Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A list of unnamed operations division crewmembers of the USS Enterprise-D.


Crewmembers 1 []

These crewmembers served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364 and were among the crewmembers who welcomed Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the ship. They witnessed Picard's strange behavior but went to their stations following Lieutenant Yar's command. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

Crewmembers 2 []

These crewmembers served aboard the Enterprise-D during its first year of service in 2364. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "The Naked Now", "Code of Honor", "Haven", "Where No One Has Gone Before", "The Last Outpost", "Lonely Among Us", "Justice", "The Battle", "Too Short A Season", "The Big Goodbye", "Datalore", "Angel One", "11001001", "Home Soil", "When The Bough Breaks", "Coming of Age", "Heart of Glory", "The Arsenal of Freedom", "Symbiosis", "Skin Of Evil", "We'll Always Have Paris", "Conspiracy", "The Neutral Zone")

Crewmembers #21 and #22 were originally filmed for the episode "Where No One Has Gone Before". Footage of them was later re-used for the episode "11001001" though in more close-up shots.

Crewman 1 []

Enterprise-D operations crewman 1

A bridge officer

This crewman was working on the bridge while the Enterprise-D saved an Ornaran freighter and had to mediate between the Ornarans and Brekkians in their dispute about the felicium. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This operations division officer was played by background actor Dan Kelpine, who received no credit for this appearance.

Crewmen 2 []

These two crewmen were among the crewmembers who participated in a fight in Ten Forward in 2366 due to the uncontrolled emotions of Ambassador Sarek who was suffering from Bendii Syndrome. They were later stopped by Worf.

A third crewman grabbed a science division officer and threw him onto a table. (TNG: "Sarek")

Crewman 3 []

Enterprise-D operations crewman 3

A Starfleet officer

This crewman brought Beverly Crusher a suitcase belonging to her late husband Jack while the Enterprise-D was in drydock for repairs. Crusher had previously stored this suitcase on Earth. (TNG: "Family")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actor.

Crewman 4 []

Operations officer in ten forward, early 2368

An operations division officer

This crewman had a drink with a female companion in Ten Forward in early 2368 when Ensign Ro Laren came aboard for a mission. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

This Starfleet officer was played by a background actor with the last name Hwang.

Crewman 5 []

Male mokbara participant, 2367

A mok'bara participant

This crewman participated in a mok'bara course led by Worf in 2367 together with Deanna Troi, Cmdr. Riker, Geordi La Forge, and Gates. (TNG: "Clues")

The same year he was working on a station on the aft bridge when the Enterprise-D arrived at Tarchannen III to investigate the disappearance of several crewmembers. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

This Starfleet officer was played by background actor Kraig Kishi, who received no credit for his appearances and was identified by the call sheet of the episode "Clues", filmed on Thursday 29 November 1990 on Paramount Stage 9.

Crewman 6 []

Enterprise-D operations crewman 6, 2371

A bridge crewman

This crewman was working on a bridge aft station when an explosion threw him over the tactical station. (Star Trek Generations)

This crewman was played by stuntman Erik Stabenau.

Crewman 7 []

Stewart Lew, Generations

A crewmember in Ten Forward

This crewman was present in Ten Forward in 2371 while the Enterprise-D tended to the Amargosa observatory. (Star Trek Generations)

This crewmember was played by extra and ILM artist Stewart Lew, who received no credit for his appearance.

Crewman 8 []

Enterprise-D operations officer 4, 2370

This crewman consulted with a command division lieutenant in the corridor in 2370. They were passed by Deanna Troi and William T. Riker as the two discussed the Enterprise NX-01 holoprogram. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

He was played by an unknown actor.

Crewman 9 []

Enterprise-D operations crewman, 2367

An operations division officer

This operations division officer greeted Captain Picard on his way to Vash's guest quarters. (TNG: "Qpid")

This crewman was played by an unknown actor who uttered one line of dialogue. ("Captain"), However, received no credit for his appearance.

Crewman 10 []

Enterprise-D male operations crewman in corridor, 2365

A crewman

This operations division officer passed La Forge and Riker in a corridor before Riker's game of stratagem with Sirna Kolrami. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This crewman was played by an unknown actor.

Crewman 11 []

Enterprise-D male operations stratagem spectator

A crewman

This male operations division crewman watched the game of stratagem between Riker and Sirna Kolrami. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This crewman was played by an unknown actor.

