Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


A holographic alarm clock that looks like a parrot

A parrot was a type of tropical bird. Varieties of parrot, including the cockatoo and macaw were found on Earth.

In the Native American culture, the spirits of the parrot, the bear and the coyote were among the animals that visit their Habak in their vision quests. (TNG: "Journey's End")

In 3188, Aditya Sahil had a holographic alarm clock that resembled a parrot. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 1")

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Background information[]

As scripted for TNG: "The Outrageous Okona", Data would have told a joke that involved the crossbreeding of a lion and a parrot. In the final version of that episode, he tells a similar joke which doesn't reference a parrot. [1]

A deleted scene from ENT: "" established that Phlox kept a Rigelian parrot aboard Enterprise during its mission. (ENT Season 3 DVD and Blu-ray special features)

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