Marvel Database

Quote1 Gabriel, I sense evil here... Evil powerful enough to shrivel the soul. Quote2

Appearing in "House of Brimstone"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "House of Brimstone"

Haunt of Horror Vol 1 3 007

Dr. Craig Miller -- renowned writer of demonic possessions -- gets a first hand experience with the forces of evil when his daughter Veronica is possessed by a demon. Miller gets into contact with Gabriel the Devil Hunter in New York. After assessment of the situation by his colleague Desadia, they determine that it's a legitimate possession and go out to Miller's home in Conneticut. Before leaving, however, Desadia informs Gabriel that her abilities have shown her that this time he will fail, though Gabriel insists upon trying to help Dr. Miller anyway. Upon entering the home, Gabriel's shirt bursts into flames, burning it away so that the crucifix scar on his chest is visible.

Inside, they find Miller visibly haunted and weakened from the whole ordeal. Gabriel goes up and sedates Veronica and has a meal with Miller before the exorcism and to hear of what has happened prior to their arrival. The demon possessing Veronica decides to try once more to possess Miller's body, however, it is no match for Gabriel's power as an exorcist and the creature flees back up to Veronica's body.

Going up into the girl's room, Gabriel finds the ceiling dripping blood and confronts the demon possessing the girl's body. Eventually he gives it a choice: Leave the girl's body or he will kill her, which would in turn kill the demon inside her. Unsure if Gabriel is bluffing or not, the demon flees her body and once more seeks to possess Miller himself. Going downstairs, Gabriel finds that the demon has incapacitated Desadia with some strange slime, and has possessed Miller's body. Tired of fighting this creature, Miller had swallowed rat poison when Desadia was attacked. He quickly dies, killing the demon inside of his body. With the demon dead, Desadia is free and the blood up in the girl's room disappears as well.

Appearing in "The Restless Coffin."

Featured Characters:

  • Brian Killarney

Other Characters:

  • Brian's father
  • gypsy hag

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "The Restless Coffin."

No synopsis written.

Appearing in "The Exorcist Tapes"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Exorcist Tapes"

Continued from last issue.. Further discussion by the Marvel Bullpen about the film The Exorcist.

Appearing in "Fling With Mr. D"

Featured Characters:

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Fling With Mr. D"

No synopsis written.

Appearing in "The Swamp Stalkers"

Featured Characters:

  • Cindy Peterson (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Sarah Peterson (First appearance) (Cindy's mother)
  • Elias Peterson (First appearance; dies) (Cindy's father)


Races and Species:


  • Gooseburg

Synopsis for "The Swamp Stalkers"

No synopsis written.

Appearing in "They Wait Below"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Uncanny Tales #42

Synopsis for "They Wait Below"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Uncanny Tales #42

A lighthouse attendant is accosted by Sirens who wish the beacon to remain unlit so passing ships will founder upon the reef, but as he backs away from them, he knocks over a table lamp which starts a fire and warns the ship away. The next day, men who come to investigate tell him he imagined the Sirens, but he points to their footprints in the sand.

Appearing in "Last Descent to Hell"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Last Descent to Hell"

No synopsis written.

See Also

Links and References

