Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of unnamed sciences division crewmembers of Enterprise NX-01.

For crewmembers who served in multiple divisions, see Unnamed Enterprise (NX-01) personnel.

Bombing victim []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 9

A bombing victim

This sciences division crewman was reading a PADD while walking along a corridor in 2153 when she witnessed a Triannon suicide assassin activating his organic explosive and destroying a section of C Deck. She was killed during the explosion. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

This crewman was played by featured actress Autumn Leigh Brown who received no credit for this appearance.

Comm officers[]

Ensign []

EnterpriseNX sciences ensign 1

A science division ensign

This female ensign delivered a shipment of snow beetles into sickbay while Enterprise underwent repairs in a drydock orbiting Earth. Later, she was passed by Commander Tucker and Malcolm Reed in a corridor. (ENT: "The Expanse")

She was on duty in the situation room on the bridge when Captain Archer and Commander Tucker went on an away mission to the northern mine of the trellium mining planet. (ENT: "The Xindi")

She visited the mess hall in 2153 when the ship was hit by several spatial anomalies and the dishes and drinks of the crewmembers in the mess hall were thrown against the ceiling. She later passed Captain Archer and the arrested Osaarian pirate Orgoth in a corridor, gaping at Archer who held a phase-pistol but Archer just acknowledged her. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

She had dinner in the mess hall when Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker talked about Tucker's relationships to Amanda Cole and T'Pol and when Tucker and T'Pol discussed their previous encounter. (ENT: "Harbinger")

This recurring crewman was played by background actress Lalita Lauren, who received no credit for her appearances.

In "Anomaly", Archer adressed her as ensign. Her uniform was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X)

Female crewman in corridor []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 12

A science division crewman

This science division crewman was walking along a corridor in 2153 when a spatial anomaly passed through the floor and hit her on the ground. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

This crewman was played by stunt actress Lisa Hoyle, who received no credit for this appearance.

Female medical officer []

EnterpriseNX sciences medical officer 1, 2154

A female medical officer

This science division crewmember served in the medical department aboard Enterprise.

She was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay at the catwalk for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk she witnessed how Doctor Phlox discovered secrets about the Takret physiology and ate some ration packs. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

She was working in sickbay when a group of wounded aliens were treated. (ENT: "The Breach")

She passed Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker in a corridor when the two discussed the treatment the Xindi should get upon locating them. (ENT: "The Xindi")

She visited the mess hall when the ship was hit by several spatial anomalies and the dishes and drinks of the crewmembers in the mess hall were thrown against the ceiling. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

She had dinner in the mess hall when Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker talked about Tucker's relationships to Amanda Cole and T'Pol and when Tucker and T'Pol discussed their previous encounter. (ENT: "Harbinger")

EnterpriseNX sciences medical officer 1, 2161

At Federation Founding Ceremony

She was present when the Klingon augment was treated in sickbay. (ENT: "Divergence")

She attended the Federation Founding Ceremony in 2161. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

This Starfleet officer was played by regular background actress and Linda Park's stand-in Cricket Yee, who received no credit for her appearances.

Female sciences crewman []

EnterpriseNX crew watching Archer's comet

Watching Archer's Comet from the mess hall

This sciences crewman was working on a console near the engineering station on the bridge and later on a monitor in the situations room while Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather reviewed historical archive photos of the Terra Nova Expedition and when Enterprise arrived at Terra Nova. She operated the engineering station when the landing party returned for a briefing in the situation room and latter manned a station near the communications station. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

She had dinner in the mess hall when Captain Archer told the crew to watch out of a window nearby to observe an approaching comet, the largest ever seen by Humans and later named "Archer's Comet". (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

She was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise arrived at the Akaali homeworld. She was also working on these aft consoles when the ship under command of T'Pol was attacked by a Malurian vessel. (ENT: "Civilization")

She was working in a corridor crossing near the transporter alcove when she was passed by Travis Mayweather and Matthew Ryan during their tour of Enterprise. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

She had lunch in the mess hall when Trip Tucker and the Vulcan Kov had a conversation about Vulcan mating rituals. (ENT: "Fusion")

She was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise detected the crash landed Kantare supply ship. Later, she was working at the engineering station on the bridge when Commander Tucker was part of the away team which beamed down to the derelict ship. (ENT: "Oasis")

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 8, on automated repair station

At the automated repair station

She participated in the movie night in the mess hall in 2151. (ENT: "Vox Sola")

She worked on the bridge when Enterprise arrived at the Paraagan colony and when the Suliban took over control of Enterprise. (ENT: "Shockwave, Part II")

She was among the crewmembers who took some R&R and visited the recreation facility aboard the automated repair station where she had some food and drinks with fellow crewmembers. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

She had lunch in the mess hall when Hoshi Sato introduced herself to some of the MACO. Later, she passed Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker in a corridor. (ENT: "The Xindi")

She had dinner in the mess hall when Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker talked about Tucker's relationships to Amanda Cole and T'Pol and when Tucker and T'Pol discussed their previous encounter. (ENT: "Harbinger")

This crewmember was played by regular background actress Michelle Van Den Broeck, who received no credit for her appearances.

