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It has been suggested that following page(s):
A Friend (Earth-616)
be merged into this article
Reason: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 says that a "friend" was not just a demonic Christ-like illusion but Mephisto in disguise
Initiator: MarvelBoy2002; Date: July 26, 2024 07:35:45

Quote1 Well may you tremble! For you gaze upon... Mephisto! Quote2

Mephisto is an extra-dimensional Demon who rules a fiery pocket dimension that he calls "Hell" or "Hades" although it is neither the Hell of the Christian religion nor the Hades ruled by Hades, the Olympian god of the dead. Mephisto calls his extra-dimensional realm "hell" in order to exploit Earth human beings' belief in a single being of absolute evil, who is often referred to as Satan, who rules such a realm. Mephisto resembles the traditional visual conception of the devil. (It is not known whether this is Mephisto's true appearance, or one that he has adopted in order to resemble the devil). He also allows himself to be called names that human beings give to their conceptions of devils, such as Mephisto, a shortened form of Mephistopheles, the name given to the devil in the Faust legends[6] and of a possible fallen angel.[16]

Indeed, Mephisto has allowed people to believe him to be Satan himself, however, Mephisto is not Lucifer. Mephisto's domain is inhabited by himself, by lesser demons who serve him, and by the astral forms of certain deceased human beings, which have been trapped in the bodies of demons. These demonic bodies imprisoning human spirits have been magically altered to resemble the deceased's mortal human forms. Mephisto is continually seeking to add more spirits of sentient beings to his realm by inducing living sentient beings to submit their wills to his. Mephisto apparently seeks primarily to enslave human souls, although he will go after those of extraterrestrials on Earth as well.[6]



Mephisto (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 7 0001


  • Mephisto's true origin has been lost to time, many stories claim to tell the true origin.
    • The primordial entity known as Nemesis was born at the beginning of time and was alone in it's universe the First Cosmos. It used its great power to create life from its own form, but sadly the creations turned out to be evil becoming the first demons. Saddened by what it created and wiped them all out.[17] Alone again the entity committed suicide and it's remains became the Infinity Stones.[18] After its death, the demons were reborn, and one of the beings was Mephisto, but the power of the Stones was forbidden to these beings.[17]
    • Eons ago the Elder God Demogorge defeated the other members of his race ending their rule. The dark energy created from their death formed the first demons; these included; Thog, Satannish, and Mephisto.[19][20]

While Mephisto was still young in the form of a fly, he witnessed the Celestial known as the Progenitor succumbed to the Horde, with Mephisto taking this opportunity to lay his maggots.[21]

Garden of Eden[]

According to Lilith, Mephisto - in the form of a snake - tricked Eve and Adam into partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge - ensuring their banishment from the Biblical Garden of Eden. Mephisto became increasingly obsessed with manipulating living humans into selling their souls to him, neglecting the teeming masses of damned souls already condemned to his realm.[22][14]

1,000,000 B.C.[]

Taking on the form of a snake again, Mephisto appeared before a young man belonging to a tribe of mammoth-riding early humans, who had been slaughtered by a Wendigo. Mephisto offered the man the power to avenge his people in exchange for guessing his name, and bonded him to a Spirit of Vengeance to make him the first Ghost Rider.[23]

Mephisto also attempted to corrupt Fan Fei, an exile from the city of K'un-Lun who possessed the power of the Iron Fist. Fan Fei rejected his suggestion that she use her power to conquer the world, and Mephisto vengefully assisted the Gorgilla Clan of Man-Apes in their war against Fan Fei and her followers, giving the Ape King the Power Stone.[24]

When Iron Man was displaced a million years into the past, Mephisto attempted to manipulate him into making a deal - first by offering him gifts and then by sending the Ape King and other monsters to attack him. With Iron Man's armor running low on power, Mephisto - who had come into possession of the Time Stone - appeared before him in-person claiming to be Tony's real father. Tony refused Mephisto's offer and fought off the monsters the Hell Lord sent to pressure him into making a bargain, eventually returning to the present day.[4]

In an attempt to defeat the Avengers, Mephisto convinced a young Thanos to attack them.[21]

6th century[]

During the rule of King Arthur he granted refuge to the sorceress; Morgan Le Fay in his realm in exchange for a piece of the sword Excalibur. Doctor Doom travelled back in time to trade Iron Man for the sword fragment. Doctor Doom also took Le Fay with him keeping her trapped in a mystical cage.[25] Mephisto amused himself by watching Stark try to escape his Hellish realm, battling his demonic hordes. He took the form of a armored Howard Stark in demonic armor. Iron Man was able to defeat him and used his powers to return to the present.[26]

10th century[]

Mephisto convinced Apocalypse that the false gods who mocked him needed to perish, sending the mutant into conflict with that era's Avengers.[21]

In the year 987 A.D., seven members of a druid cult made a deal with Mephisto in exchange for immortality; they had agreed to funnel souls into his realm. Over the subsequent millennium, the mages acquired great wealth and became the board members of a London-based corporation named Mys-Tech. To pay their debt to Mephisto, the Mys-Tech board plotted to take over the world and kill vast numbers of innocents.[27]

17th century[]

In 1667, Mephisto related the tale of Lucifer's fall from Heaven to John Milton. He wrote this down in his epic poem "Paradise Lost".[28]

18th century[]

Mephisto encountered the sea Captain; Joost van Straaten and corrupted his soul causing him to be consumed by greed. He sent his ship and crew into a storm killing them all. He claimed his soul and cursed him to sail the seven seas forever becoming the legendary "Flying Dutchman".[29]

In 1775, Heinrich Faust made a demonic bargain with Mephisto, but because he used his gift for good he got out of the contract on a technicality.[30] He later told his tale to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which inspired his play "Faust: The Tragedy".[28]

19th century[]

At the end of the 19th century Dr. Jonas Ravencroft, founded the Ravencroft Institute. One of the workers building the facility claimed Mephisto told him to cave the foreman head in with a hammer.[31]

20th century[]

During World War II, Nazi scientists created the Darkdoor, which was actually a portal to Mephisto's Realm. Before he could unlock the secrets, the Allies arrived, and the project was destroyed. One of the scientist; Thule escaped to the US and began to work for the government, hoping to continue his work there. Mephisto was able to trick the scientist to believe to door was a portal to the home of the Vril, an alien species that had originally inhabited Earth in centuries past. Mephisto manipulated Thule to sacrifice lives to open the door, which in fact were just his Demon servants.[32]

Modern Era[]

At some point, Mephisto peered into his own destiny and saw that one day he would manage to secure his ruthlessly vanquished kingdom on Earth, only to be defeated by Spider-Man or his daughter. Because of this, the devil was tormented with the possibility of his downfall and so began a long planning to ensure that this never happened. [33]

Tormenting the Surfer[]

Norrin Radd (Earth-616) and Mephisto (Earth-616) from Silver Surfer Annual Vol 1 7 001

Mephisto in his fixation on taking the Silver Surfer's soul.

