Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

In military organizations, a battery was a unit comprised of artillery and other heavy weapons. Its task was to provide long-range fire support for weaker units.

The colony on Cestus III was protected by phaser batteries. (TOS: "Arena")

In the Battle of the Pyrithian Gorge, Neelix faced an entire battery of Haakonian artillery. (VOY: "Jetrel")

The Dominion organized ships into attack wings and batteries. Such units were instructed, by Gul Dukat during the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, to concentrate their fire on Section 17 of Deep Space 9's outer docking ring, a tactic that was critical in bringing down the station's shields. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

Following the initial Klingon attack during the Raid on Trelka V in 2375, Kolana read from the sensors that the Dominion dispatched damage control teams, two defense batteries were out, and that the base had just dropped their primary shield grid. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")

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