Female sciences crewman []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 14

A sciences crewman

This sciences crewman had lunch in the mess hall when Trip Tucker and the Vulcan Kov had a conversation about Vulcan mating rituals. (ENT: "Fusion")

This crewmember was played by background actress Kavita Patil, who received no credit for her appearances.

Female sciences crewman []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 15

Sitting in the mess hall

This sciences crewman was sitting in the mess hall late at night in 2151 reading a PADD when T'Pol entered to have a glass of green tea and talked to Trip Tucker who had a piece of pecan pie. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

She was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise tried to contact the Earth Cargo Service freighter ECS Fortunate. She also worked on the bridge when the ship detected weapons fire and intercepted the Nausicaan ships. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

This sciences crewman was played by background actress Alise Phelan, who received no credit for her appearances.

Female science division crewman []

Enterprise sciences crewman 2, 2152

A female crewman

This science division crewman was assigned to the NX-class starship Enterprise since 2152.

She was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay at the catwalk when the Wisps boarded the ship and took over several crewmembers. (ENT: "The Crossing")

The same year she visited the mess hall for dinner and attended the movie night later, watching Frankenstein and sitting next to Commander Tucker. (ENT: "Horizon")

Enterprise sciences crewman 2, 2154

Captured in 2154

She had lunch in the mess hall when Hoshi Sato introduced herself to some of the MACO. (ENT: "The Xindi")

She was working in the command center on the bridge while Captain Archer reported from his away mission at the Xindi-Arboreal colony. (ENT: "The Shipment")

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 2, 2161

At the Federation Founding Ceremony

She was captured in 2154 by the Orions alongside Commander T'Pol, Ensign Jeffrey Pierce, and six other crewmembers. She was rescued and the neurolytic restraint was disabled. (ENT: "Borderland")

She later attended the Federation Founding Ceremony in 2161. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

This recurring crewman was portrayed by background actress and stand-in Monika Spruch, who received no credit for her appearances.

Female science division crewman (2152-2154) []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 3

A Starfleet crewman

This science division crewman served aboard the NX class Starfleet ship Enterprise since 2152.

She had a meal in the mess hall two days before Enterprise passed a black hole and the crew experienced anomalies. (ENT: "Singularity")

She was among the crewmembers who were forced to live at the catwalk for several days when the ship passed a neutronic storm. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

The same year she attended the movie night in the mess hall, sitting in the first row and watching Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")

She attended the first contact reception for the Vissians, held in the mess hall. (ENT: "Cogenitor")

She was passed by Captain Archer and Admiral Forrest in a corridor when Enterprise underwent repairs in a drydock orbiting Earth. (ENT: "The Expanse")

This recurring Starfleet crewman was played by background actress Jan Shiva, who received no credit for her appearances.

Lieutenant (2153) []

EnterpriseNX sciences lieutenant 2

A lieutenant

This sciences division lieutenant was walking behind Rossi when escorted and confined to some quarters by an armed Triannon in November 2153. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

This lieutenant was played by an unknown actor.

Male medical officer []

EnterpriseNX sciences medical officer 3, 2153

A medical officer

This medical Starfleet officer was assigned to Enterprise since 2152.

He joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall while Enterprise experienced strange anomalies. (ENT: "Singularity")

He was packing the EV suits in the locker room when the crew was forced to take shelter at the catwalk for several days. Later he participated in the weekly movie night at the catwalk. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

He had a meal in the mess hall and was later among the crewmembers who went to the catwalk. (ENT: "The Crossing")

He joined fellow crewmembers for the movie night in the mess hall watching Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")

During the rescue mission for three Denobulan scientists, he served on the aft section of the bridge. (ENT: "The Breach")

He attended the first contact reception for the Vissians, held in the mess hall. (ENT: "Cogenitor")

He was passed by Captain Archer and Admiral Maxwell Forrest in a corridor while Enterprise underwent repairs in a drydock orbiting Earth. (ENT: "The Expanse")