Mephisto has made repeated unsuccessful attempts to break the will and enslave the soul of the noble alien known as the Silver Surfer. In order to do so, Mephisto kidnapped Shalla-Bal and used her to force the Surfer do his bidding and give up his soul. Taking her to his realm, Mephisto was shocked when the Surfer was able to follow him to his realm. Mephisto tried to tempt the Surfer with riches and women in an attempt to corrupt his soul. However, the Surfer was able to resist temptation. In a final attempt to try and corrupt the Surfer, Mephisto absorbed the Surfer into his mind. However, the opposite happened and Mephisto found out that the Surfer's purity was now influencing his mind. Releasing the Surfer, Mephisto admitted defeat, but not before sending Shalla-Bal back to Zenn-La and the Surfer back to Earth, where he is still trapped by the barrier erected by Galactus.[34]

His next attempt was to use the wandering ghost of Joost van Straaten, the legendary Flying Dutchman. Mephisto used his powers to transform the ghost of Joost into the Ghost, a super-powerful entity to battle the Surfer.[29] However, after the battle, the Ghost renounced Mephisto, who then began to banish the Ghost back to Limbo. However, the Surfer, truly understanding the torment of the Ghost's soul, sheds a single tear, which breaks the Ghost's curse freeing him from Mephisto's control and allows him to finally reach his eternal rest.[35]

In his third attempt, Mephisto offered the Surfer what he wanted most: to be freed from the barrier created by Galactus. He agreed and travels to Zenn-La. However, Mephisto captured Shalla-Bal. Meanwhile, back on earth after a brief battle, Mephisto tells the Surfer that he would free Shalla-Bal if he destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D..[36] At the same time, Mephisto secretly replaces a secretary at S.H.I.E.L.D. with Shalla-Bal in the hopes that the Surfer will kill her along with the rest of the organization. However the Surfer refused to hurt anyone, so he sent her back to Zenn-La.[37]

In the fourth attempt, Mephisto kidnapped Shalla-Bal once again, but when the Surfer comes to his realm to attack him, he transformed himself into energy and sends the energy orb out into space. The Surfer chases after it. However, he realizes he's once more trapped in the barrier that is around the Earth.[38]


Thor, who was trapped in Loki's body, was banished to Mephisto's realm. But when Mephisto touched Thor's shoulder, he soon realized it was Thor. Sif and the Warriors Three went to Mephisto's realm, where they found him and Thor frozen in a chunk of ice.[39] Thor used his selfsame powers to free his friends and then defeated Mephisto by radiating his inner goodness, causing the hell-lord to suffer extreme pain. Surrendering, Mephisto transported them all back to Asgard,[40] where Odin condemns the heroes to Earth for daring to question him. Meanwhile, Tana Nile uses her control pack to disguise herself as an Earthling while accepting the fact that she and Silas Grant are marooned on Earth. Doctor Donald Blake discovers that his office has been closed in his absence due to a change in building ownership. Slowly but surely, the exiled and marooned are separated and all fall prey to Mephisto. He later battled him again went he is forced back to his realm.[41] He used his demons to disguise as his friends taunt him. However he is able to see through the ruse and escape.[42]

Doctor Doom[]

Cynthia von Doom faced constant persecution at the hands of the Baron and his men and, in an effort to punish them, she made a deal with Mephisto, promising him her soul. Cynthia walked into a village and started killing the Baron's men, but unbeknownst to her, the magic she was using also killed every child in the village, just as Mephisto had planned. Horrified over what she had done, she renounced the power, and was stabbed by a dying guardsman. She survived long enough to wander into the woods, where she died in the arms of her husband, making him promise to keep their son Victor from walking the same path as her. Upon her death, her soul was trapped in Mephisto's realm, where it was to be tortured for all eternity.[43] Doctor Doom was allowed to summon and challenge Mephisto once a year and try to win back the soul of his deceased mother. After casting a spell to summon the Lord of Lies' presence in his castle, Doom battled the Devil's chosen champion: Kagrok the Killer. However, he lost every time to the prince of lies.[44]

Ghost Rider[]

The human stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze once made a pact with Mephisto, whom he believed to be Satan, by exchanging his soul for Mephisto's saving his stepfather "Crash" Simpson from dying by cancer.[45] However, Mephisto allowed Simpson to die instead from injuries he suffered in performing an unsuccessful motorcycle stunt. However, before Mephisto could take possession of Blaze's soul, Simpson's daughter Roxanne arrived and recited a spell of banishment she had read in one of Blaze's occult books. Mephisto was forced to flee without Blaze's soul, but not before he had grafted the essence of the demon Zarathos to Blaze's body. Roughly two thousand years ago, Mephisto had taken control of the living flame that was Zarathos' soul. Since Zarathos was too powerful to use as a mere lackey, Mephisto amused himself over the centuries by placing the essence of Zarathos in a human host. Mephisto employed him in that form to claim human souls. After Mephisto grafted Zarathos' essence onto Blaze, Zarathos would continually take control of Blaze's body. The composite Zarathos/Blaze entity became known as Ghost Rider.[46][47]

Mephisto made a deal with Jennifer Glatzer, a Satanist. She would get Linda Littletrees involved in Satanism under the pretense of harmless fun. However, she soon became a sacrifice that they offered to Satan, and Linda's soul was put in forfeit. He sent her after Ghost Rider, but when she failed, Mephisto forced her to turn her own Satanic power on herself in front of Blaze as both a punishment and a warning.[48][49] In a desperate bid to save Roxanne, Blaze surrendered himself to the devil.[50] He was, however, stopped by the Son of Satan.[51][52] He next sent Roulette after them,[53] and then tricked Roxanne into coming to hell to rescue her father,[54] where he tried to use her again to gain Ghost Rider's soul, but failed.[55]

Norman and Harry Osborn[]

When Norman Osborn was about to go bankrupt on account of his debts and would eventually have his company taken over by his partner, Mephisto approached him in the guise of an "acquisitions" investor and offered Norman a deal to make his financial life more successful in exchange for his the soul of his firstborn, Harry. Norman initially refused the deal, but after the devil explained to him that if he accepted he would not even remember their encounter, he agreed. With the deal closed, Mephisto made Norman's business life immensely successful both financially and in status, but made him relentless in the process - ultimately leading to his madness. Furthermore, as a result of this bargain, Harry would suffer numerous personal tragedies and eventually die.[56]

Doctor Strange[]

Mephisto, disguised as Satan, used James Mandarin as a tool against Doctor Strange in order to lure him to hell.[57] The Mandarin was returned to Earth after Strange defeated Mephisto and stole some mystical books from Strange's home, but was caught and Strange erased all memories he had of him being a sorcerer.[58]


The Hell-Lords met in Hades where they decided to merge their respective realms, thus increasing their power, and to begin taking in new souls. They perform a ritual creating the nexus of the netherworlds. Unfortunately, this also summons the Demogorge, who begins consuming the Hell-Lords one by one.[59]


Mephisto saved Darkoth from an explosion by transporting him to his realm. He then sent him against Thor.[60]

The Beyonder[]

Mephisto sought to steal Beyonder's powers or to destroy him to win the favor of Death. To do this Mephisto sent an army of supervillains called the Legion Accursed to attack the Beyonder, who is saved by the Thing. After the Legion Accursed was defeated, Mephisto returned its members to where they were before he formed the team.[61]

Master Pandemonium[]

Mephisto has sometimes been impersonated by lesser demons who imitate his form. Such demons are defeated far more easily than the virtually invincible Mephisto. Mephisto has also bound demons to actor Martin Preston, thus creating the entity called Master Pandemonium.[62]

Franklin Richards[]

Doom kidnapped Franklin so that he could give Franklin's soul to Mephisto in exchange for the freedom of his mother's.[63]

Mephisto Vs....[]