Crew woman 1 []

Female operations division officer, 2364

An operations division officer

This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364. She was present in the shuttlebay when Captain Picard took over the command of the ship and held his speech in front of the crew. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

This Starfleet officer was played by background actress Marijane Cole, who received no credit for this appearance.

Her uniform was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X)

Crew woman 2 []

Female engineer in shuttle bay, 2364

A female engineer

This crew woman was among the crewmember of the Enterprise-D who welcomed Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the shuttlebay in 2364. She was confused by Picard's unexplained order for red alert but went to her station on the bridge. There she was working on an aft station when the Enterprise-D went into the Devron system to analyze the temporal anomaly. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

This Starfleet officer was played by background actress Lauren C. Kim, who received no credit for this appearance.

Crew women 3 []

These two crewmembers waited on attendees in the dining room for Deanna Troi and Wyatt Miller's engagement dinner in 2364. The first crewmember had previously passed the transporter room where Troi found her Betazoid gift box, and later went by Data in a corridor. (TNG: "Haven")

Crew woman 4 []

Enterprise-D crewmember with bracelet

A female crewmember

This female crewmember was on duty on the bridge in late 2364 when the Enterprise-D went into orbit of Earth and Picard had a meeting with several Starfleet officials. She was wearing a bracelet and carrying a PADD. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

This crewmember was played by an unknown actress.

Crew woman 5 []

Female operations officer in ten forward, alternate timeline

An operations division officer

This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise-D in an alternate timeline, created when the Enterprise-C traveled back through time. She sat at a table in Ten Forward and talked to fellow officers. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actress.

Crew woman 6 []

Kissing operations officer, 2366

An operations division officer

This crew woman accompanied a male civilian into the bar Ten Forward in 2366. When the couple shared a kiss, the android Lal shouted at them because she was thinking he would bite her. The couple left Ten Forward a short time later. (TNG: "The Offspring")

This Starfleet officer was played by Diane Moser and was listed as "Ten Forward Crew" in the end credits of the episode.

Crew woman 7 []

Female operations officer in ten forward, 2366

An operations division officer

This crew woman visited Ten Forward on two occasions in 2366.

She was in the bar when the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Qo'noS (TNG: "Sins of The Father") and when a doppelgänger of Captain Picard started to sing at the bar. (TNG: "Allegiance")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actress.

Crew woman 8 []

Female operations officer on bridge, 2365

An operations division officer

This female operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2365.

She manned an aft station during the encounter with Nagilum. (TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease")

She again manned an aft station on the bridge while Data was analysing a number of different sign languages, with the intent to decipher Riva's sign language. (TNG: "Loud As A Whisper")

This crew woman was played by an unknown actress.

Crew woman 9 []

Enterprise-D ops crew woman, 2365

A crew woman

This female crew woman passed the transporter room after Riker and Worf were beamed back from the fake USS Yamato. (TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease")

This crew woman was played by an unknown actress.

Crew woman 10 []

Enterprise-D crewwoman, 2365

A crew woman

This crew woman served on the bridge when the Enterprise rendezvoused with the USS Yamato. (TNG: "Contagion")

This crew woman was played by an unknown actress.


Engineer 1 []

Female bridge officer, 2364

A female officer

This female crewman served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364.

She was part of the security team which was called to the bridge when Q appeared. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

She was working on an aft station of the bridge when the Enterprise-D transported the Antican and Selay delegates to Parliament. She also passed the transporter room when Captain Picard safely returned to the ship. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")

She was also on duty on the bridge when the Enterprise-D discovered the Edo and their god. Later, she passed Geordi La Forge in a corridor. (TNG: "Justice")

She remained on duty when the Ferengi beamed on the bridge to present Captain Picard their gift, the USS Stargazer and later when Picard beamed on board the Stargazer and prepared to attack the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Battle")

She witnessed the message of Karnas on screen and also the surprising regeneration of Admiral Mark Jameson, who left his wheelchair and took over the conn. (TNG: "Too Short A Season")

She passed Geordi La Forge and Data in a corridor. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

She had a conversation with another crewmember when Commander Riker met Wesley Crusher and his friend in a corridor. (TNG: "Angel One")

After the Enterprise-D was saved from auto-destruct, caused by the Bynars, she was working on the aft section of the bridge. (TNG: "11001001")