He was working in the command center on the bridge while T'Pol talked to the away team at the Xindi-Arboreal colony. (ENT: "The Shipment")

EnterpriseNX sciences medical officer 3, 2154

Working in sickbay

In an alternate timeline where Captain Archer was infected by interspatial parasites, he was working on the bridge and latter manned the science station temporarily during a briefing of the senior staff in the situation room. (ENT: "Twilight")

He was working in the situation room on the bridge when Lieutenant Reed informed the away team undercover in North Star. (ENT: "North Star")

In November 2153 he was in the mess hall and brought Rossi a piece of cake while the Triannons were aboard the ship. Following the first bombing attack by a Triannon, he was confined to some quarters. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

He assisted Doctor Phlox in the treatment of Corporal Askwith and another security guard in sickbay. (ENT: "The Forge")

This recurring Starfleet officer was played by regular background actor Aouri Makhlouf, who received no credit for his appearances.

Male science division crewman []

EnterpriseNX crew watching Archer's comet

Watching Archer's Comet from the mess hall

This sciences division crewman served aboard Enterprise between 2151 and 2153.

He had dinner with two fellow crewmen in the mess hall in June 2151. He was seated at the table next to the viewport while T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit to the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

He had dinner in the mess hall when Captain Archer told the crew to watch out of a window nearby to observe an approaching comet, the largest ever seen by Humans and later named "Archer's Comet". (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

He was working in the situation room on the bridge when a Tellarite freighter responded to the distress call and gave Enterprise the coordinates of the automated repair station. He was also on duty while the ship was docked at the station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 4

A sciences division crewman

He was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay for several days at the catwalk while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he was among the crewmembers who took the Takret fugitives to task regarding their true reason why they came aboard Enterprise. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

Wearing an EV suit, he accomapnied Lieutenant Reed onto the D-deck to arrest Sub-commander T'Pol. The Vulcan science officer previously left decon unauthorized. (ENT: "Bounty")

He visited the mess hall when a spatial anomaly hit the place and his dish was thrown against the ceiling. Later, he operated the transporter and beamed the cargo and supplies back on board after it was stolen by a group of Osaarian pirates. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 4-1

Surprised by Reed and Hayes

In 2153, he was part of a nightmare experienced by T'Pol following the events aboard the Seleya. In this nightmare he attended movie night in the mess hall and was sitting in the front row. (ENT: "Impulse")

In November 2153, while a group of Triannons were on board the ship, he shared a meal with fellow crewmembers in the mess hall. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

In December 2153, he cared for a wounded crewmember on the bridge as part of a staged scenario to deceive the Xindi-Primate Degra. Later, he was one of two crewmembers who placed Degra back into his chair aboard his ship after his memory was wiped out by Doctor Phlox. (ENT: "Stratagem")

He went down a corridor when he saw Malcolm Reed and Major Hayes fight against each other. Reed told him "as you were" and he left the corridor. (ENT: "Harbinger")

This crewman was played by regular background performer Aric Rogokos, who received no credit for his appearances.

Medical crewman []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 10

A medical crewman

This sciences division crewman was working in sickbay and treating the wounded Triannon in November 2153. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

This crewman was played by an unknown actor.

Medical technician []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman third class 3

A medical technician

A medical technician, with the rank of crewman third class, helped coordinate the moving of patients when sickbay was filled with injured aliens after a ship suffered a reactor overload in orbit of Xantoras and Enterprise had to offer assistance.

When he brought in an Antaran on a stretcher, Dr. Phlox froze for a minute as this was the first one he'd seen, and his people had been at war with them centuries earlier. (ENT: "The Breach")

This crewman was played by actor Jamison Yang.

Science crewman (2151) []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 5

Sitting in the mess hall

This sciences crewman served aboard Enterprise NX-01 in 2151.

He had a meal in the mess hall before the crew discovered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

He was part of the away team which landed on Archer IV, including T'Pol, Travis Mayweather, Captain Archer, Commander Tucker, Ethan Novakovich, and Cutler. He returned with Archer to the ship, leaving the rest of the party on the planet overnight, where they were exposed to a psychotropic pollen. (ENT: "Strange New World")

He joined Crewman Rossi in the mess hall for dinner. (ENT: "Unexpected")

He was carrying a PADD when he passed the assault team at the transporter alcove and watched Hoshi Sato skeptically approach the transporter console. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

EnterpriseNX crew watching Archer's comet

Watching "Archer's Comet" in the mess hall

He was among the group of crewmembers in the mess hall who observed the bright light of a comet Enterprise was approaching and was told by Captain Archer over com that this comet was the largest ever seen by Humans. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