At another time, Mephisto initiated a complex plot that in the end would cause Hela (the Asgardian death goddess) trouble in the far future. Hela had recently stolen some twentieth century souls that rightfully belonged to him. Knowing of Hela's curse against Thor, he wished to demonstrate to Thor the horrors of living on a plane of the dead. First of all, Mephisto transported the Fantastic Four and Franklin Richards physically to his plane. There he tricked Susan Richards into believing that he had made a deal with Reed Richards years earlier. Mephisto then apparently took away Reed's intelligence, making Reed a drooling idiot. Sue agreed to stay in Mephisto's realm if he returned Reed's intellect and returned the Fantastic Four and Franklin to Earth. A desperate Reed thought that the clue might mean the X-Factor team.[30]

He contacted them and asked for their help. X-Factor agreed, and ultimately confronted Sue Richards, under Mephisto's control, and Mephisto, who appeared in a waterfront warehouse. Mephisto tried to get them to bargain with him, but Iceman refused and broke Mephisto's seductive spell. They attacked but he was able to use his illusion powers to confuse them. He then got Jean Grey to agree to sell her soul in return for the release of Sue Richards and X-Factor. The X-Men then tried to rescue Jean Grey, and Mephisto tricked Rogue into believing he was susceptible to her power to absorb other people's memories and powers.[64]

Wishing to save the X-Men, she used her powers to absorb their personalities. Rogue then found out that Mephisto had been pretending that her powers could affect him. He then drained her soul, plus the personalities of all the X-Men she had absorbed. Mephisto then transported himself and Rogue to where the badly beaten Thor lay, after battling the Midgard Serpent. Hela arrived, claiming Thor's soul as her own. Mephisto somehow used Rogue's powers to release Thor's soul from his body, where he then captured Thor's soul and also sent Rogue back to the X-Men. Hela arranged for the Avengers to arrive to fight Mephisto while she tried to free Thor's soul. Mephisto was able to beat the Avengers while Hela was unable to free Thor's soul from Mephisto's mystic mylar.[65] Mephisto tried to break Thor's soul, both with temptation and pain, but he was unable to. Realizing that such a soul on his plane would cause nothing but trouble, Mephisto returned Thor's soul to his body and conceded defeat to Hela. Mephisto then revealed to the Living Tribunal that his power weakening was nothing more than a sham, and that he never really had any claim over Thor's soul anyway. In fact, the whole plan had been to give Thor a small taste of what it was like on a plane of the dead. When Thor's soul finally arrived on Hela's plane, Thor would be more determined than ever to cause Hela as much trouble as possible.[66]


Mishna, a poor Landlak, seeked to bargain her soul with Mephisto in exchange for immortality in order to provide for her family forever. She crossed paths with Silver Surfer, and after a small talk, Mishna changed her mind and refused to deal with Mephisto.[67]


Mephisto had a daughter Mephista[68] with an unidentified human mother.[69] She has battled Doctor Strange on a number of occasions.[70]

Scarlet Witch[]

Mephisto's soul was used by the Scarlet Witch to give birth to twin sons, Tommy and Billy.[71] He reabsorbed them, effectively ending their existence. Wanda had also reanimated her deceased mentor, Agatha Harkness, through whom she cast a spell to make her forget her children in order to ease her pain.[72] They were later reborn as Speed and Wiccan.[73][74]

Devil's Reign[]

Mephisto's son Blackheart eventually killed his father and took his throne of hell. However, Mephisto managed to revive himself and decided to go to an alternate universe and marry its inhabitant Sara Pezzini in order to get the Witchblade.[75] For this he needed the Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic, but came into conflict with the Fist of Weapon Zero, who tried to find way to enter Mephisto's universe.[76] Mephisto managed to trick the Silver Surfer into helping him in going to this alternate universe, and then went on to possess Killrazor. Killrazor went to fight against Cyblade, of this universe, and Ghost Rider who had arrived to this universe thanks to Jennifer Kale and Eternity. The superhero duo were able to defeat Killrazor, but Mephisto appeared and abducted Cyblade, while leaving Ghost Rider behind.[77] As Mephisto forced the New Yorkers of this universe to go and kill everyone in their path, Ghost Rider allied with Ballistic into fighting the hordes of demons,[78] while Wolverine and Zoe Culloden of Landau, Luckman & Lake, who also arrived to this to universe to stop Mephisto. Mephisto took possession of Ballistic's teammate, Heatwave and under the guise of the city's mayor captured Zoe. Wolverine and Ballistic fought him and freed Culloden from his grasp.[79]

When Sara Pezzini returned, Mephisto took on the appearance of Ian Nottingham and the two went out to dinner. While inside the restaurant, Wolverine charged in and assaulted Mephisto, but Sara retaliated still thinking the demon was Ian, until she realized the truth.[80] Elektra, who also arrived in this universe thanks to Culloden, joined the fight against Mephisto, while the demon teleported Wolverine away. After Pezzini used the Witchblade to protect herself and Elektra from Mephisto's attack, they emerged in a showy graveyard riddled with ninjas. They then confronted Mephisto in a church where he offered Pezzini to free her from the Witchblade, but she refused prompting the demon to teleport her home, leaving himself with Elektra.[81] He then took Elektra as his prisoner, along with Cyblade, taking them to his new home in this universe's Las Vegas where Heatwave, now calling himself the Fire King and acting as Mephisto's second in command, began gaining more and more followers for the demon-lord. The two females were able to break free and take on the Fire King, but Cyblade didn't allow Elektra to kill him.[81] After the Silver Surfer entered the other universe, he teamed up with Weapon Zero and freed Heatwave from Mephisto's control. The now freed Heatwave used all of this powers send Mephisto back to his own universe, sacrificing himself in the process.[82]

Blackheart was eventually overthrown as the ruler of hell by Ghost Rider,[83] Mephisto took back his throne,[84] after Ghost Rider abandoned hell.[85]


Nighthawk was put into a coma and kept alive, listed in a hospital simply as a John Doe. He was revived from his coma, seemingly by an angel, who granted him special visions that enabled him to see crimes before they were committed. Returning to his life of heroics, Nighthawk soon found that this supposed blessing was a nightmare in the making: He attacked criminals before they committed a crime, making him a criminal himself and attracting the attention of Daredevil. This led to a clash between the two where Nighthawk, in a fury, killed Daredevil. He and Daredevil's corpse were transported to Hell where Kyle learned that his "gift" was actually given to him not by an angel, but by Mephisto.[86] Trapped in Hell, Kyle fought his way out while carrying the corpse of Daredevil along the way and found a means to restore Daredevil back to life via demonic flames.[87] Ultimately, they escaped from Hell after Mephisto attempted to trick the two heroes into believing that they were in Heaven. However, Daredevil saw through this illusion and they returned to Earth.[88]

Brass Bishop[]

Centuries ago, Bishop Benedicto de Vica Severtes fell in love with a young woman named Beatriz but, feeling God would never allow him to have her, he turned to Mephisto, a powerful demon to have her by his side in exchange for his soul upon death. He soon learned why it is dangerous to deal with a devil for Beatriz was soon by his side, but as a nun, making her even farther from his grasp. Feeling betrayed by both god and devil alike, he swore he wouldn't lose his soul without reason and constructed a suit of brass which had the power to conceal the soul of whomever wore it. However, it required the blood of an innocent woman to seal it, ensuring the security of his soul. The Bishop turned to the only woman whose soul he could entrust was pure: that of Beatriz's. When Mephisto noticed the Bishop's soul was missing, he sent out one of his demons, Dargil, to investigate. But the Bishop had been waiting and beheaded him, putting his head on a chain as his servant. He then challenged Mephisto to return his soul, but Mephisto would only give it back to him in exchange for Beatriz's, which was in heaven. The Brass Bishop vowed he would never trade her soul for his but as the years passed, he grew more weary of life and decided to capture Beatriz' soul in order to hand it over to Mephisto. To that end, he built the mystical Tower of Babel which would lead to Heaven through the use of the Solomon Seal. However, Puck and the sorcerer Modred were able to stop him. The Brass Bishop re-surfaced however, and took over the town of White Cross, Newfoundland, where he reconstructed the Tower by using the citizens as slaves. Alpha Flight was sent in to investigate. While Puck's memories of his encounter with the Bishop were clouded, he soon remembered all. The Bishop had attempted to lure Puck out so that he could use him as a pathfinder to the Solomon Seal, in which he did after gaining control of him in the Tower. However, Puck was able to gain enough control over himself (with the help of the other souls the Bishop had trapped) to use the Solomon Seal (which mystically opens anything) to unseal the brass armor. Standing merely a few feet away from the gates to heaven, the armor came undone and Mephisto welcomed Benedico de Vica Severtes to his immortal realm. The Bishop was soon gone, the Tower disappeared and the townspeople returned to normal.[84]

