Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of unnamed Enterprise NX-01 personnel.

For the full list of named personnel, see Enterprise (NX-01) personnel.

Command division[]

Operations division[]

Sciences division[]

Dual branches[]

Command / Operations division crewman[]

Engineer []

This operations division engineer was on duty in engineering and walking on the second level when Rajiin entered engineering and shot at him with a phase-pistol. He hit the ground. (ENT: "Rajiin")

Wearing a command division uniform, he was working in engineering during the scenario created for Degra. In this scenario he was using a fire extinguisher to clear a fire in engineering. (ENT: "Stratagem")

This crewman was played by stunt actor Brian Avery, who received no credit for this appearances.

His uniform from "Rajiin" was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X)

Sphere-Builder victim []

This command division crewman was working in engineering when a group of Osaarian pirates boarded and raided the ship. He was crawling down a ladder from the upper level and shot by one of the Osaarians. He then fell down to the ground. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

Later in operations division, he was working in engineering during the scenario created for Degra. In this scenario he was using a fire extinguisher to clear a fire in engineering. (ENT: "Stratagem")

He was with Archer in the derelict ship when he spotted some Xindi-Insectoid eggs. (ENT: "Hatchery")

He was on duty in main engineering when three Sphere-Builders appeared in main engineering to stop Enterprise from destroying Sphere 41. He stood in front of the warp engine and was hit by an energy disruption from one of the Sphere-Builders, was thrown through the room and crashed against a wall before he fell on the ground. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

This Starfleet engineer was played by recurring stunt actor Paul Eliopoulos, who received no credit for his appearances except for his role in "Hatchery" where he was credited as "Crewman #1".

Regarding his appearance in "Anomaly", it might be possible that he was Crewman Fuller.

Engineer/security crewman (2153) []

This crewman served aboard Enterprise in 2153.

He was assigned to the command division when Enterprise was hit by a spatial anomaly. He was surprised by this anomaly in a corridor and thrown back on the ground. ("Anomaly (ENT)")

Later that year, he served in the operations division and was part of a security detail, ordered to guard Rajiin inside the brig. When a Xindi-Reptilian boarding party entered the corridor, he fired his phase-pistol on one of them. The Xindi-Reptilian fired an organic grenade and the security crewman along with a second one was killed. (ENT: "Rajiin")

This crewman was played by stunt actor Lin Oeding, who received no credit for his appearances.

Female command/operations crewman []

This female crewman served in the command division and later in the operations division aboard Enterprise during its first years after the launch in 2151.

She manned a station in the aft section of the bridge after the launch, and during the crew's first meeting with the Suliban. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

She was working on the bridge when the crew faced a new alien lifeform. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")

The same year she visited the mess hall again for dinner, and later joined other crewmembers for the movie night in the mess hall watching the Earth movie For Whom the Bell Tolls where she sat next to Ensign Cutler. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")

She was among the crewmembers in the mess hall who were present when Commander Tucker and the Vulcan Kov talked about Vulcan and Human mating rituals. (ENT: "Fusion")

She was one of the female crewmembers who were gathered while unconscious in launch bay two by the Ferengi marauders. (ENT: "Acquisition")

She passed T'Pol and Captain Archer in a corridor, after the captain returned from his trip to the Torothan homeworld. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")

While Enterprise was in orbit of Risa in early 2152, she was working on the aft stations at the bridge. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")

She visited the mess hall when Feezal Phlox talked to Hoshi Sato in Denobulan. (ENT: "Stigma")

This recurring crewman was played by background actress Monica Parrett, who received no credit for her appearances.

According to the call sheet, Parrett was scheduled to appear as a command crewman in the mess hall scene 6 of the first season episode "The Andorian Incident" but was not part of the final episode.

Operations/command division crewman []

This crewman served aboard Enterprise in the operations division for several years.

He was working in engineering when Commander Tucker and Captain Archer prepared an explosive surprise for the automated repair station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

He worked in the situation room on the bridge when Trip Tucker, who was in command of Enterprise, contacted Vulcan Captain Tavek. (ENT: "The Seventh")

He was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay at the catwalk for several days when the ship approached a neutronic wavefront. At the catwalk he participated in the weekly movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

He was part of a security team which was sent to stop an invading Borg boarding party. After modified phase-pistols killed two Borg drones, the weapons became useless against the others due to their personal shielding and the security team had to withdraw. (ENT: "Regeneration")

He was in the mess hall when the room was hit by a spatial anomaly and the food and drinks were thrown against the ceiling. Later, he transported cargo and supplies from the transporter platform after it was beamed back aboard from inside the Osaarian base in the Delphic Expanse sphere. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

He was part of the security detail sent to arrest Rajiin after she attacked T'Pol and Trip Tucker. He met with Lieutenant Reed and Crewman Haynem in a corridor but Rajiin left before. (ENT: "Rajiin")

In 2153, he was among a launch bay crew who were unloading trellium from Shuttlepod 2. Later, he was part of a nightmare experienced by T'Pol following the events aboard the Seleya. In this nightmare, he was watching an old Earth movie at movie night in the mess hall until Captain Archer called for tactical alert. (ENT: "Impulse")

EnterpriseNX operations command crewman 1, boatswain's whistle

Operating the boatswain's whistle

In 2165 of an alternate timeline where Jonathan Archer was suffering from anterograde amnesia caused by interspatial parasites, he blew the boatswain's whistle to welcome Archer, T'Pol, and Phlox aboard Enterprise. He was wearing a command division uniform. (ENT: "Twilight")

He guarded the brig when Degra, Thalen, and a Xindi-Primate crewman were held inside. He opened the door to the brig when Malcolm Reed and Private W. Woods entered to bring Degra and Thalen into engineering. (ENT: "Stratagem")

This recurring crewman was played by regular background actor Peter Godoy who received no credit for his appearances.

