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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated as "History Altered by Chronicoms".

"I was just abducted by aliens!"
"Looks like we've got a live one."
"You have to believe me! I saw their spaceship! And, and I'm pretty sure they were communists! From the future!"
Gerald Sharpe and Madge[src]

The Kidnapping of Gerald Sharpe was a successful attempt by S.H.I.E.L.D. to abduct Gerald Sharpe and extract the information about Project Helius from him.


"In 1955, there was a classified project at Area 51 called Helius. It could be what they're after."
Phil Coulson[src]

Upon arriving in an alternate 1955, S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered that the Chronicoms would be looking to use Helius from Area 51. S.H.I.E.L.D. researched the area and learned about United States Department of Defense member Gerald Sharpe. They went to Flying Rocket Diner, where they knew he would be getting coffee.[2]


Daisy drugs Sharpe

Daisy Johnson drugs Gerald Sharpe

As Gerald Sharpe entered the Flying Rocket Diner, he loudly demanded coffee and was brought a cup by Madge. When he asked for creamer, Daisy Johnson put a drug in the creamer at her table and offered it to him. He accepted and drank his coffee, allowing for the drugs to take effect.

Sharpe was taken to Zephyr One, where a tent was set up to avoid letting him see the future technology. While a Life-Model Decoy of Phil Coulson took Sharpe's identification and left for Area 51 along with Jemma Simmons, Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez began interrogating him. Sharpe refused to give information to Mackenzie and Rodriguez, who he believed to be communists. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents asked him to tell them who had access to Area 51, informing him that lives were at stake, and Sharpe said offensive things to both of them about their race and about Rodriguez's gender. Sharpe then announced himself as a military veteran who wrote the handbook on torture, somebody who they would not be able to break.

Rodriguez later tried to interrogate Sharpe again, this time accompanied by Melinda May. However, Sharpe made a racist comment toward May, causing her to want to attack him, only being held back by Rodriguez. When May, Rodriguez, and Mackenzie discussed their mutual failures, they realized that Deke Shaw, who was white, might be able to get him to talk.

Shaw tries interrogating Sharpe

Deke Shaw interrogates Gerald Sharpe

Shaw entered the tent where Sharpe was being held and pretended to be from the United States government, claiming that Mackenzie, Rodriguez, and May were part of a test to see if he would give up the information. Shaw then proceeded to ask who had access to Area 51, but Shaw said that he would have to be a moron to tell Shaw. He ranted to Shaw about how the Helius didn't work, causing Shaw to realize that the Chronicoms planned to make it explode by sacrificing one of their own just as Enoch did powering the Time Di'Alla in his future.[2]


"Earthling. You will not reveal what you've seen here today, or the next time we abduct you... you will be... probed."
Alphonso Mackenzie to Gerald Sharpe[src]

Deke Shaw told Alphonso Mackenzie, Melinda May, and Yo-Yo Rodriguez about his revelation, and May and Rodriguez went to Area 51 disguised as pilots in order to find the Chronicoms and stop their plan. They sent tear gas into the research lab and identified the Chronicom, but were unable to stop her from reaching the Helius. While Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, and Phil Coulson shut down the reactor, May and Rodriguez stopped the Chronicom.

Shaw watches Mackenzie in amusement

S.H.I.E.L.D. preserve the timeline

However, while Mackenzie and Shaw were monitoring the situation from the bride, Sharpe managed to escape his bindings and found himself confused in an unfamiliar environment. Mackenzie offered to explain before knocking him out, remarking that he'd rather not. Afterwards, Mackenzie and Shaw drop Sharpe off in the desert not far from the diner where he was abducted. When Sharpe regained consciousness, the duo piloted a Quinjet to masquerade as a UFO. With the craft's cockpit rendered opaque, Mackenzie warned Sharpe not to tell anyone of what he had witnessed on the Zephyr on threat of probing, before taking off. A terrified Sharpe then burst Flying Rocket Diner, claiming to have been abducted by communist aliens from the future.[2]

