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"Ulysses Bloodstone fights a Sasquatch also known as "Big Foot" in British Columbia."
―Book of Bloodstone[src]

Sasquatches are beasts that live in the Canadian wilderness which are also known as Big Foot.


Battle with Bloodstone[]


Ulysses Bloodstone using the Bloodstone against a Sasquatch

A Sasquatch, who was in a forest in British Columbia, was hunted by Ulysses Bloodstone, a monster hunter who carried the Bloodstone. The Sasquatch faced off against Bloodstone, and Bloodstone used the gem against the Sasquatch to weaken it. This Sasquatch was later slain by Bloodstone, with its head being cut off and mounted on a wall in the Bloodstone Manor, along with a painting of its slaying, where it remained through 2025.[2]

Characteristic Traits[]

Sasquatches are large humanoid creatures with hairy bodies that sport both blackish brown and white fur, as well as slightly elongated front canine teeth.


Appearances for Sasquatches
In chronological order:


  • In folklore, Bigfoots, also known as Sasquatches, are large and hairy human-like mythical creature purported to inhabit across forests in North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.[3]
  • In the comics, Sasquatches are humanoid beasts that roam the forests of British Columbia.



External Links[]
