Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the similarly-named species, please see Beta Annari.

The Annari were a humanoid species from the Delta Quadrant, with green or greenish-brown skin and many bony facial structures. (VOY: "Nightingale"; DIS: "Face the Strange")

Their government was the Annari Empire. Since at least 2374, the Annari were at war with the Kraylor, enforcing a blockade of the Kraylor homeworld.

In 2377, the Federation starship USS Voyager encountered the Annari while performing maintenance on a planet in Annari territory. Though the Annari were friendly at first, they evicted Voyager from their space after learning that Harry Kim and Seven of Nine had assisted the Kraylor in running a cloaking device past their blockade. (VOY: "Nightingale")

Annari were amongst the species trapped in the the Void. (VOY: "The Void")

By the 32nd century, Annari were present also in the Alpha Quadrant. In 3191, Moll and L'ak traded with an Annari weapons dealer. (DIS: "Face the Strange")




According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 94), there was a star system named Annaria, which might possibly be the system of origin for this species, in the quadrant. The primary of this system was an A-class star.