Further appearances[]

Operations/command crewman []

EnterpriseNX crewmen in mess hall, 2151

Having dinner in the mess hall

This crewman was assigned to Enterprise NX-01 between 2151 and 2153.

He visited the mess hall and took something to eat out of the serving case while T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit of the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

Together with a fellow crewman, he had dinner in the mess hall when Captain Archer told the crew to step to the next window and observe the largest comet ever seen by Humans. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

In this episode, Garcon wore two rank pips indicating the rank of lieutenant. In his subsequent appearances, he wore no rank insignia.

Also in "Breaking the Ice", Garcon is listed to work in scenes in the situation room on the bridge. However, in the final episode he was replaced by fellow background actor John Wan, leaving his only appearance in the short mess hall sequence filmed during second unit.

Carrying a case, he passed Travis Mayweather and ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan in a corridor on their tour of Enterprise. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

The call sheet originally listed actor Bryan Heiberg in this scene and not Garcon who replaced Heiberg in the final episode.

He was working in engineering when Commander Tucker and Captain Archer prepared an explosive surprise for the automated repair station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

EnterpriseNX operations command crewman 2, 2152

At the catwalk

He was among the crewmembers who transported bags and equipment to the catwalk where the crew was forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he listened to Captain Archer's speech and played cards with other crewmembers. Later he stood behind Hutchison when Doctor Phlox scanned the Takret physiology and found their immunity against the radiation from the storm. After the Takret Militia left the ship, he was among the crewmembers who participated in the weekly movie night at the catwalk. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

EnterpriseNX operations command crewman 2, 2153

Sitting in the mess hall

Transferred to the command division, he had a meal in the mess hall when a spatial anomaly hit the place and his food was thrown against the ceiling. Later, he transported cargo and supplies into the cargo bay after it was beamed back aboard from inside the Osaarian base in a Delphic Expanse sphere. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

Back in the operations division, he and Ensign Walsh accompanied Captain Archer and arrested Rajiin at the transporter alcove. (ENT: "Rajiin")

This recurring crewmember was played by actor Robert Garcon, who received no credit for his appearances.

Garcon was usually listed as "Tegr" or "T'Gar" on the call sheets.

Sciences/operations division crewman[]

Unknown division[]

Bridge crewman []

This male crewman contacted Captain Archer in his quarters over com during night and excused himself for disturbing Archer's sleep. He told Archer about an incoming transmission from Admiral Maxwell Forrest at Starfleet Command. When Archer told him to put Forrest through, the crewman acknowledged with "Yes, sir." (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

Listen to the bridge crewman file info

This crewman was voiced by an unknown actor.

Bridge crewman []

This female bridge crewman answered Trip Tucker's hail to the bridge in 2153. Tucker requested the location of T'Pol and she was not opening the door to her quarters though she had an appointment with Tucker. The female crewman confirmed her quarters as her location so Tucker used his thumbprint to get inside where he was attacked by Rajiin. (ENT: "Rajiin")

This female crewman was voiced by an unknown actress.

Bridge crewman []

This male bridge crewman informed Captain Archer about a second message from Admiral Maxwell Forrest in 2153. (ENT: "The Expanse")

This male crewman was voiced by an unknown actor.

Crewman in mess hall (2151) []

EnterpriseNX crewman in mess hall, 2151

A male crewman

This crewman served aboard Enterprise shortly after its launch in 2151.

He was among multiple crewmembers in the mess hall who went to the windows to see the brightness of newly discovered planet Archer IV. He answered a question posed by crewman Cutler, as to whether anyone had heard something about the ship's new course, by replying, "Not a word!" He later commented that he couldn't see any cities or agriculture on the new-found planet. (ENT: "Strange New World")

This crewman was played by actor Rey Gallegos.

In the final draft script of "Strange New World", this character was referred to simply as "N.D. Crewman" (with "N.D." used as a typical abbreviation for "nondescript").

During his brief appearance on screen, no division color of his uniform was visible.

Crewmembers on file []

These two Enterprise NX-01 crewmembers and Travis Mayweather were among the personnel files the automated repair station reviewed in 2152 while scanning the ship and working on a repair schedule. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

Daniels' bunkmate[]

Crewman Daniels, upon welcoming Jonathan Archer to his quarters in 2151, apologized for the messy conditions of the room, quipping, "Sometimes I think my bunkmate majored in chaos theory." After Daniels was revealed to be a time traveler from the 31st century, and apparently killed, his roommate was reassigned to other quarters, and their room sealed off. (ENT: "Cold Front")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Fifteen casualties[]

These fifteen casualties, along with Jane Taylor, Kamata, and Marcel, were memorialized in 2154. (ENT: "The Forgotten")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Alternate timeline[]

Crewmen []

These three crewmen helped Lorian steal Enterprise's plasma injectors so Lorian could meet Degra and the council in Archer's place. (ENT: "E²")

One of the crewmen was played by Steve Truitt and the others by unknown actors.

Toru and Yoshiko's father[]

In an alternate timeline in which Enterprise was sent back 117 years into the past, this man fathered Hoshi Sato's two children, Toru and Yoshiko.

Present day Hoshi didn't look up his name because she felt some things were better left unknown. (ENT: "E²")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

See also[]
