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For other uses, see John Walker (disambiguation)
For other uses, see Captain America (disambiguation)

"Mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice."
―John Walker to the Flag Smashers[src]

Jonathan F. "John" Walker is a former Captain of the United States Army's 75th Ranger Regiment who was chosen to succeed Steve Rogers as the second Captain America. However, his aspirations of living up to Rogers' legacy attracted the ire of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in their pursuit of the Flag Smashers, during which he took the Super Soldier Serum after failing to apprehend Karli Morgenthau. When his partner and best friend Lemar Hoskins was killed in action, Walker brutally murdered a surrendering foreign national, leading to him being publicly stripped of his mantle and discharged with total loss of rank. Walker confronted Morgenthau again in New York City but chose to abandon his revenge to join Wilson and Barnes in thwarting her attack on the GRC. Despite his discharge, Walker was recruited by government agent Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to continue serving America in secret as U.S. Agent.


Early Life[]

Custer's Grove High School[]

"I've been a Captain before."
―John Walker to Olivia Walker[src]

When Walker was a teenager, he attended Custer's Grove High School, where he also met Lemar Hoskins and a woman named Olivia. Walker was the captain of the football team, although he would fail drama class. Eventually, he would marry Olivia and joined the United States Army with Hoskins.[1]

Military Career[]

"Three badges of excellence to make sure I never forget the worst day of my life. We both know that the things that we had to do in Afghanistan to be awarded those medals felt a long way from being right."
―John Walker to Lemar Hoskins[src]

Walker and Lemar Hoskins during their tour

Having graduated from the United States Military Academy in 2010, Walker went on to have a successful career in the United States Army, performing numerous acts of valor. He became the first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor and led RS One missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue. During one of his tours, he fought alongside Christina Raynor.[1] Despite these honors, Walker had considered these days in Afghanistan to be the worst of his and Lemar Hoskins' lives.[6]

Captain America[]

Presented to the World[]

John Walker (GMA)

Walker is honored for his military service

"On behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America."
Government Official[src]

In the months following the retirement of Steve Rogers, the American government became aware of its need for a new symbolic hero to take his place. Sam Wilson, who had been trusted to become the next Captain America by Rogers himself, donated the symbolic Captain America's shield to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.; feeling that he could not fulfill Rogers' legacy.

John Walker Named Captain America

Walker begins his training with the shield

The shield was quickly into custody of the United States Department of Defense and given to Walker, who was nominated for his extensive military career. Shortly after receiving approval from the President, Walker was unveiled to the world and announced as "The New Captain America" by a Government Official, on the behalf of the Global Repatriation Council and the United States Department of Defense.[2]

John Walker becomes Captain America

Walker being presented as Captain America

Following his appointment, Walker began attending various meetings with government officials and made speeches as Captain America, duties that he did not express any genuine interest in. Fanfare about Captain America's return to the modern-day world was established soon after Walker was chosen to take on the mantle, making him not only a superhero, but a celebrity in the process.[1]

Return to High School[]

John Walker TF&TWS

Walker reminisces on his past with Olivia

"I'm not Tony Stark, I'm not Dr. Banner, okay? I don't have the flashiest gadgets, I don't have super strength. But what I do have is guts. Something Captain America always had, always needs to have, and I'm gonna need every ounce of it. Because I got big shoes to fill."
―John Walker to Sara Haines[src]

In preparation for another interview with Good Morning America, Walker returned to his hometown of Custer's Grove, Georgia. Prior to his interview, he and his wife Olivia Walker reminisced of their past in high school, back when Walker played as captain of the high school football team, before expressing nervousness about not living up to the expectations of the Captain America mantle.

The Star-Spangled Man

Walker signing his autographs for his fans

While practicing his opening lines for his upcoming interview, Walker was joined by Lemar Hoskins, who acknowledged how their lives had suddenly changed as they became celebrity superheroes, when they were only preparing for a special-ops mission in Chile weeks earlier. Walker made clear to Hoskins that the main reason he wanted to take up the mantle of Captain America was to better serve his country, not participate in meetings with senators or rallies. When it came time for the interview, Walker ran out to the high school football stadium, signing autographs on Captain America posters and action figures.

John Walker named Captain America

Walker being interviewed on live television

Walker ran triumphantly onto the stage for his interview with Sara Haines of Good Morning America. During the interview, a rundown of Walker's military career was televised, and that he excelled in all of the trials that the United States Army put him though in preparation for taking on the Captain America mantle. Walker expressed that he had big shoes to fill, and looked up to Steve Rogers as an idol, following his career closely while he was an Avenger.[1]

Chase of the Flag Smashers[]


Captain America attacks the Flag Smashers

"John Walker, Captain America."
"Lemar Hoskins."
"Looks like you guys can use some help."
―John Walker and Battlestar[src]

When Falcon and Winter Soldier traveled to Munich to investigate the anti-nationalist group known as the Flag Smashers, Captain America and Battlestar hacked into Redwing to track their location, which ended up being destroyed by Karli Morgenthau.

John Walker salutes

Captain America salutes and greets Falcon

Arriving as reinforcements by helicopter while Falcon and Barnes were engaged in a fight on top of two speeding trucks carrying medical supplies, Captain America used his shield to incapacitate Dovich before he could kill Falcon, and then with Battlestar's help, knocked Morgenthau off-balance and onto the side of the speeding truck before she could attack Barnes. Captain America and Battlestar introduced themselves personally to Falcon and Barnes, to their annoyance despite having rescued them from the Flag Smashers.