She was on duty in main engineering when the Enterprise-D discovered a new lifeform from the planet Velara III. (TNG: "Home Soil")

She passed Doctor Bernard and his son Harry in a corridor. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

The same year she passed the Klingons Konmel and Korris near the turbolift to the battle bridge. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

She was on the bridge this year and passed Doctor Crusher who entered the Captain's ready room. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

She was manning an aft station of the bridge when the Enterprise-D arrived at Vandor IV to answer the distress call from Doctor Paul Manheim. Later she passed Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data in a corridor, moments before Data was beamed down to the surface. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris")

While the Enterprise-D had Human guests from the 20th century, she passed Commander Riker and Data in a corridor and later the captain in front of the guest quarters. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

This recurring Starfleet officer was played by Denise Crosby's stand-in Susan Duchow, who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer 2 []

Intoxicated engineer, 2364

An engineer

This engineer was one of the crewmembers affected by the polywater intoxication in 2364. Together with four other crewmembers he was standing in main engineering and was observing Wesley Crusher who used a force field to seal of the main engineering control room. He shouted "Hooray for the Acting Captain!". (TNG: "The Naked Now")

This engineer was played by Skip Stellrecht.

Engineer 3 []

Engineering officer, 2364

An engineer

This Starfleet engineer was on duty in main engineering in 2364 when the ship was trapped in orbit of Delphi Ardu IV. He took orders from Geordi La Forge and engaged the warp drive without a result. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")

This engineer was played by an unknown actor.

Engineer 4 []

Technician in engineering, 2364

A technician

This operations division officer was part of the security team which tried to apprehend Lore. The two security officers were locked out of the turbolift and only Worf was with Lore inside. (TNG: "Datalore")

He was one of the technicians in engineering working on the ship's systems before the ship went to Starbase 74. (TNG: "11001001")

He was also on duty in engineering when the Velara III lifeform took control over the ship. (TNG: "Home Soil")

This recurring officer was played by an unknown actor.

Engineer 5 []

Operations division officer in corridor, 2364

An operations division officer

This operations division officer was working in a utility uniform in main engineering when the Velara III lifeform took over control of the ship. (TNG: "Home Soil")

He was passed by Wesley Crusher in a corridor shortly before Crusher beamed down to Relva VII. (TNG: "Coming of Age")

He was on duty in engineering when the crew investigated unusual solar flares and magnetic activity in the Delos system. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This recurring operations division officer was played by an unknown actor.

Engineer 6 []

This female engineer served in main engineering and responded to a call from Lieutenant junior grade Worf and told him that the forward deflectors were online. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This female engineer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Engineer 7 []

Female engineer, early 2366

A female engineer

This female engineer attended a concert in Ten Forward in early 2366. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command")

She was on duty in main engineering when Q was trapped aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Deja Q")

This engineer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 8 []

Security officer in Ten Forward, 2366

An operations division officer

This operations division officer was knocked unconscious in main engineering by the renegade Roga Danar in 2366. (TNG: "The Hunted")

He visited Ten Forward and had a drink when Q met Guinan in the bar. (TNG: "Deja Q")

He was among the security personnel which secured Ten Forward following the brawl between fellow officers who suffered from the uncontrolled emotions of Ambassador Sarek. (TNG: "Sarek")

He was working in main engineering when the Enterprise-D engaged the Borg in late 2366. During the repairs in main engineering he gave Captain Picard a PADD. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds")

He stayed in engineering following the abduction of Captain Picard and his transformation into Locutus. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

He was also on duty in engineering when Doctor Crusher disappeared into a warp bubble created by her son Wesley and the Enterprise-D crew together with the Traveler tried to bring her back. (TNG: "Remember Me")

This officer was played by background actor Robert Daniels.

Engineer 9 []

Female engineering officer, 2366

A female engineer

This operations division officer was working in main engineering when the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Rutia IV. (TNG: "The High Ground")

She passed Q and Worf in a corridor after Q lost his powers, taken by the Q Continuum. (TNG: "Deja Q")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 10 []

Female operations officer in engineering, 2366

A female engineer

This operations division officer worked in main engineering in an alternate timeline, created when the Enterprise-D traveled back through time. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

She walked past Captain Picard, Commander Riker and Counselor Troi in a corridor when Picard went to the transporter room and beam down to the planet Risa. (TNG: "Captain's Holiday")

