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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
It's Inspired
"Oh, Phastos, it's inspired!"
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story "inspired" by the canon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is thus not considered official canon.

The Gluten Free Organic Wraps Truck is a food truck owned by Gluten Free Organic Wraps.


Cadre planted one of its own workers in a Gluten Free Organic Wraps truck as part of their attempt to kill Sana Amanat. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff noticed the truck as Rogers pointed out that he used to be paid to sell newspapers at that corner. Romanoff then pointed out that the truck was there, and Rogers commented on the changing times.

When Amanat and her car drove near the truck, the Cadre operative jumped out of the truck as part of the attack. However, he was thwarted by Rogers.[1]

