Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Rexs bar patrons

A holographic sailor from the 20th century

Mariner redirects here; for the similarly named Starfleet officer, please see Beckett Mariner.

A sailor or mariner was a person that navigated or worked upon water-borne vessels. Experienced sailors were sometimes referred to by the slang terms "sea dogs" or "old salts". (VOY: "Concerning Flight", "Thirty Days")

Mariners used the stars to navigate, prior to the advent of maps and navigational technology. (VOY: "Year of Hell")

The term "Yankee traders" referred to American sailors of the 18th and 19th centuries who traveled Earth's oceans "in search of mercantile and territorial opportunity." 24th century Federation scholars compared the Ferengi to these ancient seafarers. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")

When he was transported to Earth in 1893, a 49er, thinking that Data wanted advice on begging, advised him to steer clear of sailors, stating that he would most likely get a fist across the jaw for his trouble. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

In an alternative 1944, Alicia Travers assumed that Jonathan Archer was a sailor because she associated his Enterprise NX-01 mission patch with the USS Enterprise (CV-6). (ENT: "Storm Front")

In 2267, when the USS Enterprise was ordered to alter its flight plan by Starfleet Command, Captain Kirk explained the situation to Spock as "sailor's luck." (TOS: "Amok Time")

Two sailors from the United States Navy were part of the characters in the Dixon Hill series holoprograms, first played by Jean-Luc Picard in 2364. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye") Another sailor appeared in Rex's Bar of the same holoseries the following year. (TNG: "Manhunt")

Sailors were among the many London denizens that appeared in Lieutenant Commander Data's Sherlock Holmes holodeck program. (TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data")

The holographic Leonardo da Vinci hypothesized that had been accosted by Spanish sailors and rendered unconscious to explain how he had arrived at the New World (which was actually an alien planet). da Vinci also claimed that the Portuguese were "mad sea dogs." (VOY: "Concerning Flight")

Commander Chakotay suggested that every sailor's nightmare was being becalmed in the middle of the ocean, similar to the isolated situation that the USS Voyager found itself in while traveling through The Void. (VOY: "Night")

Lieutenant Tom Paris wanted to be a sailor with the Federation Naval Patrol when he was a child, and even as an adult occasionally used terms like first mate and skipper, which he referred to as "sailor talk." (VOY: "Thirty Days")

Nog described his cousin Gant as "just another sailor on the Great River." (DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River")

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