She was working on the bridge when Captain Picard made contact with the Romulan commander near Beta Stromgren. (TNG: "Tin Man")

She received orders from Geordi La Forge while he was investigating the death of Data. (TNG: "The Most Toys")

The same year she attended the concert held for Ambassador Sarek where she was seated next to Crewman Martinez. (TNG: "Sarek")

This female engineer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 11 []

Female engineering crewmember, 2366

A female engineer

Wounded engineering crewmember, 2368

A wounded civilian

This female engineer was on duty on the bridge when Commander Kurn told the crew his views of the command position. She passed him and eyed him suspiciously. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

When the crew was affected by Ambassador Sarek's Bendii Syndrome, she was one of the crewmembers in Ten Forward who started to argue and fight. (TNG: "Sarek")

She was part of the away team which beamed down to the surface of Betazed to search for Lwaxana and Deanna Troi who were abducted by a group of Ferengi. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")

She was working with Crewman Nelson on the shuttlecraft El-Baz in the shuttlebay when the Zalkonian "John Doe" tried to steal a shuttle and killed Worf. (TNG: "Transfigurations")

She walked into Ten Forward when Geordi La Forge left after his conversation with Guinan. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")

She was sitting at the bar in Ten Forward and had a drink when Miles O'Brien came into the bar. Later, off duty, she was also in Ten Forward when a brawl started between the crewmembers because of their loss of REM sleep. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

She was one of the technicians in the cargo bay and witnessed the assassination try on the Klingon Vagh. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

She was one of the crewmembers standing in a row between the turbolift and the transporter room to say farewell to Worf who left the ship to fight in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG: "Redemption")

Off duty she visited Ten Forward and was one of the wounded persons after the ship hit a quantum filament. (TNG: "Disaster")

She was working in the cargo bay and scanning some boxes of cargo. (TNG: "Unification I")

Off duty she had a drink in Ten Forward while the Enterprise-D crew investigated the destruction of the Vico. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

Sometime between 2366 and 2368 she was one of the engineering crewmembers who were evacuated from the main engineering due to a warp core breach. Commander Riker experienced this event during a telepathic memory invasion by the Ullian Jev and remembered the death of Ensign Keller. (TNG: "Violations")

This female engineer was played by a recurring background actress with the last name Kim, who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer 12 []

Female engineer, 2366

A female engineer

This female operations division officer had a drink in Ten Forward when Commander Riker met Wesley Crusher and Geordi La Forge in the bar while Commander Kurn held his position on the bridge. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

She also visited Ten Forward when Commander Riker talked to Counselor Troi about the strange behavior of Captain Picard. (TNG: "Allegiance")

She was working on the bridge when the ship was hit by a shock wave created by Gomtuu. Worf helped her getting back on her feet. (TNG: "Tin Man")

She was part of the team in engineering which was briefed by Lieutenant Commander Shelby and discussed possible actions against the Borg. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds")

This recurring engineer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 13 []

Female operations division officer, 2366

An operations division officer

This operations division officer passed Counselor Troi in a corridor after the Betazoid had a discussion with the Picard doppelgänger. (TNG: "Allegiance")

She visited Ten Forward and was talking to a Selay following the Trade Agreement Conference. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")

She also visited Ten Forward and was talking to a fellow officer when "John Doe" was brought into the bar. (TNG: "Transfigurations")

She was on duty in main engineering when Worf gave his parents a tour aboard the ship and they met Geordi La Forge. (TNG: "Family")

She was also on duty in main engineering when La Forge and Data told Commander Riker about their investigations of the bombing assassination during the Sonchi ceremony. (TNG: "Reunion")

This officer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 14 []

Assistant engineer, 2366

A Starfleet engineer

This engineer assisted Geordi La Forge and Ensign Russell in the repairs of the Enterprise-D's shields after they were damaged during the first encounter with Gomtuu. (TNG: "Tin Man")

He was also on duty in main engineering when the crew suffered from the attacking Zalkonians. (TNG: "Transfigurations")

This engineer was played by background actor Joseph Michael Roth who received no credit for his appearances.

Engineer 15 []

Female engineer, late 2366

An engineer

This female engineer was among the crew who constructed and controlled the technological equipment for the Legarans. (TNG: "Sarek")

She was working in main engineering when Lwaxana Troi came aboard the ship and the crew held a reception for the Trade Agreement Conference members in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")

She was also on duty when the Enterprise-D crew faced Locutus, their borgified Captain. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

This engineer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 16 []

Male operations officer in ten forward, 2368

An operations division officer

This operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D between 2367 and 2369.

