Marvel Database

Personal History

She was born in the borough of Brooklyn.

Professional History

Mimi Gold’s career as a writer in comics was very short, but definitely worthy of recognition as one of the industry’s first female super-hero scribes. She had been a recent graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, where she studied genre film and production under graduate assistant Martin Scorsese, when a comic-loving classmate encouraged her to go out on a blind date with artist Jim Steranko. It was on a date to ComiCon, in its early digs at New York’s Statler Hilton, that Steranko introduced her to Stan Lee, in the summer of ‘69. Marvel’s publisher was desperately in need of a secretary, and within a couple of days, Mimi was ensconced behind a desk in Marvel’s bullpen. Mimi was instrumental in obtaining a U.S. work visa for Barry Windsor-Smith. She soon moved to the position of assistant editor, and it wasn’t long before the writer in her sought an outlet. A series of stories bearing her name saw print over the next two years: “Put Another Nickel In,” from Chamber of Darkness #6; “Dead Ringer!” from Where Monsters Dwell #15, and “The Greatest Magician of All” from Fear #9; all horror anthology tales, while her super-hero credits included a ten-page Black Widow story from Amazing Adventures #4 titled “Deadlock”, and the full-length Iron Man tale, “Save the People, Save the Country,” Iron Man #29. Aside from her administrative duties she regularly colored many superhero books including The Hulk, Captain America, Daredevil, Spiderman and Iron Man as well as most of the first thirteen issues of Conan the Barbarian. She left her staff job to become a freelance colorist for Marvel. After several months, she moved to the production department of DC in 1972, working for Jack Adler and Sol Harrison. She once again moved to assistant editor on romance titles and Lois Lane. Almost a year later, she left comics, editing for McGraw-Hill and other publishing companies, followed by a long career in travel and tourism public relations. She is currently a partner/screenwriter in an independent film production company.

Work History



See p. 116 of "Streetwise" edited by Cooke & Morrow

See Also

Links and References

