Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Somewhere in deep space, its power unit long dead, a metal cylinder drifted on an endless, helpless journey…


The Enterprise encounters a space probe that houses the minds of Janvarian criminals. The collective minds trick Captain Kirk into taking them back to Janvar.

Memorable quotes[]

"Incredible! The whole craft's come aboard!"
"But– there can't be living beings in a thing that size!"

- Crewman and Kirk

"Destroy, Kort… destroy them all! There's not a second to lose!"

- Kort's aide

Background information[]

Setting and technology[]

Enterprise attacked by missiles

A flurry of missiles attack the Enterprise

Publishing history[]

None of the UK weekly stories had titles.


Regular cast[]

Other characters[]

  • Kort, president of Janvar

Previous strip: Series Next strip:
UK Story Arc #30 Star Trek Comic Strip (UK)
Story Arcs
UK Story Arc #32