selected individuals whom he deemed intelligent, courageous, and resourceful to become Protectors of the Universe and bestowed them with the Quantum Bands.[3]

As keeper of the secret of cosmic awareness,[4] Eon foresaw the threat of Maelstrom, Death, and Oblivion and entrusted Quasar to protect the universe.[3][5][6] Eon died in the conflict and was succeeded by Epoch.[7][8]


Eon was a cosmic entity associated with time, life, and cosmic awareness.[3][6] His role was to protect life in the universe and served the universe from its own dimension, the Eonverse,[9] while appointing various Protectors of the Universe as his champions.[3] It was also an offspring of Eternity, as well as parent to the cosmic being Epoch.[8]

When Thanos was executing his plans to destroy all life in the universe. Eon teleported the Kree Captain Marvel to him to meet him in person, where he enlightened Mar-Vell through a series of visions, including showing him the past of the Eternals, Thanos and Titan. He granted the Kree with the power of Cosmic Awareness and designated him the "Protector of the Universe." Captain Marvel returned to Earth, to resume his fight with Thanos and save the universe from destruction.[10]

Eon is believed to have designed the Quantum Bands, which he gave to his Protectors of the Universe as their personal weapons.[3]

Quasar Vol 1 2

Eon and his champion, Quasar

Eon foresaw that someone was going to try to slay him to gain the secrets of cosmic awareness and end the universe.[3] By his own request, Eon was killed by his champion Quasar in order to prevent Maelstrom from gaining the secrets of cosmic awareness from him; however, Quasar was too late.[7] Nevertheless, Quasar triumphed over Maelstrom later,[11] and aided the birth of Eon's child, Epoch.[8]

Assuming the form of the Angel of Vengeance[12] Eon[13] appeared to Wendell Vaughn in the White Room after his apparent death in the Infinity War. The Angel offered to kill the one who had killed Quasar in order for Wendell to move onward, but Wendell was suspicious of the Angel's true nature. He assumed that the Angel was a manifestation of Eon, and would not allow blood to be shed in his name simply to leave the White Room. As the Angel was trying to inspire Quasar to have a leap of faith, he was dispersed by Blue Marvel.[12]



Eon could reanimate dead bodies or create arms from his body.[citation needed]

Eon was the universal Keeper of the Secret of Cosmic Awareness,[4] which enables those having it to know what is happening or could happen anywhere in the universe at any time. He could gift this Awareness to any suitable living being. Notable recipients include Captain Mar-Vell, Quasar, and Moondragon.

Being a cosmic being, Eon had an immense storehouse of knowledge that could not be measured, and was considered one of the greatest scholars and teachers of the cosmos.

Eon's true body was immense in size, nearly an AU in diameter, making him one of the largest living beings in existence. After his 'death', his body was so large that his heir Epoch was able to take it over because it hadn't realized he was dead yet.


Eon had almost no defensive abilities for his body, save his immense size. His weak spot was his brain.[7]






General Cosmic Projections/Avatars. Real body immobile.


  • According to Oblivion, out of all the cosmic entities that possess cosmic awareness (in its entirety), Eon was the least powerful.[6]
  • Eon's true self was 6.1 million miles (~10 million km) long.[7]
  • Eon is said to be the eldest of Eternity's children and the second eldest of the time beings (first is Eternity).[9]
  • Eon's successor, Epoch, is sometimes drawn looking exactly like Eon.[14][15][16]


  • The inspiration for Eon came when Jim Starlin saw a grease stain on a garbage bag on a street corner which had particular shape he found fascinating.[17]
  • Maelstrom considers Eon to be the most "senile" of the time beings and calls him a "ghastly glob of distilled time."[18]

See Also

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