Marvel Database


Little is detailed about Mysterio's life before the zombie plague arrived on Earth-2149, however it can be presumed that it followed much the same path as Mysterio of Earth-616.

Mysterio appears as one of the zombie members of the Sinister Six who appear to attack Wolverine and Magneto as they aid various people in taking shelter on a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.[1]

Though his ultimate fate is unknown, it can be presumed that he was fried when the Power Cosmic Zombies tested out their new powers.



  • Beck was a master of make-up, physical stunt work, mechanical and visual special effects. He knew basic psychiatry and could employ hypnotism successfully. He also learned a great deal of applied chemistry, especially the use of hallucinogens, and electronics. Beck was a meticulous planner and organizer, and a skilled actor who kept himself in top physical form.



  • Mysterio (in any incarnation) has personal weaponry that include a one-way acrylic glass helmet (with 30 minute air supply) and holographic projector, and gloves and boots armed with nozzles which emit hallucinogenic gas. He developed a gas that can cancel Spider-Man's spider-sense, and when he is cloaked in his mist gases, he uses sonar to detect objects and beings nearby. He also has more advanced technology (not of his own design) at his disposal.

See Also

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