He shared a drink with a female officer in Ten Forward when Worf's parents visited the ship. (TNG: "Family")

He passed Captain Picard outside the quarters of Jono. (TNG: "Suddenly Human")

He was talking to a fellow crewmember in Ten Forward when Guinan made first contact with Ro Laren. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

He was one of the wounded crewmembers in Ten Forward after the ship hit a quantum filament. He suffered from a head wound. (TNG: "Disaster")

He visited Ten Forward again when Commander Riker and the J'naii Soren had split pea soup for lunch. (TNG: "The Outcast")

He was again in Ten Forward when the empathic metamorph Kamala started to flirt with Worf. (TNG: "The Perfect Mate")

He was one of the engineers who beamed aboard the damaged Romulan science ship and assisted in their repairs. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

He was working in main engineering when Data scanned his damaged head, found as an artifact from the 19th century. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

He passed Reginald Barclay when he left the counselor's office in early 2369. (TNG: "Realm Of Fear")

This recurring crewmember was played by background actor K.C. Amos, who received no credit for his appearances.

Engineer 17 []

Enterprise-D engineer 17, 2367

An engineer

This female engineer shared a drink with a fellow crewmember in Ten Forward when Guinan talked to Counselor Troi following the loss of her empathic powers. (TNG: "The Loss")

She was sat at ops and later worked at the aft ops station during the Enterprise-D's rendezvous with the USS Zhukov and the Romulan ship Devoras. (TNG: "Data's Day")

She worked on an aft station of the bridge when a spaceborne lifeform dubbed as "Junior" attached itself onto the hull of the ship. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")

She also worked on an aft bridge station when the Enterprise-D went into a binary star system and was caught due to the influence of an alien being. When the crew suffered from the lack of REM sleep and experienced hallucinations she witnessed a screaming Captain Picard sitting on the ground of a turbolift. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

She was working in main engineering when Data and Geordi La Forge tried to find a way to solve the problem on Tarchannen III. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

She was on duty in main engineering in 2367 and was part of the team which couldn't start work because Reginald Barclay was missing. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

She had a drink in Ten Forward when Dr. Crusher introduced Vash to Commander Riker. (TNG: "Qpid")

Together with Russell and Darien Wallace she was on duty in engineering when Data and Geordi La Forge studied the Romulan replica of a phaser rifle. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

She was working in main engineering when Data, La Forge, and Doctor Kila Marr found a way to detect the Crystalline Entity. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar"

Enterprise-D engineer 17, 2369

A female engineer

In 2369, she was on duty in main engineering when she was "frozen" due to the contact with temporal fragments. (TNG: "Timescape")

This Starfleet officer was played by recurring background actress Teri Noel who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer 18 []

Engineer, late 2367

An operations officer

This operations officer had a drink in Ten Forward while Barclay talked to Troi and La Forge at the bar. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

He passed Captain Picard's quarters when Beverly Crusher interrupted Picard's and Vash's breakfast. He was also present in Ten Forward when Vash introduced herself to Commander Riker. (TNG: "Qpid")

He had a drink at the bar in Ten Forward while Lwaxana Troi talked to Dr. Timicin. (TNG: "Half a Life")

He manned an aft station on the bridge when the Enterprise-D transported Trill Ambassador Odan to Peliar Zel II for peace negotiations. He was present when the shuttlecraft Hawking was attacked and Odan wounded. He was also present when the Trill symbiont Odan, now joined with William T. Riker, negotiated with Pelian leade Leka Trion. Later, he passed Beverly Crusher in front of her quarters. (TNG: "The Host")

He was one of the engineers in main engineering who received accolades from Geordi La Forge following his arrival back aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

He was on duty on the bridge while the crew investigated the dark matter nebula Mar Oscura in late 2367. (TNG: "In Theory")

He operated the transporter and prepared to beam Gowron off the ship when Worf relieved him from his station to talk to Gowron in private. Later, he was one of the officers who stood in the row between the turbolift and the transporter room to say farewell to Worf when the Klingon left the ship to fight in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG: "Redemption")

He was working in engineering when Commander Riker returned from his trip from Risa. (TNG: "The Game")

This recurring officer was played by Max Cervantes who received no credit for his appearances.

