Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Talaxians.

Avery III prisoners []

Talaxian prisoner

A Talaxian prisoner

A Talaxian ship with a crew of 23 were taken prisoner by the Vidiians in 2365, and forced to do hard labor, digging tunnels at the Vidiian base on Avery III. By 2371, only one male was left.

He was encountered by Tom Paris, in 2371, when he explained that he was the last of the survivors from his ship; the others had been harvested for their organs. He was almost mad. He laughed at Paris, who wanted to escape, telling him there was no escape, and the only way to live was to stay physically strong, but added that even doing that would not save him from having his organs taken. (VOY: "Faces")

The surviving Talaxian prisoner was played by Rob LaBelle.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., p. 146 and the Star Trek: Voyager Companion, p. 41 mistakenly credit Barton Tinapp for this role.

The remaining twenty-two were only mentioned in dialogue.

Brax's father []

This individual was the father of Brax. (VOY: "Homestead")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Colonists []

These close to five hundred colonists settled on an asteroid in an asteroid field and were threatened by an alien miner, Commander Nocona, who tried to send them away and take the ore from their asteroid. They built a colony under the surface of the asteroid and were headed by Oxilon. In 2378, USS Voyager discovered the colony and sent an away team to visit. Neelix decided to stay with one of the colonists, Dexa, and her son Brax. (VOY: "Homestead")

Thes characters were all played by background performers who received no credit for their appearance.

One of them was played by actor Chip Murdock.

Garbage scow crew []

The crew members of a Talaxian garbage scow, including Neelix, were barely alive by the time they were rescued following their encounter with a theta radiation field. Were it not for the remedy they possessed, a concoction made up of crushed rama leaf and katyllian clove, Neelix doubted they would have survived. (VOY: "Juggernaut")

This crew was only mentioned in dialogue.

Neelix's family[]

Neelix's cousin(s) []

Neelix lost a number of his cousins during the Talaxian-Haakonian war. After a near-death experience in 2374, he was disappointed to learn from his experience that The Great Forest, the Talaxian afterlife, was non-existant and that all of the ancestors he thought would be waiting for him were not there, including his cousins, as well as everyone else, who was killed in the war. He took great comfort in knowing that they would all together again one day, but he discovered that it was not true. (VOY: "Mortal Coil")

Neelix also once spoke of a cousin who transported disulfides from a gas giant. According to Neelix, he claimed to love flying through the atmospheric turbulence. Neelix had his doubts as disulfides were known for causing delusions. (VOY: "Friendship One")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Neelix's father []

Neelix spoke of his father after the arrival of Ma'Bor Jetrel aboard USS Voyager, for whom Neelix bore much anger towards; for Jetrel was the man responsible for killing his family, including his father. (VOY: "Jetrel")

After Neelix died during an away mission in 2374, he was disappointed to learn from his experience that The Great Forest, the Talaxian afterlife was non-existant, after having been taught that when he died, his ancestors would be there, waiting for him by the Guiding Tree, including his father, as well as everyone else who was killed in the war. He took great comfort in knowing that they would all together again one day. But when he finally experienced death, he found it all to be untrue. (VOY: "Mortal Coil")

This father was only mentioned in dialogue.

Neelix's grandmother []

Neelix's grandmother was known for her soup recipe that was "guaranteed to cure even the most stubborn flu."

When Tuvok came down with a case of Tarkalean flu, Neelix prepared his grandmother's recipe, carefully prepared just the way Tuvok liked it, with "No herbs or spices of any kind" and "practically tasteless." (VOY: "Body and Soul")

This grandmother was only mentioned in dialogue.

Neelix's great-grandmother []

Neelix's great-grandmother was known for the saying "it's nice to be nice." Neelix quoted her catchphrase to Dala when she asked why he was being nice to her after she cheated him. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper")

This great-grandmother was only mentioned in dialogue. There is a one-in-four chance that she may have been the wife of Neelix's Mylean great-grandfather.

Neelix's mother []

Neelix initially spoke of his mother after the arrival of Ma'Bor Jetrel aboard USS Voyager, for whom Neelix bore much anger towards; for Jetrel was the man responsible for killing his family, including his mother. (VOY: "Jetrel")

Nonetheless, Neelix often spoke of his mother fondly. He once noted that she was particularly gifted at telling stories about the ingredients in her meals, as per Talaxian tradition. Neelix's favorite story involved a crustacean. (VOY: "Flashback")

In Tuvok's 2372 hologram simulation wherein he lost control and strangled Neelix, the Talaxian mentioned an old Talaxian song that she used to sing to him, then expressed his intent to sing it every day to Tuvok. (VOY: "Meld")

She had knitted him some blankets, which he had slept with as a child. His Silver Blood duplicate still had them as of 2374. (VOY: "Demon")

This Talaxian was only mentioned in dialogue.

Neelix's siblings[]

In addition to Alixia, Neelix had sisters and little brothers, all of whom perished due to the metreon cascade. (VOY: "Jetrel")

After Neelix died during an away mission in 2374, he was disappointed to learn from his experience that The Great Forest, the Talaxian afterlife was non-existant, after having been taught that when he died, his ancestors would be there, waiting for him by the Guiding Tree, including his sisters, as well as everyone else who was killed in the war. He had taken great comfort in knowing that they would all together again one day. (VOY: "Mortal Coil")

He and his sisters used to go exploring every day and make up stories together. He told Naomi Wildman about his sisters when her mother was missing in 2375. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

These Talaxians were only mentioned in dialogue.

Officers []

These two officers were part of the force led by Tom Paris to rescue the Voyager crew and recapture the starship after it had been seized by the Kazon. Together with their Commander Paxim they beamed aboard Voyager and manned the bridge stations. (VOY: "Basics, Part II")

Both Talaxians were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearance. They filmed their scenes on Friday 12 April 1996 on Paramount Stage 8 and are listed as "2 Talaxians" on the call sheet.

The costume worn by Charles Spector was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X)

Paxau masseuse[]

Rinax evacuation team[]

As of 2371, several members of the team that returned to Rinax to evacuate metreon cascade survivors developed metremia as a side effect of metreon exposure. (VOY: "Jetrel")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Rinax victims[]

Male []

Talaxian victim

A male Talaxian victim

This victim was killed by the metreon cascade on Rinax in 2356.

In 2371, Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel unsuccessfully tried to restore the vaporized body by means of Voyager's transporter. (VOY: "Jetrel")

This Talaxian was played by an unknown actor. According to the call sheet, the "stand-in" filmed the scenes on 2nd unit on Paramount Stage 9 on Thursday 20 April 1995 and is listed as "Talaxian Stand-in".

Males []

These victims were killed on Rinax, when the Haakonian Order unleashed the metreon cascade.

Neelix dreamed of them when he relived the horror of watching his family and fellow Talaxians incinerated by the metreon cascade. This dream was brought on because Neelix feared that Naomi Wildman might face the same thing when her mother might be lost in the crash of the Delta Flyer. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

Both Talaxians were played by backgroound actors who received no credit for their appearance. They filmed their scenes on Friday 24 July 1998 on Paramount Stage 20 and are listed as "2 Talaxians" on the call sheet.