Captain America U.S

Captain America facing Karli Morgenthau

Morgenthau got to her feet once again, but Captain America threw his shield at her, knocking her and another Flag Smasher down. The two were not able to hold themselves off for long, as Battlestar was quickly outmatched due to the enhanced strength the Flag Smashers possessed. Captain America used his handgun to shoot one of the Flag Smashers restraining Battlestar, but this allowed Morgenthau to roundhouse kick Captain America onto the edge of the truck, holding on for his life. After Falcon was forced to rescue Barnes, sweeping him to safety but into a field, Captain America used his shield to save Battlestar from being injured by his fall by throwing it onto the road and under his body.

US Agent (2024)

Captain America sees Flag Smasher escape

As the enhanced super-soldiers recovered, Captain America climbed back onto the truck, and prepared to engage Morgenthau in combat once again. Due to her enhanced strength, she made quick work of Captain America, and the impact of her punches threw him into the traffic behind them, with Captain America's fall being cushioned by the windshield of a passing car.[1]

Making an Offer[]

John Walker

Walker offers Wilson and Barnes a ride home

"I'm not trying to be Steve. I'm not trying to replace Steve. I'm just trying to be the best Captain America I can be."
―John Walker to Falcon[src]

As the Flag Smashers made their escape, Walker met up with Lemar Hoskins again, and arranged for Gary to pick them up for a ride to the airport. En route, they passed by the defeated Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, who were hiking to the runway. When Walker offered them a ride, Wilson and Barnes coldly refused, despite Walker suggesting that the four must unite and work together to defeat their common enemy. When Barnes coldly announced to Walker that because he carried the shield did not mean he was Captain America, Walker argued that he had put in the effort and hard work during his time with the United States Army required for the position, and jumped on a grenade four times in an act of valor. Wilson and Barnes reluctantly accepted Walker's offer for a ride.


Walker discusses the GRC's current mission

Walker, having made the same assumption as Wilson that the Flag Smashers were all super-soldiers, explained that he and Hoskins came to their rescue by using Redwing to track their location. Walker explained that the Global Repatriation Council managed resources for Blipped refugees, and that he and Hoskins were assigned to assist them on behalf of the United States. Walker furthermore explained that he was not trying to be a direct copy of Steve Rogers, but someone who was trying to make a name for himself and become his own person.

John F

Walker insists he is trying to be his own best

While Walker tried to sympathize with Wilson and Barnes by saying that he understood why they felt opposed to him bearing the shield, Wilson coldly retorted to Walker that he was not in support of him once Walker said that he wanted the support of Rogers' wingmen. Set aback and dismayed by Wilson's rejection of his offer, Walker told Gary to continue driving to the airport, returning to America.[1]

Freeing Bucky Barnes[]

US Agent (The Star-Spangled Man)

Walker reveals he freed Bucky Barnes

"Bucky's not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer."
"We haven't finished our work. Who authorized this?"
"He's too valuable of an asset to have tied up."
―John Walker and Christina Raynor[src]

When Bucky Barnes was taken into custody in Baltimore, Maryland for not appearing to his mandated court therapy session, Walker reached out to the Baltimore Police Station and arranged for Barnes to be freed. At the station, he was reunited with Christina Raynor, Barnes' assigned therapist and Walker's former military comrade. Walker explained that he arranged for Barnes' therapy sessions to come to an end, citing that Barnes was too valuable an asset to be forced to comply with such rigid schedules. Walker then waited outside with Lemar Hoskins for Barnes' session to finish.

US Agent & Battlestar

Walker updates the group on his findings

Barnes and Sam Wilson left the precinct, they met with Walker and Hoskins, who further insisted that they should work together. Reluctantly, Wilson listened to Walker, who provided them with news that Karli Morgenthau was the leader of the Flag Smashers, having geotagged their location throughout Europe, and tracking the stolen shipment of medical supplies. Barnes haughtily put down Walker's new information, conceitedly questioning Walker if he had any more relevant information.

John Walker & Lemar Hoskins

Walker warns Falcon to stay out of his way

Before Barnes and Walker could continue, Wilson intervened and alleviated the tension by acknowledging that Walker was right. However, Wilson informed Walker that they had no interest in working with them, since they operated as freelance operatives as opposed to being contracted by the government with specific authorizations put in place. Begrudged, Walker left Wilson and Barnes one final word of advice to stay out of their way.[1]

Chasing Flag Smashers[]

GRC US Agent

Captain America prepares for their raid

"We know she came through here. Now where’d she go? Do you know who I am?!"
"Yes, I do. And I don't care."
―John Walker and Rudy[src]

Walker's investigation led him back to Munich, Germany, in search for answers as to the whereabouts of the Flag Smashers. Working in conjunction with the Global Repatriation Council and GSG 9 der Bundespolizei, Walker launched a police raid on the 1337 Connect internet café.


Captain America furiously questions Rudy

Walker arrived at the scene with the federal police to announce his search for Karli Morgenthau. Walker interrogated Rudy, the owner of the café, who challenged Walker's incursion on his business. Walker asked Lemar Hoskins to be a translator and serve as the median for the questioning, but Rudy was non-compliant, saying that Americans were brutes. Annoyed, Walker sternly asked Rudy knowing that they had harbored the Flag Smashers, to which Rudy spit in Walker's face in response.


Captain America and Battlestar both leave

Infuriated and disrespected, Walker resorted to physical violence by pushing him against a wall, asking if he understood who he was. Rudy retorted he did, but didn't care, as he had no influence over him. As he wiped the spit off his face, Walker was only suppressed by his own limitations and Hoskins saying there was no point in continuing to question him, that Walker left the building with no new information. With no new leads from the George Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley, Walker realized that they would have to shadow Falcon and Winter Soldier for new leads.[7]

Escape of Helmut Zemo[]


Walker learns about Helmut Zemo's escape

"What happens next isn't a strictly on-the-books type thing, is it?"
"Lemar, if we get the job done, you really think they're gonna sweat us on the how?"
Lemar Hoskins and Captain America[src]

When the terrorist mastermind Helmut Zemo escaped from a correctional facility in Berlin, Captain America and Battlestar were assigned to question the staff and review the security footage. Learning that Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes visited Zemo the day he escaped, Captain America hypothesized that they were involved in the breakout, but with no evidence to support.

