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For the facility utilized by Xu Xialing, see Ten Rings Headquarters

"I'm sure they're looking for you, Stark. But they will never find you in these mountains."
―Ho Yinsen to Tony Stark[src]

The Ten Rings Base is one of the facilities operated by the Ten Rings in Afghanistan. It is composed by a series of caves in the mountains, with a heavy arsenal of weapons located outside them.


Ten Rings[]

Kidnapping of Tony Stark[]

Tony kidnapped

Ten Rings successfully capturing Tony Stark

Tony Stark traveled to Afghanistan in order to host a demonstration of the Jericho missile for the United States Armed Forces, and while returning to Bagram Air Base, his convoy was attacked by the Ten Rings. While unconscious from an explosion caused by one of his own weapons, Stark was kidnapped by the Ten Rings and taken to one of the Ten Rings Bases in Afghanistan, in order to film a video to their employer.

Upon his arrival, Stark had to be operated by Ho Yinsen who tried to remove the shrapnel that penetrated Stark's chest. Being unable to remove all the pieces, Yinsen inserted an electromagnet powered by a car battery to keep the shrapnel from reaching Stark's heart and killing him.

When Stark recovered consciousness, Yinsen explained his current condition and acted as his translator for their mutual kidnappers. Abu Bakaar, one of the Ten Rings members in charge of the base, instructed him to make a Jericho missile for them, and after being tortured and shown a vast arsenal of weapons developed by Stark Industries, he seemingly accepted.


Tony Stark makes the first Iron Man armor

However, Yinsen convinced Stark to make a difference in what could possibly be the last days of his life; so instead of making a missile, Stark and Yinsen developed a miniature Arc Reactor to increase Stark's chances of surviving the shrapnel injury, and they secretly started working on an armor powered by the reactor that would help them escape.

After working on the armor for three months, Stark and Yinsen formed a strong bond between one another. Unhappy with Stark's progress, Raza Hamidmi al-Wazar threatened to kill Yinsen and gave them an ultimatum, one more day to assemble the missile.

Iron Man Mark I Armor

Tony Stark wears the first Iron Man armor

Stark and Yinsen finished assembling the armor, and Yinsen tried to distract the terrorists so Stark could charge the suit. Stark made his way through the base using the armor and killing the terrorists, only to find Yinsen critically injured, imploring him not waste his life with his dying breath.

Stark destroyed all the stolen weapons in the base and flew out of the area briefly using the armor's flight capabilities.[1]

Alternate Universes[]

Abu Bakar's Death[]

In an alternate universe, Tony Stark was kidnapped and brought to the Ten Rings' base, where the Ten Rings filmed a ransom video and had Ho Yinsen operate on Stark, giving him a battery to keep the shrapnel from the a grenade away from Stark's heart. Stark awoke from surgery and discovered the metal plate keeping him alive, causing him to faint again. When Stark awoke again, Yinsen told him about the surgery, but they were interrupted by the arrival of Abu Bakar and several Ten Rings operatives, who demanded that Stark build a Jericho missile. Stark refused, and Yinsen pretended to be angry at him for refusing the Ten Rings. Bakar and the others then left, and Yinsen was satisfied that they were starting to trust him as Stark rested.

Stark was later taken outside of the base, where the Ten Rings showed the collection of Stark Industries weapons they had obtained. Bakar told Stark that he would be released once he built a Jericho, and Stark shook Bakar's hand. Inside, Stark sat for a long time, upset to see his weapons in the hands of terrorists. Yinsen told Stark that his village was destroyed by Stark Industries weapons and inspired Stark to fix his legacy. Stark got up and started working and asked for several weapons from which Stark extracted the palladium to create an Arc Reactor so that the shrapnel would stay away from his heart.

Stark continued working on what he claimed was the Jericho. Once he had been held in the base for four months, two weeks, and five days, Stark altered the security footage and tested the armor he had been creating in secret. The test was successful, and they realized they would only need one more week to assemble the armor. Stark and Yinsen then played backgammon together, when Bakar came in to retrieve his laundry from Stark's washing machine. However, Raza Hamidmi al-Wazar entered and shot Bakar, demanding that Stark and Yinsen finish the missile the next day.

