Marvel Database


Ant-Man's history is presumably similar to his Earth-616 counterpart's. When the super-powered machine called the Unmaker began causing devastation across the globe, Lang aided civilians that were caught in the devastation. The Unmaker was eventually defeated, but a portal left open by Doctor Strange unleashed an EMP that devastated technology all over the world. The EMP shorted out Lang's equipment while he was enlarged, leaving him stuck giant-sized.[1]

Scott Lang (Earth-80763) from Dark Ages Vol 1 1 001

Ant-Man shortly before the blackout

Lang survived the chaos that followed but remained stuck in his giant size. Years later, civilization rebuilt itself, and Lang joined forces with Fin Fang Foom to form the Guardians of the Port to defend people travelving the world's oceans from various threats. When a ship nearing Portugal was attacked by the Ghost Raiders, Lang and Foom came to its rescue and took the Raiders out.[2] Lang later attended the funeral for Nick Fury, Jr.[3]



Formerly those of the Scott Lang of Earth-616.



See Also

Links and References