John Walker and Lemar Hoskins

Walker discussing Helmut Zemo's escape

As Captain America was also desperate for leads, Captain America convinced Battlestar to continue investigating their activities, although it would go against their contractual obligations. Battlestar objected that Captain America was attempting to procure this information through corrupt off-the-book means, to which Captain America retorted that their superiors would not question them on their methods once they turned up with new information and got the job done.[7]

Search for Karli Morgenthau[]


Captain America stops Helmut Zemo's path

"I know those soldiers, which is why I know this is a bad idea."
"Wait, John. If he can talk her down, it might be worth a try."
―Captain America and Battlestar[src]

Captain America and Battlestar went to Riga, Latvia and found Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, and Helmut Zemo in the streets. They joined them to the location of Donya Madani's funeral where Captain America then handcuffed Zemo to a wall, while Wilson went inside the room to talk to Karli Morgenthau.


Captain America confronting Flag Smasher

Walker then taunted Barnes about the Super Soldier Serum inside of him before breaking into the room, disrupting Wilson's efforts. He then proceeded to announce that Morgenthau was under arrest. Feeling betrayed by Wilson, Morgenthau kicked Captain America over, and Wilson back into a table and fled the room, to which Captain America was temporarily downed while Barnes chased Morgenthau.

The US Agent

Walker takes down Baron Zemo

Captain America recovered as Morgenthau was shot by Zemo, and in their small scuffle, he began destroying her serum vials one by one. Upon finding Zemo destroying serum vials, Captain America threw the shield at him, knocking him out. However, Captain America found one serum vial left, to which he picked it up and put it inside one of his pockets, before Hoskins, Wilson, and Barnes found him.[6]

Skirmish with the Dora Milaje[]


Captain America demanding Helmut Zemo

"Hi. John Walker. Captain America. Well, let's put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through, huh?"
"Hey, John, take it easy. You might wanna fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje."
―Captain America and Sam Wilson[src]

Captain America and Battlestar barged into Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes' room in Latvia, and demanded that Helmut Zemo be handed over to them, before the Dora Milaje made their presence known, throwing a Vibranium Spear at a column that narrowly missed Captain America. Ayo, Nomble, and Yama arrived to arrest Zemo themselves. Captain America introduced himself to Ayo and told her that they did not have jurisdiction in Latvia, to which she responded that they did wherever they pleased.

US Agent defeated by Dora Milaje

Captain America beaten by the Dora Milaje

In an effort to get them to leave, Captain America attempted to alleviate any tension by putting his hand on Ayo's armor, only for her to knock him back and into the spear. Captain America grabbed the shield and fought back against her and the others, although. After getting the shield stuck on a table, Yama took his shield away from him, only for Ayo to tell her to leave it there, before they left. Captain America was left, humiliated, and commented that they were not super-soldiers.[6]

Super Soldier[]

Taking the Serum[]

John Walker Lemar Hoskins

Walker discusses the Super Soldier Serum

"If you had the chance to take the serum, would you?"
"Hells, yeah."
"You wouldn't be worried about how it might... how it might change you?"
―John Walker and Lemar Hoskins[src]

At a Latvian shopping district, Walker was reassured by Lemar Hoskins that although Baron Zemo destroyed the Super Soldier Serum and Wilfred Nagel was dead, their loss was not for naught, although Hoskins did not realize Walker had a vial of Nagel's serum in his possession. During their discussion, two of Walker's fans approached him to sign his autograph on their Captain America poster. Walker showed camaraderie to his partner by teasing him that he was jealous the two fans didn't ask him for an autograph, although Hoskins retorted that it was their loss, by saying that he had a custom Battlestar logo sketched out.

Lemar Hoskins & John Walker

Walker reflects on his past military career

Deliberating whether or not to take the serum, Walker asked Hoskins if he would've taken it given the opportunity. Hoskins explained he would've without hesitation, going on to say that the serum only amplifies the traits that of which the person already had, and went on to put a spotlight on Walker's numerous acts of valor that won him three Medals of Honor, and that he was a seasoned strategist, having consistently made the optimal decisions during battle.

John Walker discusses Super Soldier Serum

Walker deciding that he will take the serum

Walker reflected on the worst day of his life, reminiscing of a tour in Afghanistan in which Walker resorted to cruel actions in which he regretted. Recognizing that what he did was not right, Walker came out to say that he finally felt he was doing something right for his country once he was picked to be the next Captain America. Inspired by this conversation, and having previously shamed himself for being defeated by the Dora Milaje and being looked down upon condescendingly by Falcon and Winter Soldier, Walker ingested the serum, granting him enhanced abilities.[6]

Ambush at the GRC Camp[]

U.S. Agent vs

Captain America fights the Flag Smashers

"Where is she?!"
"It wasn't me! It wasn't me!"
―Captain America and Nico[src]

While searching for Battlestar, Captain America reunited with Falcon, who were subsequently ambushed by a group of Flag Smashers, including Nico and Dovich. During the fight, Captain America was suddenly suppressed from behind by Nico, and was restrained until Karli Morgenthau arrived, running at Captain America and preparing to kill him by stabbing him in the chest with her knife.

