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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of the Battle at the PRIDE Construction Site, see the Battle at the PRIDE Construction Site's Event Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated as "Gibborim Escape".

The Battle at the PRIDE Construction Site was a conflict between the Gibborim Magistrate and Chase Stein and his allies in which the Magistrate successfully escaped Earth.


The Gibborim Magistrate became trapped on Earth where his ship was. He began working on a plan to get the ship back.[2] Meanwhile, Chase Stein began developing a pair of weaponized gloves called Fistigons alongside his father, Victor Stein. Victor became angry with Chase and turned the Fistigons on him, resulting in a sequence of events[3] that led Chase to try to prevent the Magistrate from escaping.[2]


Chase Stein and his allies attempted to prevent the destruction that would be caused by the Magistrate's Ship leaving.[2] However, Stein failed,[3] and the Magistrate boarded his ship and took off. This caused severe earthquakes in Los Angeles,[2] leading to mass destruction in Los Angeles as buildings fell apart.[4]



Chase Stein sends a message to Victor Stein

Chase Stein witnessed the damage caused by the Magistrate's Ship and grew up. He sent a message to the past, apologizing to his father for his part in their relationship and attempting to prevent the destruction by warning his father not to use the Fistigons. Although the past version of his father did not heed the warning,[3] that version of Stein and his allies managed to prevent their timeline from having a similar fate.[5]