Black Panther[]

Mephisto (Earth-616) and Everett Ross (Earth-616) from Black Panther Vol 3 2 001

Everett K. Ross meeting Mephisto!

Mephisto went to meet with the Black Panther. He travels to their apartment where Everett K. Ross received a knock on the door but when he opened it he is shocked to find a demonic threat. Ross became the Devil's Advocate as he is left to entertain him until the Panther's return. Mephisto conjured a pair of pants for Everett while they waited, which frightened Everett as he believed he had sold his soul.[89] But T'Challa returned and saved Everett knocking out the demon.[90] Everett wondered how he could defeat Mephisto so easily, it was revealed he sold his soul to him, but what Mephisto was not aware of was the Black Panther was forever tied to the Panther God.[91][92]


After the death of Mockingbird, her soul had apparently become trapped in Mephisto's Realm.[93] Bobbi soon sent a message which helped in the resurrection of Hellcat.[94] Mephisto pitted Mockingbird and Hellcat in the Arena of Tainted Souls.[95]


During the Archenemy's attack on the united Splinter Realms, Mephisto and his forces guarded the western portion.[96][97]


Illyana Rasputina, from an alternate Earth, had a son called Hutch. Unfortunately, as he had been born between dimensions, all dimensions had equal claim on the child since he was part of all of them without ever having a true body. Now a rather desperate mother, Magik struck a deal with Mephisto, who would ensure that Hutch would get a body. Unfortunately, the cost would be the deaths of every mutant in all of the dimensions, as all of them were drawn to the dimension where Hutch was. The boy was happy to finally have a body and see his mother but, when he learned what a huge sacrifice this would entail, he sacrificed himself and returned to being non-corporeal.[98]


Mephisto crashed Nightcrawler's birthday party to ask if was he was willing to help in the battle of the Hell realms. He offered to resurrect his brother Stephan Szardos and protect his family from harm. Nightcrawler refused and told the demon to leave.[15]

Harry's death and Kindred birth[]

On the night of his death, Harry Osborn awoke in Hell greeted by Mephisto. Confused, Harry noted his death being heroic until Mephisto countered with Harry's in progress schemes with Peter's LMD parents and the Stacy clone children. Afraid and upset, Harry begged to know why Mephisto worked so hard to damn him, only for the Hell Lord to counterpoint that he was never the true aim, but a pawn for the larger game with Spider-Man. After then putting demons looking like his father to torture him, Mephisto took advantage of Harry's machinations to influence his plans involving Osborn's AI using the Stacy twins.[33][99]

One More Day[]

Peter Parker (Earth-616), Mary Jane Watson (Earth-616), and Mephisto (Earth-616) from Sensational Spider-Man Vol 2 41 001

Mephisto in "One More Day"

When Spider-Man's Aunt May was wounded from a sniper bullet, Mephisto, taking advantage of this moment of vulnerability, approached him and offered him a deal.[11] He saved her from death but erased Spider-Man's marriage to Mary Jane Watson and all the happiness it brought, as well as the public knowledge of his secret identity from the world.[100] Due to this deal, the devil also managed to prevent the couple's future daughter from being born: Mephisto had foreseen a version of the future in which he was defeated by her. By preventing their marriage, he hoped to avert this future from happening.[33]

Further battles[]

Doctor Doom tricked Iron Man to Mephisto's realm.[25] He forced him to battle demons disguised as Howard Stark, but he was able to escape.[26] Mephisto was also involved in an incident involving the X-Men, Darkchylde, and Pixie.[101] Vielfras' soul was taken by Mephisto, along with the other men who died fighting him.[102]

Molecule Man[]

Norman Osborn was transported to the dark dimension before Mephisto, Enchantress, Set, Zarathos, Molecule Man, and the Dragon of the Moon.[103] However, it was not Mephisto at all but rather an illusion created by the Molecule Man.[104]


Mephisto decided to donate a portion of his realm to the Dísir, the forsaken Valkyrie of Bor, much to the annoyance of his demon subjects.[105] He also allowed them to invade Hela's Hel as he did not care about their territorial agreements.[106]Thor was brought before Mephisto himself, where he warned Asgardian that his subjects would not be pleased with his presence. Mephisto then tried to make a bargain with Thor, promising to give him the Eir-Gram and a "happily ever after" for Asgard if he agreed.[107]Thor is fighting his way through the hordes of demons. He found the Eir-Gram but could not lift it. Mephisto explained that the Dísir who placed it there simply enchanted it to only go for who it "Doth belong". With Hela calling him from Hel, Thor makes a hard decision: to call on the Dísir, who decide to end him.[108] He defeated the Dísir and with the souls of the dead saved, Hela traveled to Mephisto's realm, where she confronted Mephisto who denied that he had any desire to even invade Hel.[109]

Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 627 Textless

Date with Magma[]

When Dani Moonstar was forcibly moved to Hel, the New Mutants accidentally teleported into Mephisto's Hell instead of Hel.[110] Mephisto immediately offered the New Mutants a deal: he would send them out of Hell and even teleport them straight into Hela's domain, in exchange for a date with Magma.[111] Amara agreed, and Mephisto teleported the team in Hel.[112] He even saw her again but she wished to keep it a secret.[113] Mephisto's relationship with Magma collapsed after she uncovered his dealings with the dangerous Dísir,[114] which caused her to call off their relationship, much to his displeasure.[115]

Closing Time[]

Mephisto liked to, at closing time, choose a bar and talk about his day. If you listen and survive, he will give you a tip. At his latest bar, he told the bartender about what was happening during Fear Itself. He offered the barman a deal of eternal life with no pain. He whisked him away to his realm where he used his blood to provide ink and wrote a request for a treaty with the Serpent and a warning about Loki.[6]

Circle of Four[]

Tier Sinclair (Earth-616), Guido Carosella (Earth-616), and Mephisto (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 256 001

When Blackheart tried to rule Hell by bringing it to Earth, Mephisto gave the heroes who were fighting his son, Venom, Red Hulk, X-23, and Ghost Rider, another chance to live after they were killed by Blackheart's forces. Mephisto secretly bestowed the heroes with Hell Marks, insignias that designated the heroes as his heirs without their knowledge, which was something Agent Venom would discover after his encounter with Hellstorm.[116][117][118]

Later, Mephisto was defeated and replaced by Strong Guy as the leader of Hell.[119] However, when the Thunderbolts were accidentally transported to Hell, Mephisto took the opportunity to give them a way out if they defeated Strong Guy.[120] Red Hulk managed to convince Guido to abandon the position of Hell Lord and try to regain his lost soul, thus allowing Mephisto to regain the throne and let the Thunderbolts return to Earth.[121]

Mephisto was later summoned by Agent Venom to remove his Hell Mark, which had been transferred to Mania via the Venom symbiote clone and made her a target of the Department of Occult Affairs.[122] Mephisto helped them deal with the DOA but refused to remove the Hell Mark, cryptically revealing that it had been bestowed upon the symbiote and not its host.[123]

Damnation in Las Vegas[]

When Doctor Strange used magic to restore the city of Las Vegas following its ravaging at the hands of Hydra, he accidentally tore a hole in the fabric of dimensional magic. The lords of a numerous amount of these dimensions, including Mephisto, waged war in a long-abandoned necro-dimension where the doorway was the most powerful. Mephisto emerged victorious,[124] and manifested his realm in Las Vegas in the form of the Hotel Inferno. The tower's influence began to change the citizens of Las Vegas,[125] by making them act on their very base instincts and impulses. In turn, even for the committing of lesser sins, their souls were taken by Mephisto.

