Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Beta Lyrae system was an uninhabited planetary system in the Alpha Quadrant. The system consisted of the primary Beta Lyrae and at least two planets. The system was located 142° northeast of the galactic plane between Kzin and the Federation Starbase 25.

In 2269, the shuttlecraft Copernicus of the USS Enterprise was transporting a Slaver stasis box to Starbase 25 and passed by Beta Lyrae. Kzinti privateers lured the shuttle to an ice-bound planet in the system, using another stasis box as bait. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")

This system's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of its star as seen in the star chart appearing in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (United Federation of Planets II), the Beta Lyrae (Sheliak) system consisted of a pair of B-class stars. described the system as containing "a panoply of giant red and yellow stars, a blue dwarf star, and blue gas clouds." [1](X)

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