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For alternate versions of Stark Industries, see Stark Industries' Organization Hub
Shaw Giving Advice
"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse. This universe is designated as "Ultimo Transformation".

Stark Industries is a former weapons supplier which shifted focus to working to improve the world.


End of Weapons Sales[]

Stark Industries was owned by Tony Stark as a weapons manufacturer. They developed weaponized projects such as Project Greengrid, an attempt to weaponize the sky, and Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N., which would allow weapons to regenerate themselves. However, Stark realized what a mess he had made and decided to stop making weapons. He shut down Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N., causing Kearson DeWitt to lose his job. He focused the company's efforts on projects such as Free Energy Initiative to improve the world. Eventually, he promoted Pepper Potts to CEO and stepped down so that he could continue to operate as Iron Man.[1]

Theft of the Dataspine[]

Tony Stark filmed a video of himself for Stark Industries in which he questioned what it meant for him to be Iron Man. However, the filming was interrupted by news that Stark Archives was being attacked. Stark went to defend the Archives and realized they were targeting the Dataspine. Stark tried to destroy the Dataspine, but was unable to prevent Roxxon Energy Corporation from stealing a significant portion of it, forcing Stark to blow up the Archives. Stark then began searching for the person responsible for the theft, and Stark Industries CEO Pepper Potts helped.

The search came to a head at Stark Archives, where Stark set a trap for the artificial intelligence which resulted from the base code, Ultimo. Stark and Rhodes defeated Ultimo, and Stark finished filming the promotional video by admitting that he did not know how to save the world, but was good at guessing.[1]


Name Position Status
Pepper Potts CEO Alive
Tony Stark CEO (formerly) Alive
James Rhodes Liaison Alive
Kearson DeWitt Deceased


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Iron Man 2