Battlestar death

Captain America witnesses Battlestar dying

However, Captain America's fate was averted by none other than Battlestar, who freed himself from his restraints and tackled Morgenthau. Captain America could only watch helplessly as Morgenthau quickly overpowered Battlestar, punching him hard enough to hurl him against a stone column, breaking his spine and killing him instantly. Captain America quickly ran to the aid of his partner, realizing that it was too late, and he had already died. With little time to mourn, he watched Morgenthau and the remaining Flag Smashers flee, as did Falcon and Winter Soldier.

US Agent kills Nico

Captain America murders Nico in blind rage

A now enraged Captain America jumped through a window and onto a car, looking for any straggling Flag Smashers. Captain America turned to see a fleeing Nico, the same person who restrained Captain America with the intention to have him killed, and the same person who held him behind from intervening to help Battlestar, although playing no direct part in his death. Furious, he demanded to know where Morgenthau went. The fleeing Nico hurled a cinder block at Captain America, who simply deflected it with his shield.


Captain America being recorded by civilians

Captain America finally caught up with and subdued Nico with multiple strikes from the shield before stepping on his chest to prevent him escaping. Cornered and terrified, Nico begged for his life, insisting he had not killed Battlestar. Ignoring Nico's pleas, Captain America proceeded to viciously beat him to death with the shield in a fit of blind rage. Captain America quickly realized that he had murdered him in front of many bewildered witnesses and onlookers who video-recorded the incident. Among the crowd included several of his fans, along with Morgenthau, Falcon and Barnes.[6]

Battle for Captain America's Shield[]

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 77

Captain America mourns Battlestar's death

"John... you gotta give me the shield, man."
"Oh... so that's what this is. You almost got me."
"You made a mistake."
Falcon and Captain America[src]

In anguish over Battlestar's death, Captain America ran away from the scene and to an abandoned warehouse, distraught of what to do without his best friend and angered over his recent decisions. In deep mourning, Captain America admonished himself for not listening to his friend before, and began regretting ambushing the Flag Smashers, which Battlestar had advised against.

Jonathan Walker U.S

Captain America tries to justify his actions

Shortly, Captain America was confronted by Falcon and Winter Soldier who had followed him into warehouse. Despite his attempts to reason with them, rationalizing that he did what he had to do and that he justly avenged Battlestar by killing Nico, although he was not actually Battlestar's killer, as Captain America had been convincing himself that Nico, not Karli Morgenthau, had killed Battlestar, in an attempt to deny his mistake of killing the wrong Flag Smasher. Falcon attempted to persuade Captain America to abandon his violent path and hand over the shield, explaining that the United States of America would now have an incentive to consider his record.

John vs Bucky TF&TWS EP5

Captain America attacking Winter Soldier

As Barnes said that they would even if they have to by force, Captain America then engaged in a fierce fight with them, using his shield, enhanced physical prowess and combat skills to fight them off. As he easily overwhelmed Falcon, he found Barnes to be a much more formidable opponent as he disarmed him of his pistol and persistently pushed him back, but eventually overpowered Barnes, sending him flying and knocking him out temporarily, disabling his Vibranium arm.

Falcon & John Walker

Captain America ripping off Falcon's wings

Captain America then engaged Falcon, hitting his blows with the shield. However, after Captain America lost grip of the shield and it was separated from him, he and Falcon ran after it. The bloodthirsty Captain America tackled Wilson violently and recovered the shield. After Captain America had knocked Falcon to the ground, he yanked his helmet off and furiously proclaimed that he was Captain America, before ripping off Falcon's EXO-7 Falcon wings. Using his newfound abilities, Captain America set the damaged wingsuit aside and prepared to kill Falcon.

John F. Walker (U.S

Captain America keeps fighting his allies

However, before Captain America was able to deliver a killing blow on Falcon, Barnes had recovered and tackled Captain America down, saving Falcon. Despite Barnes once again proving himself to be a dangerous opponent and suffering hits, Captain America was able to pin him down and attempted to kill him using the shield, but Barnes was able to hold him at bay long enough for Falcon to get the opening he needed. Falcon was able to grab hold of Captain America's hand, and struggled for the shield. Falcon and Barnes were able to overpower Captain America enough to rip the shield from his hand, breaking his arm in the process.

John Walker & Bucky Barnes

Captain America being eventually defeated

Despite this, Captain America was still able to get up but without his shield and prepared for a final brawl. With a broken arm, he was no match for the seasoned fighting abilities of Winter Soldier, who quickly blocked his punch and dealt a blow to the face before finally decisively defeating him by manhandling him and allowing Falcon to deliver the finishing blow on him. This knocked Captain America unconscious, and defeated, having just had the shield taken from him.[8]

Testimony at the Capitol[]

John Walker & Olivia Walker

Walker arrives at the United States Capitol

"John F. Walker, it is the order of this council that you are no longer to act in any capacity as a representative of the United States government or its military. You are hereby stripped of your title and authority as Captain America, effective immediately."
Government Official to John Walker[src]

Upon his return to the United States, Walker was subjected to a hearing at the United States Capitol for Nico's unjust murder in Latvia. Upon arriving for his testimony via vehicle escort, he walked up the Capitol's front steps alongside his wife Olivia Walker and two armed soldiers, as a crowd of reporters and angry civilians booed him. Arriving at the testimony, the Government Official and members of the U.S. Congress announced that he would be discharged from the United States Army, and stripped of his military rank as captain, and declared on order of the U.S. Senate that the mantle of Captain America would be taken away from him, and all authority that came with it.

John Walker is sentenced

Walker stands before the court hearing

Calm and collected, Walker responded to the council's decision by asking for permissions to explain the circumstances of the mission, attempting to use Battlestar's death as a way to rationalize and excuse his actions. The government official showed no sympathy and rejected Walker's pleas, explaining to the defiant Walker that the council decided against a court martial for him due to his previous exemplary service.