After Strange forfeit the liberation of the city for cheating in a game of brimstone blackjack against Mephisto,[126] his friend Wong assembled the Midnight Sons to oppose Mephisto's forces.[127] The Ghost Rider confronted Mephisto head-on, but the Hell-Lord simply stripped him of Zarathos' curse and killed him.[128] In a sudden turn of events, Blaze revealed that he had intended to die by Mephisto's hand, since he was sent to Hell and soon usurped Mephisto's vacant throne, therefore making him the new king of Hell. Mephisto soon lost his influence over his realm and was defeated by Doctor Strange. He then tried to escape back to Hell, but was defeated by Blaze and an army of the Spirits of Vengeance. Mephisto was returned to Earth and was held captive in the top floor of Hotel Inferno, in a prison fortified by countless of magical restraints.[129]

Post-Imprisonment Imposters[]

After the real Mephisto was imprisoned in Las Vegas, lesser demons began impersonating him to influence the external world.[130] One such demon targeted the Falcon[131] and then moved on to the Champions.[132] He arrived after Spider-Man and Brawn found themselves helpless as Ms. Marvel and Viv Vision were killed during a battle with Zzzax. Driven by guilt, Spider-Man accepted Mephisto's offer to reverse time and save his teammates, unwittingly allowing a girl he saved in the previous timeline die. Mephisto watched as Miles told Kamala the truth of what happened, leading to Miles quitting the Champions until he could figure out what he really wanted to do and if he could handle the weight of being Spider-Man. He explained to a baffled Blackheart that he wanted to torture all Spider-Men as well as snuffing out the kind of hope young superheroes like Miles brought with them.[133] However, Mephisto's own comments indicate that he may have found a loophole in his imprisonment and lied to Ghost Rider about being impersonated.[134]

Mephisto (Earth-616) from Unbelievable Gwenpool Vol 1 25 001

At some point Mephisto, or someone claiming to be him, took possession of Teddy Poole. When Gwenpool and Squirrel Girl found out, they broke into Mephisto's Realm, beat up Mephisto, and rescued Teddy.[135] Another Mephisto imposter manipulated Otto Octavius into returning to his villainous Doctor Octopus persona and original body in order to defeat the Spider-Man of Earth-44145.[136]

Squadron Supreme of America[]

Mephisto - or an imposter - is also responsible for the resurrection of Phil Coulson and the creation of a new version of the Squadron Supreme, whose objective is to protect exclusively the United States, even against the Avengers.[137]

Freedom and Death[]

When the new king of Hell Johnny Blaze began capturing the various demons who were still roaming the Earth, went to Hotel Inferno and broke Mephisto out in order to have more control over his demons.[138] While on their way, Mephisto informed Blaze about Lilith intention to unite the underworlds and become its ruler. However, they were then faced by Doctor Strange.[130] After Strange failed to reason with Blaze, Johnny was then confronted by his brother Danny as the Spirit of Corruption, Sara, Wolverine, and Punisher.[139] During their confrontation, different demons arrived for Mephisto's head. Danny stabbed Johnny with his blade consuming his corruption and then Strange exorcised the remaining demonic corruption from Johnny. Following this, Johnny fully regained his mind and thanked his brother for freeing him before taking Mephisto back to his prison.[140]

While passing through New York, Mephisto and Blaze witnessed the onset of Knull's invasion of Earth. Mephisto goaded Blaze into attacking a symbiote-dragon, which he incapacitated with the help of Danny Ketch - now going by Death Rider, Sara, and Blackheart - who sought to restore Mephisto to his throne in order to prevent Lilith from taking over Hell. While Blaze was distracted, Mephisto attempted to escape but was confronted by a horde of demons escaped from Hell. The demons were taken over by the symbiote-dragon's living abyss and captured Mephisto, who was rescued by Ghost Rider, Death Rider, Sara, and Blackheart. After the symbiote-possessed demons were vanquished, Sara and Death Rider persuaded Blaze to let Mephisto reclaim his throne, to which Blaze begrudgingly obliged. As a parting gift, Mephisto captured the symbiote-dragon and promised to destroy it, but upon returning to Hell immediately reneged on his word and intended to find a means of weaponizing it for his own purposes.[141]

After both Moon Knight and Khonshu saw visions of an apocalyptic future caused by powerful demons, they stole the powers of the Prehistoric Avengers and killed Mephisto with Mjolnir.[142] After Khonshu took over the Earth, a Mephisto from a different universe arrived to punish the moon god for the crime of killing his reality's Mephisto. Khonshu killed this version of Mephisto with Mjolnir as well, only for another incarnation of Mephisto to arrive to the 616-reality.[143] Khonsu defeated Mephisto a hundred times in a day, but was ultimately more terrified of him than ever. Following the defeat of the moon god at the hands of the Avengers, Mephisto found he was unable to resurrect himself through his usual means, and - taking on the form of a demonic black dog - began devouring the family members of the individuals who had made deals with him in the past in order to gather enough energy to resurrect himself, assisted by Howard Stark.[21]

Kindred's conspiracy[]

After being able to return to his position of infernal lord, Mephisto decided to remain at the Hotel Inferno in Las Vegas due to the taste he acquired for the place and the "profitability" it afforded him. To avoid his future once more after Peter and Mary Jane reconciled and restarted their relationship, Mephisto gave the Stacy twins demonic powers and seemingly bonded them to the Osborn A.I., granting them access to all of Harry's memories. As the Kindred, Gabriel and Sarah tortured Spider-Man for months under the guise of Harry Osborn, to break Peter's spirit.[144]

Mephisto was then visited by Doctor Strange, confronting him demanding answers about his connection to Kindred and what was wrong with Peter's soul.[145] As the Sorcerer revealed that he knew Mephisto had made a deal with Peter after examining his soul, Strange demanded that he release his friend from the bargain, however, the devil declared himself incapable of doing so at the time. Mephisto instead claimed that he was not adamant about the situation and offered Strange the chance to free Peter from his deal, as long as the Sorcerer agreed to make a bet with him.[146]

After Peter manages to win the Sinister War, Mephisto regrets over not having managed to at least to take the souls of the defeated villains. As the Sorcerer asked him what will become of Spider-Man, Mephisto informed him of Peter's survival and that he should celebrate the small victories he won, as the demon had the feeling that a great imminent loss was about to afflict him.[147] Strange demanded that Mephisto stop fooling around with his games and release Peter of his agreement, but Mephisto informed the Sorcerer that the bet between them was still standing and that it was now in its final round.[148]