Engineer 19 []

Female engineer in engineering, 2369

A female engineer

This female operations division officer served as engineer aboard the Enterprise-D in between 2367 and 2370.

She walked past Geordi La Forge and Reginald Barclay in a corridor when the two left sickbay. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

Off duty she visited Ten Forward while Timothy from the Vico was aboard. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

She was on duty in engineering when the Ullian delegation was aboard the ship. (TNG: "Violations")

She was working in main engineering when the ship was caught in a time loop the same year. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")

She visited Ten Forward when Lwaxana Troi came aboard to marry Minister Campio. (TNG: "Cost Of Living")

She was working in main engineering while Daniel Sutter faced the strange behavior of his daughter Clara and her imaginary friend Isabella. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend")

She was on duty in engineering while Montgomery Scott was aboard the Enterprise-D, (TNG: "Relics") when Amanda Rogers met Q aboard the ship, (TNG: "True Q") and when Worf's holographic program used the likeness of Data for several characters. (TNG: "A Fistful of Datas")

She was on duty in main engineering and participated in a briefing with Geordi La Forge, Data, and Russell regarding the observation of two gas giants in the Detrian system. (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle")

She was one of the "frozen" engineers in a Jefferies tube following the ships contact with temporal fragments. (TNG: "Timescape")

She was working in the shuttle bay during Worf's return from Forcas III. (TNG: "Parallels")

Off duty she had a drink in Ten Forward while the ship was in orbit of Caldos. (TNG: "Sub Rosa")

She visited Ten Forward again talking to another crewmember while Worf and K'mtar had a conversation at the bar. (TNG: "Firstborn")

Mikki Val, Firstborn

Val on a continuity Polaroid for "Firstborn"

This engineer was played by recurring background actress Mikki Val, who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer 21 []

Male engineer, 2368

An engineer

This operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2368.

He had a drink in Ten Forward and was wounded when the ship hit a series of quantum filaments. (TNG: "Disaster")

He was working in engineering when Commander Riker brought the Ktarian game aboard and the whole crew became addicted to the game. (TNG: "The Game")

He was one of the crewmembers assigned to scan the debris of the Vulcan transport T'Pau. (TNG: "Unification I")

Together with his son he attended a field trip with teacher Miss Kyle to the ships biolab. (TNG: "New Ground")

Sometime between 2366 and 2368 he was one of the engineering crewmembers who were evacuated from the main engineering due to a warp core breach. Commander Riker experienced this event during a telepathic memory invasion by the Ullian Jev and remembered the death of Ensign Keller. (TNG: "Violations")

He had a medical background and assisted Dr. Crusher and the medical personnel in treating the wounded crewmembers and colonists of the USS Denver in one of the cargo bays. (TNG: "Ethics")

Together with a woman he visited Ten Forward shortly before the Enterprise-D arrived at Devidia II. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

This recurring engineer was played by background actor Alex Landi who received no credit for his appearances.

Engineer 22 []

Security officer - engineer, 2368

An operations division officer

This operations division officer was one of the security officers outside of Ten Forward who guarded the Ux-Mal terrorists and their hostages to one of the transporter rooms. (TNG: "Power Play")

The same year, he was one of the engineering crewmembers who beamed aboard the Romulan science ship to assist with their repairs. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

This operations division officer was played by an unknown actor.

Engineer 23 []

Female engineer, late 2368

A female engineer

This female operations division officer was one of the engineers who beamed aboard the Romulan science ship to assist with the repairs. Later, she attended the funeral ceremony in Ten Forward held for Ro Laren and Geordi La Forge. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

This engineer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer 24 []

Female engineer, early 2369

A female engineer

This female operations officer was on duty in main engineering when Geordi La Forge told Reginald Barclay to be a member of the away team beaming aboard the USS Yosemite. (TNG: "Realm Of Fear")

She operated a wall console in a corridor when she was passed by Geordi La Forge and Montgomery Scott. (TNG: "Relics")

This female engineer was played by background actress Anne Woodberry who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer 25 []

USS Enterprise-D engineer 26

An engineer

This male engineer was among the personnel in engineering who were evacuated when a warp core breach occurred in 2371. (Star Trek Generations)

This engineer was played by stunt actor Lou Simon who received no credit for this appearance.