John Walker defends himself

Walker chastises the U.S. Senate's decision

Walker attempted again to gain the affinity of the council, but the government official retorted that the hearing was not a negotiation. Walker grew increasingly frustrated as the official shut down his attempts to speak and repeatedly objected that the hearing was a mandate. Walker lost his temper and raised his voice to the council, admonishing their decision by explaining that his life had revolved around the U.S. government's mandates that had been enforced on him throughout his entire career.

John Walker

Walker affirms that he is Captain America

Attempting to appease the council of his record as an exemplary and highly decorated soldier, Walker contended while invoking vehemently on his sentiment that he only ever did what the U.S. military had asked of him, in combat and in his rigorous training, obediently carrying their tasks out to completion. The council remained unimpressed, and the government official merely continued on reading out the senate's official judgment and finalizing his dischargement.

John Walker (2024)

Walker disgracefully leaves the testimony

Learning he will also not receive VA benefits, Walker self-righteously retorted that the military made him what he was, and that he was the embodiment of Captain America, believing he exemplifies everything Steve Rogers' legacy amounted to. The council dismissed Walker, threatening him with imprisonment in the United States Disciplinary Barracks if he was to continue chastising their decision, noting that he was very fortunate he was not punished otherwise. Infuriated and disgraced by their decision, Walker turned his back on the council and exited the hearing, ignoring their request to swiftly return Captain America's shield to them, although it was no longer in his possession.

John, Valentina and Olivia

Walker is approached by Contessa Fontaine

With the hearing over, Walker sat on a bench admiring his war medallion while being comforted by his wife, Olivia, making clear that he was refusing to back down, believing that no one could understand what it took to be Captain America. Attempting to recoup their losses in the courtroom, Walker was urged by his wife to refocus and prioritize reaching out to Lemar Hoskins' family about his death, hoping that consoling them will build up a better rapport with the general public. While conversing, the two were approached by a mysterious woman, who introduced herself as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.

Jonathan F

Walker considers Contessa Fontaine's offer

Fontaine explained to Walker that he was not punished for his killing of Nico, but for damaging the government's reputation. Walker learned from Fontaine that she was aware he took the serum, and that powerful organizations were interested in him. Insisting that staying in contact with her would be the best decision of his life, Fontaine handed Walker a blank business card and told him that the shield never belonged to the government, all to his confusion.[8]

Consoling Battlestar's Family[]

John Walker visits Hoskins family

Walker consoles Battlestar's grieving family

"That guy... He's the one that killed our boy?"
"Yes. I would never let the person who did that get away. And I hope you can find some measure of peace in that."
Mr. Hoskins and John Walker[src]

At night, Walker decided to visit Lemar Hoskins' family like his wife advised him to, in order to give them closure. Returning to Custer's Grove, he self-deludedly told them his falsified recollection of the event of Hoskins' death, claiming that he had been avenged now that he had killed Hoskins' murderer. Saddened after hearing him, Mrs. Hoskins gave him a picture of him and her son that Hoskins took after their first tour, and told him how proud Hoskins was to be his partner when he became Captain America. Inspired by this story, Walker made the decision to enact his true revenge on Karli Morgenthau.

John Walker - Custer's Grove

Walker admires his Captain America poster

Walker then left the Hoskins household after feeling he gave them closure. However, he did not leave before telling them that he would be there for them if they needed him. While walking back home across the town, Walker noticed a promotional poster of himself as Captain America from back when he was endorsed by the United States government, which was still up by a bus stop. Taking the time to admire it, Walker thought back on his self-delusions that he was still truly Captain America, and to that end, returned home with an idea to create a new shield.[8]

Path of Vengeance[]

John Walker builds a shield

Walker builds a new shield for himself

"I didn't mean to kill your friend. I don't wanna hurt people that don't matter."
"You don't think Lemar’s life mattered?"
Karli Morgenthau and John Walker[src]

Still embittered by his discharge, and motivated by his partner's death, Walker returned home and forged his own version of Captain America's shield. He finished it by welding the medals he had won throughout his military career on the inner face of the shield and then painting the outer face in the colors of the American flag.[9]

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 154

Walker arrives to fight Karli Morgenthau

Later that night, Walker arrived in New York City with his homemade shield to fight the Flag Smashers, with the specific intention of killing Karli Morgenthau. After walking up to them on the street and yelling Morgenthau's name, Morgenthau told him that Lemar Hoskins was not important to their cause and so it wasn't an issue that he died, which infuriated Walker further causing him to throw his shield at her.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 145

Walker battles the Flag Smashers

However, Morgenthau kicked the shield and it fell to the pavement. Walker then engaged the Flag Smashers in hand-to-hand combat. However, his enhanced strength was overmatched by the troupe of super soldiers, who threw him to the ground. Using his homemade shield to block their blows, Walker looked at the star medals he put on the shield, which emboldened his resolve, and he fought back. Walker was ultimately saved by Winter Soldier, who arrived and knocked back the Flag Smashers. Walker then encountered Morgenthau alone and attacked her fiercely, but she managed to escape from him after knocking him to the ground.[3]


John Walker tries to save hostages

Walker tries to save the GRC hostages

"Lincoln, really?"
"Great man. Great quote."
"Not when you say it."
Bucky Barnes and John Walker[src]

Seeing Flag Smasher ram the New York City Police Department vehicle containing GRC members into the construction site, Walker noticed that it was on the verge of falling over the ledge. Deciding that it was more important to save the innocent people, Walker threw his shield off the ledge and began to pull the vehicle back onto the ground, using his enhanced strength. However, Morgenthau and Dovich ran up and tried to pull him away from the vehicle. Unfortunately, they pulled Walker forcibly from the vehicle and down off the ledge with them. Walker then fell onto the riverbank, where Winter Soldier helped him get up. They then watched as Captain America arrived and pushed the vehicle to safety.

