Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Kasseelians were an Alpha or Beta Quadrant species. They were known for the Kasseelian opera genre of music.

Female Kasseelian prima donnas trained their whole lives for a single performance, after which they typically committed suicide by plunging a dagger into their own chest. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad", "Brother")

A Kasseelian opera house was present on a moon near Starbase 46 as of December 2256. (DIS: "Into the Forest I Go")

This species was only mentioned in dialogue..

A Kasseelian design was developed by Neville Page for a Star Trek: Discovery scene to have featured Paul Stamets watching a memory with Hugh Culber. Though the scene was changed, the design was instead used as the being in ST: "The Girl Who Made the Stars". (Star Trek: The Art of Neville Page, p. 106)
