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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Sergio Caspani Skrull, see Sergio Caspani Skrull's Character Hub

"What the hell gives you the right to disobey this council?"
―Sergio Caspani Skrull to Gravik[src]

The Sergio Caspani Skrull is a member of the Skrull Council who simmed Sergio Caspani, the Secretary General of NATO.


Moving to Earth[]

In 1997, a Skrull fled to Earth, seeking a safe haven from being hunted across the galaxy. There, Talos and Nick Fury offered a deal in which the Skrulls would work to keep Earth safe while Fury and Carol Danvers sought a new home for the Skrulls. The Skrull agreed to help, taking on a new human form.[1]

Impersonating Sergio Caspani[]

Commanding NATO[]

"NATO is acting swiftly to gather intel on the bombing."
―Sergio Caspani Skrull[src]

A Skrull began to impersonate Sergio Caspani, allowing him influence as the Secretary General of NATO. A group of rebel Skrulls attacked Russia, so "Caspani" mobilized NATO to gather intelligence with regards to the bombing, quickly putting out a statement.[1]

Gravik's Take Over[]

"Traitor! You were in on this with him the entire time!"
"Seat yourself down, Sergio. I'm not done yet."
"Who do you think you're talking to? I'm the commander of NATO. I can mobilize a million troops at the snap of a..."
―Sergio Caspani Skrull and Pamela Lawton Skrull[src]

"Caspani" attended a Skrull Council meeting regarding the bombing, which Gravik appeared at uninvited. "Caspani" commented on Gravik's outfit, but Gravik countered by mentioning that he was not invited. Gravik started criticizing the Council for acting like humans, so Caspani said that is was better than acting like a dog, but Gravik said that he preferred dogs due to their loyalty and lack of destruction of their habitat. "Caspani" described Gravik's interpretation of humans as naĂŻve, but Gravik said that it was the only correct one.

The Skrull impersonating Shirley Sagar explained that they were meeting to determine whether Gravik should be punished for his actions, so Caspani asked why he felt like he could disobey the Council. Gravik commented on Fury breaking his promise to find the new Skrulls a home, promising to take Earth for themselves. "Caspani" asked what would happen if the Avengers returned, but Gravik said he had a plan in motion for that. Gravik turned to the Skrull impersonating Pamela Lawton, who nominated Gravik for the position of Skrull general. "Caspani" called "Lawton" a traitor, realizing that the two had conspired together. "Caspani" started scolding "Lawton," but got attacked by a security guard, forcing him to stop talking. "Caspani" watched as "Lawton" stoof to submit to Gravik and was joined by the Skrulls impersonating Chris Stearns and Jack Hyuk-Bin. "Caspani" then stood up and chose to submit as well.[1]

Learning about Super Skrulls[]

"Caspani" and the rest of the Skrull Council went to New Skrullos, where they were brought to a room containing a large machine. Gravik explained that he had sent operattives to infiltrate the Royal Navy and attack the United Nations, adding that he had created a way to give Skrulls superpowers, saying that they would attack once the humans had weakened each other.[2]


"I see you, all dressed up in the man's finery, drinking the man's wine. Playing the man's game, using the man's fork and knife."
"Better to behave as a human than as a dog."
―Gravik and Sergio Caspani Skrull[src]
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To be added

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Skrull Physiology: To be added
    • Superhuman Strength: To be added
    • Longevity: To be added
    • Shapeshifting: To be added
      • Vocal Replication: To be added
      • Memory Replication: To be added
    • Radiation Immunity: As a Skrull, Sergio Caspani is immune to radiation.


  • Bilingualism: He is fluent in Skrulls' native language and English.