Bucky Barnes & U.S

Walker is saved by Winter Soldier

Walker then was saved again by Barnes who grabbed a pole thrown at them by Morgenthau. He then witnessed Wilson's arrival and his use of the shield to knock the Flag Smashers to the ground. Walker then teamed up with Wilson and Barnes, having accepted that Wilson was the new Captain America. Before they could engage Morgenthau, Georges Batroc arrived and fired smoke bombs at the site, letting the Flag Smashers escape. After Walker, Barnes, and Wilson had escaped the smoke, they ran deeper into the construction site underneath the building. After Wilson received word from Sharon Carter, he suggested they split up.

Bucky and Walker stopping the Flag Smashers

Walker and Barnes trick the Flag Smashers

Walker and Barnes teamed up and ran down a separate corridor in the construction site. Barnes then used the phone given to him earlier to send a message to the Flag Smashers telling them where to meet and they were able to track down Dovich, DeeDee, and Gigi. Walker and Barnes then ambushed the three Flag Smashers and then watched as they were arrested by NYPD units, with Walker quoting Abraham Lincoln as they were being caught. Walker and Barnes then walked away from the site together, with Walker giving Barnes a friendly pat on the back and Barnes telling him not to quote Lincoln.


Walker listens to Sam Wilson's speech

Walker and Barnes then walked up to the street and watched as Wilson flew down carrying Morgenthau's dead body before the rescued GRC members and news reporters. Walker then listened as Wilson gave his speech as the new Captain America and respected Wilson's words. Afterwards, Walker said goodbye to Barnes and exchanged nods with Wilson, before leaving New York City.[3]

U.S. Agent[]

A New Moniker[]


Walker dons his new U.S. Agent uniform

"Things are about to get weird. So when they do, we're not gonna need a Captain America. We're gonna need... a U.S. Agent."
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to U.S. Agent[src]

Later, Walker and his wife Olivia reunited with Valentina Allegra de Fontaine at the United States Capitol, who gave him a new version of his suit. Walker donned the uniform, identical to his old one, but now black. As he stepped into the room in his new outfit, de Fontaine complimented him on the look, saying that the world was getting weirder and that people wouldn't need a Captain America, but rather a "U.S. Agent". De Fontaine said that she would be in touch, before leaving. Walker, while skeptical of the name U.S. Agent, celebrated with his wife that he was back in business as a superhero.[3]


"I lived my life by your mandates! I dedicated my life to your mandates! I only ever did what you asked of me, what you told me to be and trained me to do, and I did it. And I did it well. You built me."
―John Walker to the United States Senate[src]

Having been a career soldier all his life, John Walker modeled his work after Steve Rogers, and by his own admission, only took on the role of Captain America to better serve and represent the United States of America. On Lemar Hoskins's account, Walker maintained a sound acumen during his military career, making the most optimal decisions during the heat of battle. He acknowledges to being uncertain on fulfilling the role as the new Captain America, admitting to be only trying his best to meet expectations. Walker also cares about his friends, choosing to save Hoskins before confronting his enemies. When he attracted resentment from Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, Walker attempted to make amends with them by assisting them on several occasions, and felt scorned and embittered when Wilson and Barnes turned down his attempts at reconciliation. However, he retained some arrogance, seeing Wilson and Barnes as Rogers' "wingmen", rather than people he could learn from.

Due to the expectations and pressure mounting on him, Walker appears to be prone to violent outbursts, shoving a German man for spitting in his face and refusing to answer his questions and ruining an attempt by Wilson to negotiate with Karli Morgenthau because he was impatient to arrest her. Walker has displayed condescending attitudes, as displayed when he attempted to deny the Dora Milaje custody of Helmut Zemo on the claim of jurisdiction. He has a deep-seated insecurity due to the pressure put upon him to measure up to Steve Rogers. His ego is also shown to be extremely fragile, which in turn makes him prone to rash decisions. He was humiliated by his defeat to the Dora Milaje, shaming himself for not being able to take down a non-super soldier. After the ruined negotiations with Morgenthau, Barnes expressed concern about his mental stability, noting that Walker struck him as crazy, and Sam Wilson found Barnes' observations to be stating the obvious.

Not long after, once Walker took the Super Soldier Serum himself, anything that may have been perceived as mental instability was exacerbated, and Walker became increasingly unstable. His outbursts came to a head after Hoskins was accidentally killed by Morgenthau, at which point he descended into a bitter and vengeful blind rage and chased down and brutally murdered Nico with his shield. He rationalized his actions by convincing himself Nico, not Morgenthau, had killed Hoskins; even going to the point of outright lying to Hoskins' family about who had killed him, in order to give them a sense of closure. This self-delusion continued after he was stripped of the Captain America mantle by Congress; as Walker convinced himself he was still Captain America, he later forged another shield directly patterned off of the vibranium original from his military decorations.

However, for all his many flaws, Walker is, deep down, still a morally decent man that cares about the protection of innocent lives. He was willing to abandon his revenge on Morgenthau, refusing to kill her when he had a chance, choosing to save the lives of the members of the Global Repatriation Council who were in imminent danger. He then reconciles with Wilson and Barnes, aiding them in their efforts to arrest the remaining Flag Smashers, later giving Wilson a nod of approval, finally accepting Wilson's role as the new Captain America. Due to his heroic efforts, Walker is later pardoned and reinstated by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, embracing his new role as the U.S. Agent, a reimagining of Captain America as an morally dubious operative for more ethically complex situations.

