Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Tellar Prime or Tellar was the inhabited prime planet in the 61 Cygni system. It was the homeworld of the Tellarites, a warp-capable humanoid species. (PIC: "Maps and Legends")

The planet was renowned for its healing bogs, which were used for therapeutic mud baths. (LD: "Room for Growth")


Relative to the planetoid Babel, Tellar was located on the far side of the Andorian Empire. (ENT: "Babel One")

In 2259, the location of this planet was labeled on a stellar cartography chart that was seen on the USS Enterprise's ready room viewscreen. The planet's symbol had a blue color, indicating this planet's affiliation with the United Federation of Planets. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Spock Amok", "A Quality of Mercy")

The planet's location was labeled in a Federation star chart that was in Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy's office at Starfleet Headquarters in 2399 and on the bridge of the USS Titan-A in 2401. Tellar was in or near to Federation space. (PIC: "Maps and Legends", "The Next Generation", "Disengage")

On the chart, the location is labeled "61 Cygni (Tellar)". This is the first time in canon where Tellar was associated with 61 Cygni.

In 2401, the location of Tellar was labeled on a star chart that was seen on the USS Stargazer's bridge viewscreen. The chart was used to show the location of the combined Starfleet-Borg armada and where it needed to go to face a galactic-level threat. (PIC: "Farewell")

In 3189, the location of Tellar was denoted on a holographic star chart of the galaxy at Federation Headquarters. (DIS: "Die Trying")

In 3190, the location of Tellar was labeled on a star chart used by Commander Paul Stamets for tracking the movement of the Dark Matter Anomaly through the galaxy. (DIS: "The Examples")


Good arguments, specifically debate, were considered a sport on Tellar. (ENT: "Bounty")

Shane Johnson had written, in his reference book The Worlds of the Federation, whose contents are now largely considered apocryphal, that debate was a popular form of entertainment among Tellarites.

In November 2154, Enterprise NX-01 visited Tellar Prime to pick up a Tellarite delegation and transport them to Babel. (ENT: "Babel One")

In 2155, representatives from Tellar took part in talks on Earth to form a Coalition of Planets. In 2161, Tellar became a founding member of the United Federation of Planets. (ENT: "Demons", "Zero Hour")

Food Synthesizer

A display showing Tellar

In a commercial for Tribbles cereal, Tellar was shown on a computer screen of a food synthesizer in the mess hall of the USS Ravenous. It was listed along with other locations such as Earth, Vulcan, Izar, Cestus, Andoria, Rigel VI, and Rigel X. (ST: "The Trouble with Edward", credit cookie)

Following the fall of Betazed during the Dominion War, in 2374, Tellar was considered to be vulnerable to a Dominion attack. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

In a possible 3186 experienced by Gabrielle Burnham, Tellar Prime was one of the worlds where all life had been eradicated by Control. (DIS: "Perpetual Infinity")

Tellar Prime remained a part of the Federation through the Burn and its aftermath in the 31st and 32nd centuries, in contrast to other founding members Earth, Ni'Var, and Andoria. (DIS: "Coming Home")

In 3191, Federation President Laira Rillak was attending a diplomatic summit on Tellar Prime when Primarch Ruhn arrived at Federation Headquarters in his dreadnaught to demand Moll and L'ak. For security, it was decided that she should remain on the planet. (DIS: "Erigah")


Background information[]

While conceiving TOS: "Journey to Babel", D.C. Fontana wrote, in a developmental document, "Tellar is a savagely cold planet." The extreme coldness of the planet was intended to account for the Tellarites having lots of fur on their bodies. While this is reminiscent of what the Andorian homeworld would turn out to be, the only canon depiction of Tellar Prime in ENT: "Babel One" shows at least a portion of the planet to be seemingly temperate, with at least one open body of water (which is actually a depiction of southern Lake Michigan) among what appears to be green vegetation.

The shot of Tellar Prime from "Babel One" is a reused shot of Paraagan II from "Shockwave".


According to Star Trek: Star Charts, (pp. 18, 19, 36, & 44) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Tellar (61 Cygni) system was located in the Tellar Sector, a region of space in the Alpha Quadrant. The system was a binary system with a pair of K-class stars. In the 22nd century, this system was a destination on an Earth trade route.

According to Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), Tellar was a planet orbiting Tellar A (61 Cygni A). The planet had two moons, named Kera and Phinda. Its official name was United Planets of Tellar Prime. Alternative names for this planet were Tellar Prime, Miracht, Pangeos V. The planet's capital was Shirgat. Tellarites were the primary species. In the late 24th century, the planet had a population of 2.3 billion. This planet was warp-capable in 1959.

The Worlds of the Federation reference book (p. 20) states Tellar to be the fifth planet of the 61 Cygni system. It also gives Miracht as an alternative name for the planet and lists two moons called Kehra and Phinda.

The Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual (T0:00:01:19) lists the United Planets of 61 Cygni as one of the founding members of the Federation.

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