Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Wounds" est une anthologie de romans de la série "Starfleet Corps of Engineers", rééditant les eBooks préalablement publiés.



4ème de couverture
The Dominion War has been over for a year, but its legacy lives on. Commander Sonya Gomez, former Starship Enterprise engineer, and her crack Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the USS da Vinci find themselves dealing with many permutations of that legacy.
Two mysterious murders on the da Vinci lead to the Gamma Quadrant and a Dominion base. A pre-warp planet occupied by the Dominion still has scars from both sides of that conflict. Plus Gomez, computer expert Soloman, and Security Chief Corsi are haunted by demons from their past.
But the greatest threat of all comes from a visit to Deep Space 9. A fissure has opened up between realities, endangering the very existence of the Bajoran system – and also stranding Doctors Lense and Bashir on a war-torn planet from which they may never escape.
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Livre précédent:
#10. "Creative Couplings"
"Starfleet Corps of Engineers" (anthologie) Livre suivant:
#12. "Out of the Cocoon"