Mephisto explains to Strange the final round of their betting would be decided by the outcome of the final confrontation between Spider-Man and Kindred, where if the hero lost, the devil would demand the Sorcerer's soul as a cost, but if Peter prevailed, Mephisto would not only undo his agreement with him but also free Harry Osborn's soul. Strange agrees to the terms and they watch their champions fight. During the dispute, after the revelation of the existence of the two Kindreds, and the death of a clone of Harry Osborn assisting Peter, Mephisto revealed his role behind the creation of the Kindreds and his confidence that he was about to win the bet as soon as Peter's soul was totally corrupted. When everything seemed to favor the devil, in a turn of events, Strange reminded Mephisto that he was also entitled to a second champion, since the devil used two. Mephisto reprimanded him for this empty attitude, given that Harry was dead, Strange retorts to the devil that his second champion was not Harry, but actually Mary Jane, as she was Peter's lifespan. Given this, after she managed to save Peter from both death and his fall into corruption, acknowledging that he had been defeated, Mephisto withdrew his power that kept the Kindred twins' biological instability in check for failing to kill Spider-Man, with both dying shortly thereafter.[33]

With the bet over and frustrated at having lost again, Mephisto freed Harry's soul and removed his hold on Peter's soul. Strange tried to understand what the devil's fixation on Spider-Man was, leading him to partially reveal his motives in tormenting Peter, all in order to prevent him from becoming a risk for his future reign on Earth. Strange however could tell he was lying, as in actuality, it is Peter and Mary Jane's daughter who he foresaw would put an end to his reign. Mephisto concludes the matter, appealing to the Doctor he had nothing to fear for the time being given the achievements he had gained. On the way out, Doctor Strange exposes his opinion to the devil that his arrogance will ultimately ruin him, as his pride gave him only a false sense of victory and all he could have achieved by manipulating Peter's life was just a postponement of their inexorable fate, concluding that although Mephisto did everything to break Peter's strong relationship with Mary Jane, his actions ultimately only made the couple's connection unbreakable.[33]

The Council of Red[]

Mephisto teamed up with his alternate selves to form the Council of Red.[149] In order to gain the Council's trust, Mephisto made a deal with Phil Coulson. In exchange for his soul, Coulson used Mephisto's Pandemonium Cube to rewrite reality into one where the Avengers did not exist, Mephisto was worshipped as a god, Coulson was the President of the United States, and the Squadron Supreme of America were the dominant super hero team.[150] Unfortunately for them, the reality warp was not perfect: the Avengers appeared and destroyed Coulson's Cube, restoring reality. Nevertheless, Mephisto considered it all a demonstration of what one Mephisto could do and asked the Council what all of them together could accomplish.[149]

Council of Red (Multiverse) from Heroes Return Vol 1 1 002

While observing the prehistoric Avengers back in time, he encountered an alternate Doctor Doom, who dubbed himself the Doom Supreme and the Doom Above All, doing the same thing. Mephisto knew Doom's goal of killing the prehistoric Avengers to prematurely end the Age of Heroes but warned him the dangers of doing it alone. Mephisto proposed to Doom Supreme to start a team, the Multiversal Masters of Evil, and gave Doom everything he needed to kill prehistoric Avengers across the Multiverse. However, speaking for the Council of Red, he made one request to spare Earth-616 until the very end. Doom was completely aware of what the Council of Red was up to but nevertheless accepted the terms as it intrigued him.[151]

Later, Mephisto confronted Doom Supreme who entered Earth-616's present in order to hunt down Avenger Prime's interfering Deathloks. Doom argued that he had not broken their agreement, but Mephisto was not angry about that. Doom Supreme had previously killed Orb, who had absorbed the Watcher's eye, and Mephisto knew that Doom had the capability of restoring it, thus learning its secrets for himself. Doom restored the eye, took one bite out of it, and left the rest for Mephisto.[152]

Council of Red (Multiverse) from Avengers Vol 8 55 001

With the Council of Red

Some members of the Serpent Society began mass murdering civilians to summon Mephisto. Nighthawk defeated them and Avengers arrived soon after, but Mephisto was summoned anyway. Mephisto introduced the Avengers to the Council of Red and warned them that they will meet again when the last Earth falls and the Great Red Flood begins.[12]

Mephisto appeared to Agamotto in the past and mocked him. Agamotto reassembled the prehistoric Avengers in response.[153] As the modern Avengers travelled back in time to oppose Mephisto's schemes,[154] the Multiversal Masters of Evil finished ravaging the other Earths.[155] Avenger Prime left his Tower to arrive at the point where Earth-616's modern and prehistoric Avengers and the Multiversal Masters of Evil clash, but he was captured by Mephisto and the Council of Red. The Council then attacked the God Quarry,[156] seeking to rewrite all of existence through the First Firmament.[157]

Mephisto's true goal was different from his other selves. He wished for the demise of everything, including himself, by unleashing the power of the First Firmament upon the Multiverse.[158] After most of the Masters of Evil and Council of Red were defeated, he absorbed the rest of the Council and fought the Avengers at the God Quarry.[159][160] Although the God Quarry was breached, the Avengers managed to seal the hole before the Multiverse was destroyed and Mephisto was banished back to his realm.[158]


Power Grid[179]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Incalculable:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Omniscient


Mephisto is a Class Two Demon,[19] and possesses vast supernatural power, which is apparently inherent within him. He is energized by sources of evil in the human world.[161] Mephisto stated that he and his realm are one, with his power being directly connected to his realm, and diminishes over time spent away from it.[89] Therefore, he usually sends demonic agents to do his bidding. In fact, Mephisto's tremendous power has been compared to Odin's massive power.[40][162]

