Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Here's to the Losers" was a 20th century Earth song.

Vic Fontaine performed this song for Quark and Julian Bashir in 2374, after they had learned that Jadzia Dax was planning on having a baby with Worf. It wasn't one of his most requested songs, but he was happy to perform it for them, although it depressed his band after a while. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")


Here's to those who loved not wisely, no, not wisely, but too well
To the girl who sighs with envy when she hears that wedding bell
To the guy who'd throw a party if he knew someone to call
Here's to the losers, bless them all

Here's to those who drink their dinners when that lady doesn't show
To the girl who'll wait for kisses underneath that mistletoe
To the lonely summer lovers when the leaves begin to fall
Here's to the losers, a-bless them all

Hey, Tom, Dick and Harry come in out of the rain
Those torches you carry must be drowned in champagne

Here's the last toast of the evening, here's to those who still believe
All the losers will be winners, all the givers shall receive
Here's to trouble-free tomorrows, may your sorrows all be small
Here's to the losers, bless them all

Hey, Tom, Dick and Harry, come in out of that rain
Those torches you carry must be drowned in champagne

Here's the last toast of the evening, here's to those who still believe
All the losers will be winners, all the givers shall receive
Here's to trouble-free tomorrows, may your sorrows all be small
Here's to the losers, here's to the losers, here's to the losers
Bless them all!

"Here's to the Losers" featured words and music by Jake Segal and Robert Wells. It was recorded by Frank Sinatra in 1963.

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 334, this song "spoke of the challenges of attracting a suitable mate in humanoid society." Furthermore, it was stated that Frank Sinatra performed this song.
