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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Angry Prescod
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The subject of this article belongs to an installment of the MCU that has conflicting statements regarding its canon status. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"There are so many things we have to catch up on."
―Marduk Kurios to Kthara[src]

Marduk Kurios is a powerful demon, and the father of Daimon and Ana Helstrom. He was also a serial killer who ran into trouble when his wife found out, although she never did anything about it. Marduk often brought his daughter gifts and eventually kidnapped her where they spent months together while he killed more victims before Ana finally escaped. Years later, Marduk returned to get his other daughter, Lily, leaving with her.


Serial Killer[]

Marrying Victoria Helstorm[]

The demon Marduk Kurios had a daughter named Lily, although the two became separated.[2] He became a serial killer throughout the years, killing many young people. At one point, he killed two college students by burning them alive, such that police at first believed it to be a hazing gone wrong. Among these kills was a woman named Rebecca Torres, whom he had kidnapped four days prior to a family reunion and abandoned her corpse. He also killed an architect, leaving behind only the victim's cufflinks.[3]

Helstrom Family Photo Instagram Promo

A redacted Helstrom with his family

He met a woman named Victoria, and the two began talking. Kurios made a strong impression on Victoria with his presence filling the room, and he charmed her with his kindness despite being a serial killer. Whenever Victoria sensed a flicker of darkness in Kurios, he quickly became the friendly, charming guy she had met, and she remained ignorant. The couple had two children, Daimon and Ana, and Victoria eventually figured out who he was. However, Victoria realized that she only learned the truth because Kurios wanted her to, and that she could not escape him.[4] Hesitant to allow herself to have kids with a demon, Victoria tried to abort Daimon by drinking cheap alcohol, although her plan failed and Daimon and Ana were born healthily as demon/human hybrids.[3]


Helstrom fishes with his daughter

When Ana was eight years old, Kurios killed someone who owned an emerald green pin. He returned to the home with the pin and gave it to his daughter, saying that he had gotten it especially for her. However, Victoria realized the probable origin of the gift, so she slapped it out of her daughter's hand, causing her to cry.[5] Kurios continued bringing home gifts for Ana, which she kept in a box gifted to her by Victoria, unaware of the true origin of the gifts.[6]

Kurios told Victoria that he saw a lot of himself in Ana, adding to her torment. However, Victoria kept herself strong by reminding herself that she also gave Ana plenty of her own traits.[4] The Helstrom family lived in various houses, with one in particular being Daimon's favorite. Whenever Kurios was home, he helped Daimon with his homework and took him to his Little League games.[7]

Kidnapping of Ana Helstrom[]


Kurios attempting to cut Daimon Helstrom

Kurios decided he was going to bring his daughter, Ana, with him as he set out to kill more people.[3] He approached Ana and tried to set her on fire, saying that she would survive because she was special. He grabbed Ana, despite shouts from Daimon and Victoria Helstrom to stop. Ana eventually broke free[2] and ran into their house's basement. Daimon Helstrom tried to protect her, although Kurios used a knife capable of harming demons against his son, carving a symbol into his chest.[3] However, Daimon pushed the knife to the side and broke it in two.[7]

Ana in Car

Kurios driving away with Ana Helstrom

With Daimon too hurt to get up and stop him, Kurios approached Ana, who sat in the corner with her hands over her ears. Meanwhile, Victoria Helstrom attempted to stop Kurios, trying to push him. The two briefly pushed against each other until Kurios pushed Victoria to the ground, marking her for possession. Kurios continued to approach Ana.[3] He left part of his blade behind for Daimon, planning to give the other half to Ana, so that the two could live up to his legacy and continue it, fulfilling the potential he saw in them.[7]

Murders on the Road[]

Disposing Body

Kurios disposes of a body

While with Ana Helstrom, Kurios continued to kill people. There was one instance in which Ana sat in the backseat of Kurios' car while Kurios took the corpse of one of his victims out of the trunk. He dragged the body into the woods while Ana watched from inside the car.[5] Another time, Kurios dumped the body into Willamette River at night, and was seen by a few witnesses with Ana.[3] Another incident involved Zoe Richards, when Kurios had Ana pretend to be lost so that she would help her. Kurios then kidnapped and tortured her, setting her on fire. He and Ana left Richards, believing her to be dead, although she survived.[8]


Marduk is stabbed by Ana Helstrom

Feeling guilt about letting his sister get taken, Daimon Helstrom attempted to kill himself, although Kurios learned about this and stopped him. He assured the boy that he would always be his son before safely releasing him into the water.[2] Kurios eventually tried to let Ana torture one of the girls he had kidnapped, but she instead stabbed him in the leg and fled. He caught up to Ana and put his hand around her mouth,[9] burying her in the ground so that she could experience true pain and suffering, assuring her that she would survive.[2] Some time later, Kurios's body was found dead and cremated. However, Kurios himself survived.[8]

Return to Earth[]

Reunited with Kthara[]


Kurios walks away with Lily

Kurios returned to Earth after Lily had been reborn in a new form. He went up to Kthara and Chris Yen and expressed satisfaction at Yen being the new Keeper Demon. Yen told Lily to run, although Kurios expressed surprise that Yen had called her "Kthara," realizing that it was a fake name. He helped her remember her real name and that he was her father, and Kurios asked to take her. Yen refused to allow it, so Kurios began killing nearby people. Yen hesitantly handed Kthara over, and Kurios walked away, continuing to kill people. He told Kthara that they would meet her brother and sister.[2]


To be added

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Demon Physiology: To be added
    • Shapeshifting: To be added


  • Assassin: To be added



  • Shard: Kurios used his dagger, which was capable of killing even demons, to torture and kill people. When he kidnapped Ana Helstrom, Daimon Helstrom broke the dagger in two, and Kurios decided to keep it that way, intending for the two halves to be inherited by each of his children. He took half of the dagger with him for Ana, leaving the other half behind. However, Ana used the dagger against him in order to escape, stabbing him in the leg.


  • Helstrom Residence: Kurios lived in this house with his wife and children, enjoying the peacefulness of the neighborhood so that he could avoid prying eyes. While living in this house, he gave his son a normal childhood, helping with his homework and driving him to Little League games. However, this is also the house from which Kurios kidnapped his daughter.





Appearances for Marduk Kurios


  • In the comics, Marduk Kurios is a dangerous and powerful demon who was often mistaken for Satan himself.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Marduk Kurios.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Marduk Kurios.

External Links[]