  • Superhuman Strength: Mephisto possesses some degree of superhuman strength. He is capable of using his magical powers to augment his strength, enabling him to lift well in excess of 100 tons.
  • Superhuman Speed: Mephisto is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Stamina: The various mystical energies flowing through Mephisto's body augments his musculature so that it generates virtually no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As a result, Mephisto possesses almost limitless superhuman stamina.
  • Invulnerability: The tissues of Mephisto's body, while similar in appearance to a human's, are considerably tougher and more resistant to injury than the tissues of a human being. Mephisto's body is virtually invulnerable to conventional injury. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, high caliber bullets, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.
  • Immortality: As a demon, Mephisto is functionally immortal. He is immune to the effects of aging and is immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. Mephisto is also beyond the need of food, water, or oxygen.
  • Regeneration: Despite his superhuman durability, it is possible to injure Mephisto. However, his unique physiology and mystical energies enable him to rapidly recover from almost any form of injury. He is capable of regenerating almost any damaged or destroyed tissue, even missing limbs.
  • Magic: Mephisto can utilize magic for various effects, among which are the augmentation of his own physical strength, levitation, teleportation, the projection of mystical energy as force blasts, invisibility, matter manipulation, image projection, size transformation of his body or other objects or beings, the creation of temporary inter-dimensional apertures, and so on.
    • Dream Walking: Mephisto can invade the dreams of others to torture them.[163]
    • Energy Projection: Mephisto can project powerful blasts of mystical energy that he can use for various effects. He can create solid constructs of his energy, such as restraints or a cage.[164]
    • Hellfire Generation: Mephisto can generate and manipulate hellfire - a demonic form of fire that is incredibly destructive. He commonly emits this flame from his body, even when not using his powers.[89]
      • Hellfire Projection: Mephisto can project powerful blasts of hellfire. In a battle with Galactus, Mephisto projected his hellfire on a massive scale, matching Galactus' output. The combination of the two beings energy was powerful enough to destroy planets and cause galaxies to tremble.[165]
      • Hellfire Breath: Mephisto can spew a powerful stream of flames from his mouth.[142]
      • Heat Generation: Mephisto can fire blasts of heat-based energy, capable of melting Iceman.[64] He was also able to melt Mjolnir with his hand, on contact.[166]
      • Fire Immunity: Mephisto is immune to the effects of fire and cannot be harmed by it.
    • Illusions: Mephisto is capable of casting various illusions at will, to fool or confuse opponents.[167]
    • Matter Manipulation: Mephisto can use magic to instantly create objects at will.[89]
    • Precognition: Through a magical ritual, Mephisto is able to see the past and possible futures of those who wish to take souls. He can also see his own future.[33]
    • Summoning: Mephisto can summon his demonic minions at will, and can even instantly summon any person he wishes.[64]
    • Telekinesis: Mephisto can use magic to telekinetically manipulate the movement of objects or people.[11]
    • Telepathy: Mephisto is capable of completely draining a person's mind of memories, and even altering people's memories on a universal scale.[36][100]
    • Teleportation: Mephisto can teleport to and from his realm at will.[64]
    • Time Manipulation: Mephisto can use magic to manipulate the flow of time for various effects.
      • Time Reversal: Mephisto can use his power to reverse time back to the past at will.[168]
      • Time Stopping: Mephisto can stop time around himself at will, while still being able to move around normally. He can even exclude certain people from his time manipulation.[169]
  • Appearance Alteration: Mephisto can take any form that he wants. He usually takes the appearance of a male, red skinned humanoid with vampiric aspect and attire. However, Mephisto can appear in any form imaginable, having turning himself into animals, humans of any gender, or more commonly into other demonic forms, ranging from a stereotypical image of Satan to a giant reptilian monster. Mephisto briefly turned into a inconceivable incarnation of evil with numerous misshapen images within him.
    • Animal Form: Mephisto can take the form of any animal he wishes, often taking the form of a snake. He took form of a snake to trick Eve and Adam into partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, as well as when creating the prehistoric Ghost Rider.[14][23]
    • Size Increase: Mephisto can also enlarge himself to intimidate and easily defeat his enemies.
  • Necromancy: Mephisto can capture and detain the souls of recently deceased human beings, however he does not have jurisdiction over all the souls of humanity's recently deceased. It is not yet known what the prerequisite conditions are for him to be able to manipulate a human soul, nor are the precise means by which he accomplishes the feat known. Apparently these conditions require that the human being in question willingly agree to submit to Mephisto's will. It is not known how a human being may free himself from bondage to Mephisto (although Johnny Blaze apparently did), nor whether Mephisto will forever retain control of the souls he has obtained. Nor is it known whether or not Mephisto "feeds" on the psychic energies of such souls as other demons do.
    • Resurrection: Mephisto stated that in certain instances he can bring people back from the dead.
  • Power Bestowal: Mephisto possesses power over Spirits of Vengeance and can bond them with a human host, empowering them as a Ghost Rider.[23]
  • Reality Warping: Mephisto is able to alter and manipulate certain aspects of reality with the permission of the one involved, however he states that there are certain aspects of reality he is not allowed to touch. He was able to create the realities Earth-7161 and Earth-71241 by creating a small alteration in the Earth-616 reality.[11] As part of a deal with Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, Mephisto wove the Earth-81545 reality into Earth-616.[100] However, this ability does not seem to be completely permanent, as some changed aspects of the life of Peter and Mary Jane were later undone.
    • Mystical Deal: Through a Faustian bargain, Mephisto is able to fulfill almost any wish that someone wants in exchange for something that they have - usually their souls. Once the agreement is sealed, it is virtually impossible for the victim to escape compliance. Mephisto can then use this deal to keep his victims always under his control, being able to even prevent them from remembering they made a deal with him, although the victims will still be able to recall vaguely that. Generally, only Mephisto himself can undo his deals with his victims, although depending on the nature and terms of the deal they made, victims have the ability to free themselves on their own.
    • Mystic Bet: Similar to their Faustian deals, Mephisto can make a sort of magical bet on the outcome of how an event will turn out. If he wins, Mephisto can demand what he wants from his victim, however, if the devil loses, he is obligated to give what the winner of the bet asks of him, even if it means undoing his deals.
  • Penance Stare Immunity: Ghost Rider's Penance Stare doesn't affect Mephisto; to the contrary, it makes him stronger, due to that power making its victim relive all of its misdeeds at once, as well as the fact that he has no soul.
  • Cosmic Awareness: Mephisto can look into the infinite alternate realities of the multiverse at will.[100]
    • Medium Awareness: Mephisto possesses an unknown degree of medium awareness, able to pause a battle between himself, Doctor Strange, and Victor von Doom to monologue to the reader of the comic.[170]
  • Dimensional Entrapment: As the ruler of his realm, Mephisto can entrap a living human being within his realm through sheer physical force, even if the person did not submit his or her will to him. The woman named Topaz was thus entrapped until her recent escape.
  • Avatar Creation: Mephisto could use the vermin he controlled to form an avatar for himself.[171]


Mephisto is an experienced and highly skilled liar and strategist. He is also a highly skilled sorcerer with near infinite knowledge of arcane and occult subjects.


Despite his immense power, Mephisto does have several significant limitations. He is unable to force the subjugation of any sentient beings will to his own without that being's deliberate submission. Likewise, he cannot make the same kind of deal with the same person he has done before. Moreover, Mephisto cannot directly affect beings from other realities, as he cannot harm the Norman Osborn from Earth-44145 by claiming he was outside his jurisdiction. He is also incapable of reading the thoughts of any sentient being. Mephisto's powers are linked with his extra-dimensional realm and his powers rapidly decrease the longer he is away from his realm. As a result, he typically uses or manipulates others into performing whatever plan he has in mind. Also, despite continuously trying to get any noble soul to his realm and possession, he must need to corrupt them first, or otherwise, he himself will be, ironically, injured in the process. In fact, in the event that Mephisto is usurped from his position, incapacitated or even destroyed to the point of being unable to reestablish, all his mystical actions, including his deals with their victims, began to crumble and fall apart. This also seems to apply to their victims, as their agreements will also lose effect and break if their deaths were not predetermined in terms of the pact they established with Mephisto.



A crystal that held Zarathos. The Pandemonium Cube.


Interdimensional teleportation using his own powers.


  • As stated above, many powerful demons, Mephisto included, have claimed or played off the name of Satan. Despite this, no single one has ever been confirmed to be the true "Satan" and overlord of all evil.[6] This seemingly contradicts a previous editorial reply in the The Hammer Strike letters page that stated, "Mephisto and Satan, however difficult as it may be for you to accept at first, are one and the same character."[172]
  • Mephisto was one of the characters featured in the series of Marvel Value Stamps issued in the 1970's.
  • Whether Mephisto was responsible for Johnny Blaze becoming the Ghost Rider has been the subject of numerous retcons over the years. Satan (Lucifer) was originally the entity responsible, but this was later retconned into being Mephisto pretending to be Satan. Lucifer was re-retconned into being responsible in Ghost Rider (Vol. 6), but this has been disregarded by subsequent storylines such as Damnation - which depict Mephisto as being behind not only Johnny Blaze's transformation into Ghost Rider, but all the Spirits of Vengeance.
  • Mephisto seems to have a hatred towards all Spider-Men.[133] This can be evident as shown when Mephisto started to torment Peter Parker, after his deal with Patient Zero,[173] cursing Agent Venom and his symbiote with a Hell-Mark,[174] also tormenting Ben Reilly[175] and Miles Morales, and turning Otto Octavius back to his original self.[176] This hatred may be due to seeing a future in which he ruled over Earth but had his kingdom overthrown by the daughter of Peter Parker or Peter himself.[33]
  • In the modern era Mephisto focuses on famine relief, disease control, and other global charity work. People who die after brief, miserable lives receive "a direct pass upstairs", he says; by helping them live longer and better lives, he increases the odds that they will commit sins that will send them to Hell.[112]


  • Mephisto has sometimes taken the form of his son Blackheart, but red in color.[89][177][178] However, it could also be that when Mephisto created Blackheart he modeled him after himself.

