Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Camouflage was a method of concealment that allowed a visible lifeform or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environment.

Camouflage was commonly used in warfare, as referenced in the Hirogen's World War II holodeck program. (VOY: "The Killing Game")

In 2154, a Romulan drone ship utilized a multispectral emitter to generate a holographic skin as a form of camouflage. (ENT: "United")

In 2370, Nikolai Rozhenko suggested creating an atmospheric shield on Boraal II and camouflaging the equipment, as was done with his observation post, to hide it from the Boraalan people, but Captain Jean-Luc Picard refused as doing so would violate the Prime Directive. (TNG: "Homeward")

A memory virus passed on from Dimitri Valtane to Tuvok in 2293 used a false childhood memory of a falling girl as camouflage to remain hidden as a repressed memory engram in the host's brain. (VOY: "Flashback")

Exobiologists Magnus and Erin Hansen developed bio-dampeners – which created a field around the body that simulated the physiometric conditions within a Borg vessel – as a form of camouflage to remain undetected inside of a Borg cube for hours at a time. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

In 2373, the crew of the USS Voyager helped the Sakari improve their camouflage in return for a generous quantity of gallicite for use in refitting their warp coils. (VOY: "Blood Fever")

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