Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Life's too short to deprive yourself of the simple pleasures. I should know."
"You didn't exactly deprive yourself."
"No, but my life was too short."
– Torias Dax (in Julian Bashir's body) and Jadzia Dax, 2371 ("Facets")

Torias Dax was a male Trill pilot in the 23rd century. He was joined and became the fifth host of the Dax symbiont following the death of Audrid Dax. He was married to another joined Trill, Nilani Kahn. (DS9: "Rejoined")


Dax had quite extensive battle experience, in fact, during the siege of AR-558, a later Dax host Ezri reflected that Torias had been in combat many times, along with Curzon and Jadzia. (DS9: "The Siege of AR-558")

Torias became joined in the mid-2280s. He considered himself extremely lucky to have been chosen to be joined – and that his memories would live on beyond his death, in Dax. (DS9: "Facets")

However, before he had been joined for a full year, he was killed in a shuttlecraft accident in 2285. He was testing a shuttle's impulse engine prematurely, though he judged the risk was not great enough to wait. Despite Nilani's concerns, he executed the test. Dax would remember Torias' regret of not listening to her. (DS9: "Rejoined", "Equilibrium", "Afterimage") Ezri Dax later reflected on Torias' death, telling Jake Sisko how vividly she recalled the crash, stating that "I still remember the last few seconds before the crash." (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols") Ezri also blamed the entire scenario of Torias' life for her always being spacesick. (DS9: "Afterimage") After marrying Nilani, he often remarked to her that she worried too much about him during his piloting. (DS9: "Rejoined")

The Dax symbiont was then transferred to a new host, Joran Belar, however, because of the nature of Belar's experience with the symbiont over the next six months, the Trill Symbiosis Commission changed the records to indicate that Torias remained comatose for that time before he died in 2286. (DS9: "Rejoined", "Equilibrium", "Afterimage")

Personal life[]

Like most of the other hosts, however, he had no musical talent. (DS9: "Equilibrium")

Torias had something of a carefree attitude about life, indulging in simple pleasures. (DS9: "Facets")

During his marriage, Torias always used to tell his wife that she "was panicking about things, making a big fuss about nothing," and while it was admitted that Torias, "used to be insensitive at times," he did observe that "Nilani did do her share of overreacting." Furthermore, whenever Nilani talked to Torias about her "wanting to study theoretical quantum physics," she observed that "his eyes glazing over." Years later, the subsequent host of the couple, Jadzia Dax informed Lenara Kahn that "the irony is, you and I have more in common than Torias and Nilani ever did." (DS9: "Rejoined")

During Jadzia Dax' zhian'tara in 2371, Julian Bashir embodied Torias' memories and personality. Torias indulged a bit much on fattening food, causing Jadzia to caution that he be more respectful as "Julian was just telling me the other day he's started to watch what he eats." (DS9: "Facets")

In 2375, Joran told Ezri that he was a part of her "as much as Audrid, Torias – any of them." (DS9: "Field of Fire") Joran had previously told Jadzia that she was just a "pretender", and that she was "nothing compared to Lela, Torias or myself." (DS9: "Equilibrium")

Torias was played by Alexander Siddig during Jadzia's zhian'tara.

According to the script for "Afterimage", his name was pronounced as "tuh-RYE-us". [1]

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