See Also

Links and References


  1. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1 ; Mephisto's entry
  3. Loki: Agent of Asgard #4
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Avengers (Vol. 8) #31
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #16
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Journey Into Mystery #627
  7. Thanos vs. Hulk #1
  8. Infinity Entity #4
  9. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #9
  10. Hellcat #3
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 11.21 11.22 11.23 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 11.29 11.30 Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #41
  12. 12.0 12.1 Avengers (Vol. 8) #55
  13. Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic #8
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Spirits of Ghost Rider: Mother of Demons #1
  15. 15.0 15.1 Nightcrawler (Vol. 3) #12
  16. Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities #1 ; Angels' entry
  17. 17.0 17.1 Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #45
  18. Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #44
  19. 19.0 19.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1
  20. Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Avengers (Vol. 8) #38
  22. Bible Tales for Young Folk #1
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Avengers (Vol. 8) #7
  24. Avengers (Vol. 8) #13
  25. 25.0 25.1 Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #1
  26. 26.0 26.1 Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #2
  27. Warheads #1
  28. 28.0 28.1 Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #8
  29. 29.0 29.1 Silver Surfer #8
  30. 30.0 30.1 Mephisto Vs.... #1
  31. Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1
  32. Cloak and Dagger (Vol. 3) #18
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #74
  34. Silver Surfer #34
  35. Silver Surfer #9
  36. 36.0 36.1 Silver Surfer #16
  37. Silver Surfer #17
  38. Silver Surfer (Vol. 2) #1
  39. Thor #180
  40. 40.0 40.1 Thor #181
  41. Thor #204
  42. Thor #205
  43. Marvel Comics Super Special #1
  44. Astonishing Tales #8
  45. Marvel Spotlight #56
  46. Marvel Spotlight #78
  47. Marvel Spotlight #9
  48. Marvel Spotlight #11
  49. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #1
  50. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #2
  51. Marvel Spotlight #12
  52. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #3
  53. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #57
  54. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #8
  55. Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #911
  56. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #72
  57. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #1516
  58. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #17
  59. Thor Annual #10
  60. Thor #325
  61. Secret Wars II #7
  62. West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #9
  63. Fantastic Four Annual #20
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 Mephisto Vs.... #2
  65. Mephisto Vs.... #3
  66. Mephisto Vs.... #4
  67. Silver Surfer Annual #2
  68. Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #6
  69. X-Factor #253
  70. Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #68
  71. Avengers: West Coast #51
  72. Avengers: West Coast #52
  73. Young Avengers Presents #3
  74. Young Avengers #11
  75. Devil's Reign ½: Silver Surfer / Witchblade
  76. Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer #1
  77. Cyblade/Ghost Rider #1
  78. Ghost Rider/Ballistic #1
  79. Ballistic/Wolverine #1
  80. Wolverine/Witchblade #1
  81. 81.0 81.1 Witchblade/Elektra #1
  82. Silver Surfer/Weapon Zero #1
  83. Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #93
  84. 84.0 84.1 Alpha Flight (Vol. 2) #16
  85. Spider-Man #93
  86. Nighthawk #1
  87. Nighthawk #2
  88. Nighthawk #3
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.3 89.4 Black Panther (Vol. 3) #2
  90. Black Panther (Vol. 3) #34
  91. Black Panther (Vol. 3) #5
  92. Black Panther (Vol. 3) #35
  93. Hellcat #1
  94. Thunderbolts 2000 #1
  95. Hellcat #23
  96. Magik #2
  97. Captain Britain and MI13 Annual #1
  98. X-Men Unlimited #37
  99. Spectacular Spider-Man #200
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 100.4 Amazing Spider-Man #545
  101. X-Infernus #1
  102. X-Men: Manifest Destiny Nightcrawler #1
  103. Dark Avengers #10
  104. Dark Avengers #1112
  105. Siege: Loki #1
  106. Thor #611
  107. Thor #612
  108. Thor #613
  109. Thor #614
  110. New Mutants (Vol. 3) #29
  111. New Mutants (Vol. 3) #30
  112. 112.0 112.1 New Mutants (Vol. 3) #37
  113. New Mutants (Vol. 3) #41
  114. New Mutants (Vol. 3) #43
  115. New Mutants (Vol. 3) #50
  116. Venom (Vol. 2) #13
  117. Venom (Vol. 2) #13.3
  118. Venom (Vol. 2) #13.4
  119. X-Factor #256
  120. Thunderbolts (Vol. 2) #21
  121. Thunderbolts (Vol. 2) #22
  122. Venom (Vol. 2) #41
  123. Venom (Vol. 2) #42
  124. Doctor Strange #389
  125. Doctor Strange: Damnation #1
  126. Doctor Strange #386
  127. Doctor Strange: Damnation #2
  128. Doctor Strange: Damnation #3
  129. Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
  130. 130.0 130.1 Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #5
  131. Falcon (Vol. 2) #5
  132. Champions (Vol. 3) #2
  133. 133.0 133.1 Champions (Vol. 3) #4
  134. Valkyrie: Jane Foster #5
  135. Unbelievable Gwenpool #25
  136. Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #1112
  137. Avengers (Vol. 8) #18
  138. Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #34
  139. Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #67
  140. Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #7
  141. King in Black: Ghost Rider #1
  142. 142.0 142.1 Avengers (Vol. 8) #34
  143. Avengers (Vol. 8) #35
  144. Information deduced from the readings of the Kindred's appearances throughout Nick Spencer's run on Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5), most notably issues #30-31 (Absolute Carnage tie-ins), issues #50-54 (Last Remains story arc), and issues #71-74 (Sinister War tie-ins and finale).
  145. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #60
  146. Sinister War #1
  147. Sinister War #4
  148. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #73
  149. 149.0 149.1 Heroes Return #1
  150. Heroes Reborn (Vol. 2) #7
  151. Avengers (Vol. 8) #50
  152. Avengers (Vol. 8) #54
  153. Avengers (Vol. 8) #62
  154. Avengers (Vol. 8) #5562
  155. Avengers: Forever (Vol. 2) #11
  156. Avengers Assemble Alpha #1
  157. Avengers: Forever (Vol. 2) #12
  158. 158.0 158.1 Avengers Assemble Omega #1
  159. Avengers (Vol. 8) #66
  160. Avengers: Forever (Vol. 2) #15
  161. Fantastic Four #227
  162. Thunderstrike #15
  163. Books of Doom #3
  164. Guardians of the Galaxy #49
  165. Silver Surfer: Judgment Day #1
  166. Thor Annual #13
  167. Thor #310
  168. Champions (Vol. 2) #2
  169. Incredible Hulk #418
  170. Infamous Iron Man #12
  171. Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #5
  172. Thor #227
  173. Spider-Man/Deadpool #5
  174. Venom (Vol. 2) #14
  175. Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #1523
  176. Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #11
  177. Doctor Doom #3
  178. Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #3
  179. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 7