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Memory Alpha
Earth political map

21st century map depicting the countries of the world

Gulf of Mexico

Enterprise (NX-01) flies over Mexico

Mexico (abbreviated MX) was a country on the North American continent on Earth.


Zapotec-inspired effigy statue

Mexican cultural artifact

In the distant past, the region was home to the Olmec, Maya and Aztec cultures.

By the early 19th century, Mexico successfully gained its independence from Spain as the result of using violence as a political instrument. (TNG: "The High Ground")

In 1836, Mexican Army troops lead by General Santa Anna invaded the Republic of Texas following its declaration of independence from Mexico, with the intentions of quelling the rebel Texans. Santa Anna's greatest success was at the Battle of the Alamo, during which 2,000 Mexican troops attacked the Texans fortified Alamo mission and killed all 188 Texan rebels. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")

During the mid-22nd century, Malcolm Reed once visited a spa in Mexico, claiming that it was one of the most relaxing places he had ever been. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs")


Something or someone from Mexico was called Mexican. The Spanish language was widely spoken in Mexico.

Food and beverages[]



Furthermore, the USS Cortez for colonial governor Hernán Cortés.

According to Jeri Taylor's novel Pathways, B'Elanna Torres's father, John Torres, resided in Mexico.


The country had coastlines on the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and was bordered to the north by the United States of America. The capital city was Mexico City. (TOS-R: "The Cage"; TNG-R: "The Neutral Zone")

In 1962, Vic Fontaine sang the song "Come Fly with Me" at his nightclub. One of the exotic locales mentioned in the song was the Mexican city of Acapulco. (DS9: "His Way")

A 21st century-era political map of Earth was stored in the USS Enterprise's library computer in 2254. The location of Mexico was labeled on this map. This map was among the materials viewed by the Talosians when they scanned the Enterprise computer. (TOS-R: "The Cage")

In 2024 a Sanctuary District was located near the US-Mexico Border. (PIC: "Watcher")


One more Mexican city, Tehuantepec, was indirectly referenced through the painting Dance in Tehuantepec.


The map used in the remastered "The Cage" was a Central Intelligence Agency map published in September 2008. The ice shelves of Antarctica were masked with black ink. Mexico City was labeled on the map; it was represented by a black star. [1]


Earth map, 20th century, Northern Hemisphere

20th century era map of the northern hemisphere

Retroactive continuity: A 20th century-era map of the northern hemisphere region was stored in the USS Enterprise library computer in 2254. The map depicted the location of Mexico in the North American continent. This map was among the materials viewed by the Talosians when they scanned the Enterprise computer. (TOS: "The Cage")

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