Powers and Abilities[]


"You did the right thing taking the serum. Yeah, of course I know about that. And I'll tell you something. It has made you very, very valuable to certain people."
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to John Walker[src]
  • Artificially Enhanced Physiology: After being decisively defeated in a scuffle with the Dora Milaje, Walker became worried that his combat skills weren't as good as Captain America. When Walker found the Super Soldier Serum on the ground, he injected himself. His already peak human physical prowess was enhanced to the pinnacle of human evolutionary potential; allowing him to push and perform superhuman level feats.
    • Enhanced Strength:
      Makes the right decisions in the heat of battle

      Walker pulling back a truck

      Thanks to the Super Soldier Serum, Walker has the strength to perform superhuman feats such as folding a metal pipe with his bare hands when fighting Dovich, send him flying with his hits and throwing Captain America's shield with such force to embed it into a stone wall. He also used the shield to destroy a concrete structure swung at him by Nico. Walker's physical strength allowed him to initially maintain the advantage over Falcon and Winter Soldier, the latter being a super soldier like himself. He was able to launch Falcon away with a kick and launch the shield strong enough to send Winter Soldier flying several meters, as well as launching Barnes against an electric metal pillar that incapacitated him for a few seconds. Walker was also able to rip off the EXO-7 Falcon's wings without much effort and incapacitate Falcon with a single hit. During the battle in the outside of Global Repatriation Council's facility in New York, Walker was able to defeat several members of the Flag Smashers without much effort and then move a truck with several civilians in it, while simultaneously striking a member of the Flag Smashers.
    • Enhanced Durability:
      Captain America (U.S

      Walker withstands falling several stories

      Walker's muscles and bones are far denser and more durable than normal humans. This was demonstrated during Walker's conflicts with members of Flag Smashers; after taking the serum Walker could easily block and shake off their strikes, a feat he could not perform before taking the serum. Walker's displayed his enhanced resilience when he jumped out of a building and landed on a van; crushing its roof, he was also able to keep fighting after his arm was broken, a feat which required considerable effort from Falcon and Winter Soldier. During his fight with Karli Morgenthau in New York, Walker was able to remain immovable against Morgenthau's blows, and later he was able to quickly get up after falling from several meters in height and continue fighting without visible wounds.
    • Enhanced Speed:
      US Agent running

      Walker catching up with Nico

      Walker can move, run, and react much faster than any normal human. He already tested off the charts in speed according to a government study before the serum. Walker's enhancement afforded him the prowess to keep up in fights with enhanced members of Flag Smashers, as well as fight both Falcon and Winter Soldier at the same time. Walker was also fast enough to catch up to the similarly enhanced Nico, who was running at high speeds.
    • Enhanced Agility: Walker can coordinate his body with perfect balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity, as demonstrated in his battles with the Flag Smashers, despite them being similarly enhanced.
    • Enhanced Stamina: The serum also improved Walker's endurance, which already tested off the charts according to a government study before the serum. Taking the serum allowed him to easily perform superhuman feats, as Walker was able to fight and outmatch serum enhanced members of Flag Smashers, chase down and kill Nico, flee from the scene of his murder, then go on to fight Falcon and Winter Soldier for the shield, which requiring considerable effort from the latter two; all without showing the slightest sign of tiring or exhausting. After fighting for several minutes with the Flag Smashers and falling from several meters' height, Walker was able to keep running and fighting without visible strain or fatigue.
    • Enhanced Reflexes:

      Captain America quickly blocks a knife attack

      The recreated serum enhanced Walker's reflexes; allowing Walker to more easily keep up with enhanced members of Flag Smashers, fight Falcon and Winter Soldier at the same time, and narrowly avoid a knife thrown at him by Dovich.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Walker is able to heal at a much faster rate than that of a normal human. Walker was able to heal from the injuries he sustained in Latvia, including the broken arm he suffered from his fight with Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Walker fully recovered from these injuries in a matter of days; allowing him to forge a replica shield.
    • Longevity: A common attribute among Wilfred Nagel's Super Soldier Serum and Abraham Erskine's is that the users gain an expanded lifespan, allowing them to age a little slower.


"The government did a study of your body at MIT, and you tested off the charts in every measurable category. Speed, endurance, intelligence..."
��Sara Haines to John Walker[src]
  • Master Combatant:
    US Agent vs

    Walker fighting Falcon and Winter Soldier

    During his time in the United States Army, Walker had received advanced hand-to-hand combat training, including a martial combination of Boxing, Taekwondo, Krav Maga, Judo, Capoeira, firearm improvisation and modern army combatives. He was able to fight against Karli Morgenthau and two Dora Milaje in two separate instances briefly before being overpowered by Morgenthau's superior strength and the Dora Milaje's more advanced combat skills. After gaining enhanced physical abilities, combined with his combat skills and shield, Walker was able to defeat several Flag Smashers members with relative ease. Walker was also able to fight both Falcon and Winter Soldier in combat at the same time, being able to repeatedly incapacitate Falcon and overpower him even with his EXO-7 Falcon's technology, he managed to repeatedly outmatch Winter Soldier in a fight, he was able to deliver multiple blows on him and drive him into the corner until Falcon eventually helped Winter Soldier disarm him of the shield by breaking his arm, and was easily man-handled upon being disarmed of the shield due to his injury, showing his fighting prowess was still not on the same level as world-class fighters like Barnes head-on. During the battle in the outside of Global Repatriation Council's facility in New York, Walker was able to defeat several members of the Flag Smashers without much effort.
  • Shield Mastery:
    US Agent Shield Throw