He walked past Travis Mayweather and Matthew Ryan in a corridor during their tour of the ship. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

He was working in the aft section of the bridge when an alien species attacked and boarded Enterprise. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")

Together with fellow crewmembers he was watching the Earth movie For Whom the Bell Tolls in the mess hall during movie night. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")

He was again working on the bridge in the aft section when Enterprise discovered the Klingon Raptor-class scout vessel IKS Somraw. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs")

He was sitting in the mess hall when Doctor Phlox started a conversation with T'Pol after the Vulcan received her new orders; a transfer aboard the Vulcan starship Ni'Var. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")

This recurring crewman was portrayed by background actor Jack Guzman, who received no credit for his appearances. According to a call sheet of ENT: "Terra Nova", he was scheduled to work in scene 57, a corridor scene near the turbolift, but did not appear in this episode.

Science crewman in mess hall []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 6

A science crewman

This science division crewman visited the mess hall aboard Enterprise NX-01 shortly after its launch in 2151. She was drinking a cup of coffee and talking to another crewman when Commander Tucker headed for the captain's mess. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

This crewman was played by background actress Sofie Calderon, who received no credit for her appearance.

Science division crewman []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 11

A science division crewman

This sciences crewman had dinner with two fellow crewmen in the mess hall in June 2151. He was seated at the table next to the viewport while T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit to the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

He took some R&R and visited the recreation facility aboard the automated repair station where he had some food and a drink with fellow crewmembers. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

He transported equipment through the corridors to the catwalk where the crew was forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he was standing next to Dr. Phlox when the crew listened to Captain Archer's speech. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

This recurring crewmember was played by background actor Andy Keith, who received no credit for his appearances.

Science division crewman (2151) []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 7

A science division crewman

This science division crewman served aboard Enterprise following its launch in 2151.

He was on duty in the aft section of the bridge during the Suliban attack when the crew escorted Klaang back to his homeworld. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

He visited the mess hall while Doctor Phlox and Commander Tucker had a conversation (ENT: "Fight or Flight") and when the crew discovered a new planet. (ENT: "Strange New World")

This crewmember was portrayed by background actor Sandro DiPinto, who received no credit for his appearances.

Sciences crewman (2152) []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman 13, on automated repair station

A sciences crewman

This sciences crewman visited the mess hall for lunch when Travis Mayweather and ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan were talking about their lives as space boomers and a career in Starfleet. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

He was among the crewmembers who took some R&R and visited the recreation facility aboard the automated repair station in 2152. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

This crewman was played by regular background actor Frank Williams, who received no credit for his appearances.

Science division lieutenant []

EnterpriseNX sciences lieutenant 1

A sciences lieutenant

EnterpriseNX sciences lieutenant 1, 2153

In sickbay following an explosion

This sciences division lieutenant served aboard Enterprise NX-01 during its four year service.

He was working on the bridge while the ship was in orbit of Risa. He left the station behind the tactical station when Travis Mayweather contacted the ship to get back aboard. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")

He had lunch in the mess hall when Hoshi Sato introduced herself to some of the MACO and later passed Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker in a corridor. (ENT: "The Xindi")

He visited the mess hall when a spatial anomaly hit the ship and all the food and drinks were thrown against the ceiling. Later, after the Osaarian raid on the ship, he worked as nurse in sickbay and treated a fellow crewmember. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

He assisted Doctor Phlox in sickbay removing the projectile from Bethany. (ENT: "North Star")

Following the first explosion of a Triannon organic explosive aboard Enterprise he was brought to sickbay where his burnt hand and face were treated by Doctor Phlox. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

Together with another crewman he eyed the three Orion women D'Nesh, Maras, and Navar when Lieutenant Reed escorted them to their quarters. (ENT: "Bound")

In 2161 he attended the Federation Founding Ceremony on Earth. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

This recurring lieutenant was portrayed by background actor Cesar Rodriguez, who received no credit for his appearances.

His uniform was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)

Science officer (2152) []

EnterpriseNX sciences crewman first class 2

A science crewman

This science division crewman, was a crewman first class assigned to Enterprise in 2152.

He was among the crewmembers on the catwalk when the ship was threatened by invading "Wisps". When asked by Travis Mayweather if he and Cunningham were doing alright, he said "we're okay." Mayweather next asked if either of them had seen Charles Tucker, and the crewman replied, "No, sir." (ENT: "The Crossing")

This crewman was played by Alexander Chance.
