Marvel Database

Quote1 Do you know, I believe I'm salivating for the first time in a century. Yes, there's a distinct craving for the flesh of a king. Dark Elf, it turns out I am peckish after all. Where is this golden knight you speak of? Quote2


Sadurang was an Asgardian Dragon and a powerful sorcerer. He studied under Dormammu, and prided himself in being allegedly his favored student. Fueled by greed, Sadurang hoarded many riches, including powerful artifacts like Agamotto's Eye of Power.

War of the Realms[]

After centuries of slumber in a cave in the Snowstone Mountains of Jotunheim, Sadurang was approached by the Dark Elf king Malekith the Accursed in preparation for his attack on Midgard during the War of the Realms. Malekith asked Sadurang to destroy the Avenger Iron Man for him due to the Dark Elves' weakness to iron. Sadurang agreed, motivated by Malekith's promises that his target was rich.

Sadurang (Earth-616) from Tony Stark Iron Man Vol 1 12 002

Sadurang in human form

Sadurang appeared at the Stark Unlimited HQ in human form demanding to see Stark and his mounds of gold. When a guard tried to force him to leave, Sadurang killed him. A security team was dispatched, prompting Sadurang to revert to his dragon form and scorch them with his fire breath. He proceeded to climb to the side of the building to call out for Stark. Sadurang's sheer presence unwittingly caused the systems of Stark Unlimited to become corrupted with his magic. Since Iron Man was away, Sadurang was attacked by Jim Rhodes in the Manticore, as well as Dr. Shapiro in a battle armor. Sadurang overpowered them both, but Iron Man arrived, and the dragon was subsequently overwhelmed by Stark's robots and his allies and retreated.[1]

The dragon attacked the New York Stock Exchange and killed everyone inside under the impression that Stark's fortune was being guarded there. Iron Man's suit became infected with Sadurang's magic, causing it to transmute into a magical armor. Stark attempted to pursue Sadurang, but he was overpowered and mocked for his failings. Iron Man managed to scrape by using magic, and fled to discard his transmuted suit. Sadurang gave chase, but was distracted long enough by Stark's girlfriend and ally, the Wasp, to allow him to change into the Iron Man Armor Model 1. The armor's focus on brute strength combined with its primitive technology, meaning it couldn't become corrupted by Sadurang's magic, gave Iron Man the edge necessary to defeat the dragon and knock him unconscious.[4]

Savage Avengers[]

After Malekith's invasion of Midgard was thwarted,[5] Sadurang fled to the town of Bruges, Belgium to rest. Anyone who disturbed him was instantly incinerated with his fire breath. Needing the Eye of Agamotto in Sadurang's possession, Doctor Strange sent Magik, Conan, Juggernaut, and Black Knight to retrieve it.

While Conan and Black Knight distracted Sadurang, Magik teleported Juggernaut high into the air so he could crash into the dragon with great force. Sadurang withstood the powerful blow, but was forced to change into his human form. Magik, Conan, and Black Knight then surrounded him.[6] Sadurang, however, was able to turn back into a dragon and continued fighting. Magik was able to revert Sadurang to his human form with her Soulsword after Conan exposed a vulnerable spot on the dragon. She decided not to kill Sadurang, teleporting him to Limbo instead so he could rest undisturbed there. After willingly giving up the Eye, Sadurang went on to sleep. Before returning to Earth, Magik promised to Sadurang that she would fetch him once he had awakened and that the Eye would be returned to him.[3]


Sadurang (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 6 1 001

Sadurang in god-snake form

Back on Earth and with the Eye of Power back in his possession, Sadurang shapeshifted into a feathered serpent and slept on top of the Pyramid of the Sun, in Teotihuacan. He was consequently confronted by the X-Men, who feared for the well-being of the town nearby if he stayed there. During their battle, Sadurang was blinded by Wolverine (Logan) and Rogue, enabling Gambit to steal the Eye of Power. He menaced to destroy the artifact if Sadurang did not cease his attacks, thus forcing the dragon to surrender. Gambit subsequently convinced Sadurang to go to Antarctica and not eat anyone for a whole year, promising to return the Eye if the dragon met said conditions. Before flying to his destination, Sadurang warned the X-Men of something ruinous that awaited in their future: the "Endling".[2]


Sadurang is vain and prideful. He is motivated purely by greed; having agreed to help Malekith kill Iron Man for his promised riches. Sadurang has little care for others, and is prone to threatening or outright murdering anybody that disturbs him.[7]



Magic: Sadurang is a powerful sorcerer who trained under Dormammu's tutelage.[1] The dragon's sheer presence caused the systems of Stark Unlimited to become corrupted with magic, and it caused Iron Man's armor to transmute.[4]

Shapeshifting: Sadurang is capable of changing into many forms, including that of a human,[1] a feathered serpent, and an ice drake.[2]

Fire Breath: Sadurang can release a powerful stream of fire from his mouth, instantly scorching defenseless victims.[1]

Superhuman Durability: Sadurang possessed a very high degree of durability, allowing him to withstand harsh blows and not be seriously injured.[4][6]


Sadurang isn't resistant to his own flames. He is also vulnerable to magical forces like magic from Cyttorak and weapons that can counteract magic like the Soulsword.

His dragon form is costly in energy, and Sadurang needs to rest over weeks to recharge his Chi.[3]



Formerly Agamotto's Eye of Power.


  • According to Gail Simone, "Sadurang appears in different parts of the world representing their dragons or monsters from that particular area. So that's why Sadurang looks like [a feathered, winged serpent] in [Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 6) #1]."[8]


See Also

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