Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Kira and O'Brien visit Earth, 1967

Kira Nerys and Miles O'Brien throwing up peace signs

Peace was a term that was often used to describe a time in which both sides of a conflict were not fighting each other. During such a period, a peace treaty was often signed. The term was also common when describing a person's state of mind.

Many worlds throughout the Federation and even beyond, were characterized by war and bloodshed, but peace meant the opposite of that. On Earth, peace was associated with the peace symbol, which was considered a sacred thing in the American hippie culture of the 1960s. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")

In 2366, after Doctor Paul Stubbs had sterilized a computer core processor which resulted in the deaths of nanites in the upper core, Captain Jean-Luc Picard told Stubbs to explain his error, apologize, and pray that they could negotiate a peace they could all live with. Lieutenant Commander Data volunteered as a conduit for face-to-face negotiation and suggested that allowing the nanites into his neural network would represent a gesture of trust on their part and could be an important step toward peace. (TNG: "Evolution")

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