    Walker throwing the shield in battle

    Walker is very skilled in wielding his predecessor's shield in battle. He can ricochet the shield in a way it returns to his grip. He consistently threw it at the Flag Smashers to knock them down, and even threw it with enough accuracy to catch Battlestar on the concave side. After taking the recreated serum, he was able to throw the shield to make it deflect off surfaces and people before it returns to his grip. He was also proficient in close combat with the shield, using the shield's edge to kill Nico and able to use it to effectively block and launch attacks on his own, which he used to defend himself from the Dora Milaje and Flag Smasher, though on the losing end, and after being empowered he was able to use it to easily bash aside a Flag Smasher and both block and disarm the other of his knife to send at Winter Soldier. He even managed to use the shield to successfully defend himself against and push back the combined efforts of Falcon and Winter Soldier, delivering several blunt blows on them and using the shield to defend himself from Barnes' attacks and nearly managing to kill Falcon with it before he was disarmed by a combined effort. He wielded his homemade shield with the same proficiency of the original shield, his performance hampered only by the vastly inferior materials he used in lieu of vibranium.
  • Expert Marksman: Walker is highly trained in firearms; according to his service uniform, he is an expert in pistols and rifles. He used his sidearm to shoot Matias holding Battlestar, barely missing the latter. Walker is also very precise with throwing the shield, consistently hitting his opponents in their center mass, and he once threw it at Zemo's head to knock him out.
"John Walker, first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor, ran RS-One missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue."
Sara Haines to John Walker[src]
  • Gifted Intellect: According to a government study at MIT, Walker tested off the charts in intelligence, even before the serum enhancement.
  • Expert Tactician: On the admission of Battlestar, Walker is an exemplary military strategist, commended for consistently making the right decisions in the heat of battle. This was evident when he chose saving hostages over revenge against Flag Smasher, even after his mental instability was augmented by the serum.
  • Expert Engineer:
    John Walker building a shield

    Walker creating his own shield

    Walker has shown himself to be a capable engineer and welder. He forged his own shield to replace his lost shield, although it did not hold up for long in battle.



  • STI Perfect 10:

    Walker shooting Matias

    Walker carries a sidearm like Captain America did during World War II, holstered on his utility belt. He armed himself with the pistol in Munich, using it to shoot Matias restraining Battlestar. Although he was disarmed by their leader, he eventually found his weapon. He continued to carry the pistol on missions, as seen in Riga when he held it in conjunction with his shield. He lost the pistol once more when Barnes took it from his holster and Walker knocked it out of his grip. It was later recovered, as it was seen holstered in his new uniform when he became U.S. Agent.

Other Equipment[]

"This suit, it comes with expectations, brother."
Lemar Hoskins to John Walker[src]
  • Captain America's Uniform:

    Walker dons his Captain America suit

    As Captain America, Walker wore a blue and red uniform similar to those worn by Steve Rogers. Like Rogers' helmet, his helmet featured a symbol representing the combination of the letter "A" and a star. The same symbol was located on the right side of his chest and on the back of his uniform, where the shield was stored. The uniform incorporates advanced armor, with the reinforced helmet being capable of containing the blast from a grenade explosion.
"It's the same. But black."
―U.S. Agent to Valentina Allegra de Fontaine[src]
  • U.S. Agent's Uniform: Walker was given a replacement for his Captain America uniform once he was recruited by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to serve as the U.S. Agent. The uniform is black rather than blue with red and white stripes in the same place as the red stripes on the Captain America uniform, with only one, barely visible, "A" and star symbol on the chest.
"You did the right thing taking the serum."
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to John Walker[src]
  • Super Soldier Serum:

    Walker with the last vial

    During an attempt to capture Karli Morgenthau at the Latvian GRC Resettlement Camp, Walker noticed one Super Soldier Serum that had not been destroyed by Helmut Zemo. Believing that it could give him the edge against the enhanced Flag Smashers, Walker injected the serum into his body, amplifying his physical capabilities. However, it also exacerbated his mental instability, resulting in him becoming significantly more violent and unhinged for a time.


Former Equipment[]

"Just 'cause you carry that shield, it doesn't mean you're Captain America."
Bucky Barnes to John Walker[src]
  • Captain America's Shield:
    Captain America (John Walker)

    Captain America holding up his shield

    When Walker was chosen to be the second Captain America, he was entrusted with the shield to aid in his missions. Since then, Walker has used it in a manner similar to his predecessor by utilizing it in a primarily defensive manner and throwing it in an offensive manner. However, due to his aggressive personality, Walker has used the shield with lethal intent, such as when he killed Nico. Nico's murder resulted in Falcon reclaiming the shield with the aid of Winter Soldier in order to put an end to his rampage.
  • John Walker's Shield: After losing Captain America's shield to Falcon and Winter Soldier, getting stripped of the Captain America title, and being other than honorably discharged from the United States Army, Walker forged his own version of the shield with an extremely similar but distinct design, decorating it with the medals he had worn throughout his military career. However, while it protected Walker adequately, the new shield was nowhere near as durable as the vibranium shield and of little use as an actual weapon due to the common metal used, and ended up battered and dented by the time Walker abandoned his rampage.


  • Custer's Grove High School:
    Locker Room

    Walker looks at his old locker and new suit

    Walker attended Custer's Grove High School, where he was the captain of the football team and according to Lemar Hoskins, failed drama class. Walker later returned to his high school for an interview about him succeeding Steve Rogers as Captain America.






Appearances for U.S. Agent


  • In the comics, John Walker was a former United States Army soldier who was originally known as the Super-Patriot, an anti-hero who was the dark reflection of Captain America and his views on patriotism. Walker later took over the mantle of Captain America after Steve Rogers abandoned the role. After Rogers reassumed the role of Captain America, Walker became a government operative and occasional vigilante/mercenary codenamed U.S. Agent.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to U.S. Agent.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to U.S. Agent.

External Links[]
