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"I'm Yatzil. Avatar of Hathor."
―Yatzil to Marc Spector[src]

Yatzil was the avatar of the Egyptian goddess Hathor.


Becoming Hathor’s Avatar[]

Yatzil became the avatar of Hathor, and attended meetings of the Ennead Council on her behalf.[3]

Trial of Arthur Harrow[]

She was summoned to a meeting called by Khonshu, where she met Khonshu's avatar, Marc Spector. The pair talked, and Yatzil was disappointed to learn that Khonshu had never mentioned Hathor to him, as they used to be friends. Yatzil became possessed by Hathor, who engaged in the trial. After the trial, Yatzil pulled Spector aside and told him that he could stop Arthur Harrow by finding Senfu's sarcophagus.[3]

Attacked by Arthur Harrow[]

Hathor later sensed that someone was trying to bring Ammit back, so she summoned Yatzil to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Yatzil convened with the rest of the Council's avatars, and prepared to fight Arthur Harrow and the Disciples of Ammit as they entered the pyramid, hoping to free Ammit. Hathor possessed Yatzil, but the latter was killed by Harrow before they could do anything.[4]


  • Divine Empowerment: As an avatar of Hathor, Yatzil was able to be possessed by Hathor and given similar abilities to the Ennead's own.




Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Yatzil.