Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

This is a list of missions for the Apollo program from 1967 to 1972. Each mission had their own mission insignia. Save for Apollo 15, which was displayed also in a bar in Bozeman, Montana, (Star Trek: First Contact) some of these insignia were displayed in the 602 Club on Earth in 2143. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 1[]

Apollo 1 was the first Apollo mission. It was crewed by Gus Grissom, Edward Higgins White, and Roger B. Chaffee. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 1 was the scene of a tragic fire which killed all three astronauts and destroyed the command module. It would not be until a year had passed before the next manned mission was launched. For further information, see Apollo 1 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 7[]

Special Edition

A newspaper detailing the launch of Apollo VII

Apollo 7 was crewed by Wally Schirra, Donn F. Eisele, and Walter Cunningham. (ENT: "First Flight")

In 2384, Wesley Crusher had a copy of a newspaper from 1968 that printed a special edition detailing the Apollo 7's mission that involved the Saturn 1B's launch into Earth's orbit. (PRO: "The Devourer of All Things, Part II")

Apollo 7's command/service module successfully orbited the Earth. For further information, see Apollo 7 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 8[]

Apollo 8 was crewed by Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William Anders. (ENT: "First Flight") It was the first Human spacecraft to successfully travel to Luna. (PIC: "Two of One") A photo of Earth rising over Luna was photographed from this spacecraft and later seen in the USS Enterprise library computer. (TOS-R: "The Cage")

In 2024, the Apollo 8 mission was referenced in the display "Manned Space Flight 1961-2024", which was seen at a gala for the astronauts of the Europa Mission. (PIC: "Two of One")

Apollo 8's command/service module was the first to successfully orbit Luna. For further information, see Apollo 8 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 9[]

Apollo 9 was crewed by James McDivitt, David Scott, and Rusty Schweickart. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 9 successfully launched both the command/service module and the lunar module into Earth orbit, and marked for the first time that both modules were docked in space. For further information, see Apollo 9 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 10[]

Apollo 10 was the tenth in the Apollo series of missions. It was crewed by Eugene Cernan, Thomas P. Stafford, and John Young. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 10's command/service module and lunar module successfully orbited Luna, performing the first lunar orbit rendezvous. For further information, see Apollo 10 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 11[]

Apollo 11 had a crew of three, including Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and was the first successful landing of Humans on Luna. (ENT: "Carbon Creek", "First Flight"; TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

The third Apollo 11 crewmember was Michael Collins, who has not been mentioned or referred to in Star Trek.

Apollo 12[]

Apollo 12 was the second successful landing on Earth's Moon. Jonathan Archer kept an image of one of the crewmembers, Pete Conrad, standing next to the American flag on the moon in his apartment in San Francisco. (ENT: "Shockwave") Alan Bean and Richard F. Gordon, Jr. were the other two crewmembers. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 12 landed in the Ocean of Storms, and the astronauts surveyed the landing site of Surveyor 3. For further information, see Apollo 12 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 13[]

Apollo 13 was the next mission in the Apollo program. The ingenuity shown by the crew and mission control to avert catastrophe during the mission was referenced by Hologram Janeway to inspire Dal R'El, who needed to rebuild a warp matrix to save the USS Protostar. (ENT: "First Flight"; PRO: "Time Amok")

Apollo 13 was crewed by Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise. The spacecraft suffered a catastrophic explosion en route to Luna, forcing cancellation of the planned lunar landing and a perilous return journey to Earth. The lunar module served as a makeshift shelter until the astronauts landed safely on Earth.

The motto for this mission, "Ex Luna, Scientia" ("From the Moon, knowledge"), was the inspiration for that of Starfleet Academy – "Ex Astris, Scientia" ("From the stars, knowledge") first used in "The First Duty". The motto itself was a modification of a motto first used by the United States Navy: "Ex scientia tridens" ("From knowledge, sea power"). (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 319) For further information, see Apollo 13 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 14[]

Apollo 14 was the 14th Apollo mission. Alan Shepard was one of the crewmembers. (Star Trek: Enterprise opening credits) The other two members were Stuart Roosa and Edgar Mitchell. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 14 landed in the Fra Mauro, the intended landing site of Apollo 13. Footage of Alan Shepard before the launch of Apollo 14 was in the opening credits of Star Trek: Enterprise. For further information, see Apollo 14 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 15[]

Apollo 15 was the 15th Apollo mission. It comprised three crewmembers: James Irwin, David Scott, and Alfred Worden. (Star Trek: First Contact; ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 15 landed in the Hadley Rille. The astronauts explored the Rille by foot and by rover, a first in the program. For further information, see Apollo 15 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 16[]

Apollo 16 was the 16th, and second last Apollo mission. It was crewed by Charles Duke, Ken Mattingly, and John Young. (ENT: "First Flight")

Apollo 16 landed in the Descartes Highlands. For further information, see Apollo 16 at Wikipedia.

Apollo 17[]

Apollo 17 was the final Apollo mission and was crewed by Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt. (ENT: "First Flight"; PIC: "Two of One")

Apollo 17 landed in the Taurus-Littrow. This was the last Apollo mission. For further information, see Apollo 17 at Wikipedia. The mission patch for the Apollo 17 mission was modified and used for the Charybdis mission patch in TNG: "The Royale".

Background information[]

  • Footage of the unmanned test flight Apollo 4 was used for the launch sequence in TOS: "Assignment: Earth".