The following day, Khalid watched the monitors as Stark and Yinsen worked on the armor, obscuring Stark from the camera's view. Al-Wazar came in and realized that Stark was not in view, so Khalid went to check on them. Khalid tried to burst the door open, leading to an explosion. Yinsen helped Stark finish assembling the armor as Stark reviewed their plan. However, Yinsen went against the plan and rushed out of the room, taking Khalid's gun to use as a distraction. He was met by al-Wazar and a group of soldiers aiming their guns at him. While the Ten Rings operatives killed Yinsen, Stark's armor was completed, and Stark attacked the operatives. The Ten Rings fought back, but Stark easily killed all of them. Stark kept moving and came across Yinsen, who was dying. Yinsen expressed satisfaction that he would see his family again as he died, and Stark left the cave. Stark destroyed the Ten Rings' weapons and caused a large explosion as he flew away, destroying the base.[2]

Tony Stark's Kidnapping[]

"When you are done, Bakar and his friends will set you free."
"No he won't."
"No. He won't."
―Ho Yinsen and Tony Stark[src]

In an alternate universe, Tony Stark was kidnapped by the Ten Rings and brought to their base, where they filmed a video to demand more of Obadiah Stane, upset that they did not have all the information. They had Ho Yinsen operate on him to save his life from the Stark Industries Fragmentation Shell, using a car battery to protect his heart. Stark eventually woke up, and Yinsen formally introduced himself. Abu Bakar then entered their room and demanded that Stark build the Jericho missile for them. Stark refused at Yinsen's advice, so the Ten Rings brought him outside to reveal that they had gotten access to a significant amount of Stark Industries weapons. Using Yinsen as a translator, Bakar offered to release Stark in exchange for Stark building the missile. Although Stark and Yinsen knew that Stark would not truly be released, Stark agreed to build the missile.

Newly motivated by his desire to escape, Stark provided a list of the supplies he needed to build the Jericho, including frivolous requests such as socks, a toothbrush, protein powder, various food products, playing cards, a washer, and a dryer. Not knowing enough about engineering to disprove Stark's need for the supplies, the Ten Rings collected everything on his list. He took the supplies apart and used them to create a miniaturized version of the ARK Reactor, which would keep Stark alive for a longer amount of time. Stark began to work on a new invention while Yinsen began creating a backgammon board, and they briefly teased each other about their college alma maters. Raza Hamidmi al-Wazar then came in and told them that they were running out of time. Once al-Wazar left, Stark showed Yinsen what he was building.

Kidnapping TJN Profile

Tony Stark builds the Iron Man armor

Stark and Yinsen continued building, and at one point Yinsen told Stark the story of a prince who was forced to work in iron pits and had become strong as iron himself. They reached the point where they only needed one more week of construction, so they took a break to play backgammon. They complimented each other's skills in the game, and Yinsen told Stark about his home village of Gulmira and his hopes to see his family again once he leaves. Stark said that he did not have a family, prompting Yinsen to explain that he had everything and nothing. Bakar then came in to retrieve his laundry, but was caught by al-Wazar, who punched Bakar, causing him to need to be dragged out. Al-Wazar then gave them a deadline to finish by the following day, threatening to hurt them.

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The Iron Man armor is finished

Khalid watch the security cameras as Stark and Yinsen worked, although he was only able to see Yinsen. Al-Wazar realized that Stark had been missing for sometime, prompting al-Wazar to order that Khalid investigate. Khalid looked through the viewing slat and called to Yinsen, who did not return. Khalid tried to enter the room, but as soon as he unlocked it, there was an explosion, rendering Khalid unconscious. The systems were slow to upload, so Stark reviewed their plan to escape. However, Yinsen ignored the plan and left Stark to wait for the upload, taking Khalid's weapon and using it to fight back. Once the systems finished uploading, Stark was able to use his invention: a suit of metal armor that allowed him to be bulletproof and fight back. Stark began fighting Ten Rings operatives, who realized their guns were not working and tried to weigh him down. However, Stark easily fought through all the guards. Stark found Yinsen and defended him, and Yinsen revealed that his family had died and he was planning to join them. Stark found all of the Stark Industries weapons that the Ten Rings had and destroyed them, blowing up the base and allowing himself to escape.[3]

Blown Up[]

Ten Rings Base is Blown Up

Ho Yinsen blows up the cave

In an alternate universe, Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen were held captive by the Ten Rings. They soon developed the Mark I Armor. Stark then escaped to destroy all of the Stark weapons while Yinsen stayed back and remotely activated functions of Stark's suit. Stark went through many soldiers and weapons until Yinsen noticed the soldiers coming for him. Yinsen told Stark to stay back as there were Stark weapons in the cave. Yinsen then blew up the weapons, destroying the cave by sacrificing himself. Although upset, Stark flew away.[4]


In an alternate universe, Ho Yinsen and Iron Man were held against their will in the Ten Rings' encampment. During their captivity, they played backgammon with each other and discussed their views on life. They built a suit of armor for Stark to wear, and he used it to burst out of his cell. He fought the Ten Rings as he navigated the base, destroying weapons as he moved through it. Stark attempted to rescue Yinsen, but was unable to before the Ten Rings killed him. Once the remainder of the Stark Industries' weapons were destroyed, Stark left the encampment.[5]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ten Rings Base.