Marvel Database


After the Avengers were killed by the Absorbing Man in Washington, D.C., Tony Stark created the Iron Avengers, robots based on the deceased Avengers, on the behalf of President Norman Osborn. Monolith was based on Hank Pym, aka Giant-Man. It was a robot armed with Iron Man technology that could mimic Pym's giant size and strength, as well as being programmed with the original's personality. The Iron Avengers operated under the leadership of the Vision, the sole survivor of the Avengers massacre. They would serve as the first line of defense for President Osborn and New York City. Their primary task was to purge the Hydra parasites that infested the streets, and would aid Thor in fighting off Frost Giants brought to Earth by Loki.[2][3]

When the Skull invaded New York, the Iron Avengers were dispatched to try and stop his invasion. However, they were easily destroyed. Following the defeat of the Skull, King Britain ordered an army of Iron Avengers be made to protect the world following a number of global crises. Among the army of Iron Men created were a number based on Monolith. They would be led by the Black Knight and aid in his attempt to liberate Magneto who was enslaved by the Toad when the two briefly swapped powers. Later, a number of the Monolith models would defend New York from the resurrected Absorbing Man, and later would attend the wedding of King Britain and Medusa. The Monolith model robots were last seen accompanying Iron Maiden into space to free the Eternals.[4][5][6]

A Monolith robot also was present during the wedding of King Britain and Medusa.

See Also

Links and References