Engineer 26 []

Engineer in cargo bay, 2365

An ensign

This Starfleet crewman worked on the completion of the containment modules for the plasma plague specimen in the cargo bay in 2365. When chief engineer Geordi La Forge asked him how it was going he answered him that he was finished and was waiting to insert the modules. (TNG: "The Child")

This engineer was played by actor Dore Keller.

Engineer 27 []

Enterprise-D engineer, 2365

An engineer

This engineer was working in engineering when La Forge ran out to warn Picard about the Iconian probe in 2365. (TNG: "Contagion")

This engineer was played by an unknown performer.

Engineer 28 []

Female Enterprise-D engineer on Hathaway

An engineer

This engineer served on the Hathaway during the battle simulation with the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This engineer was played by an unknown actress.

Engineer ensign 1 []

Female engineering ensign, 2364

An ensign in engineering

This female ensign was on duty in main engineering when she informed the bridge about the fluctuations in the seal of the medical lab. She asked Commander Riker to join her in main engineering and told him about having problems to stabilize the energy for the force field around the med lab. Every time she tried to stabilize the energy field the energy disappeared. (TNG: "Home Soil")

This engineer was played by Carolyne Barry.

Engineer ensign 2 []

Female Enterprise-D engineer, 2367

An engineer

This ensign served aboard the Enterprise-D.

She was working in main engineering when Data hijacked the Enterprise-D and later assisted Lieutenant Commander La Forge taking energy from the quarantine field of Willie Potts. (TNG: "Brothers")

She was working in the transporter room when Doctor Crusher and Commander Riker asked Chief O'Brien about his memories of Doctor Dalen Quaice. (TNG: "Remember Me")

She visited Ten Forward and had a drink with a fellow officer while the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Turkana IV. (TNG: "Legacy")

She assisted in the preparations for Miles and Keiko O'Brien's wedding in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Data's Day")

She visited Ten Forward together with a male crewmember while the Cardassians Macet, Telle, and Daro were aboard the ship. (TNG: "The Wounded")

She passed Captain Picard and Data, who was dressed as Ebenezer Scrooge, in a corridor. (TNG: "Devil's Due")

She was working in main engineering when Geordi La Forge and Doctor Leah Brahms worked on a possibility to remove "Junior" from the hull of the ship. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")

She was treated in sickbay after she experienced the lack of REM sleep caused by an alien being caught in a binary star system. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

She was in the audience in the interrogation room and witnessed Admiral Norah Satie's accusations against Captain Picard. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

Talking to a science officer, she passed Lwaxana Troi and Timicin when the two left the turbolift. (TNG: "Half a Life")

In 2367 a holographic recreation of her was used by the Romulan Commander Taibak who brainwashed Geordi La Forge. Later, aboard the Enterprise-D, she was part of the engineering team who earned commendations from La Forge for their good work during his absence. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

She was working on an aft station of the bridge when Gowron's flagship, the IKS Bortas, was attacked by forces loyal to the House of Duras. Later she was among the officers who stood in a row to say farewell to Worf who left the ship. (TNG: "Redemption")

In early 2368 she had a drink in Ten Forward with a fellow officer while Ro Laren was aboard for a mission. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

She was working on the bridge with Jones when Doctor Kila Marr instructed Worf how to modify the photon torpedoes for the Crystalline Entity. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")

Together with a science officer she passed Wesley Crusher and Data in a corridor when Crusher returned to the ship. (TNG: "The Game")

She visited Ten Forward when the Satarran Kieran MacDuff wiped out the memories of the Enterprise-D crew to destroy the Lysian Central Command. (TNG: "Conundrum")

She was working in main engineering when nitrium parasites affected the ships systems including the dilithium crystal chamber, (TNG: "Cost Of Living") when the Enterprise-D assisted a damaged Romulan science ship, (TNG: "The Next Phase") and when Data scanned his damaged head, found as an artifact of the 19th century in San Francisco. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

Engineering personnel, 2370

Working with La Forge in engineering

In early 2369 she was working in main engineering when Geordi La Forge and Dr. Crusher analyzed the biofilter readings of Sev Maylor. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

She walked past Geordi La Forge and Captain Montgomery Scott in a corridor shortly after Scotty was beamed aboard. (TNG: "Relics")

She was one of the engineers who were investigating the anomalies in cargo bay 4 in early 2369. (TNG: "Schisms")

She prepared the cargo for the polluted planet Tagra IV in the shuttlebay while Amanda Rogers saved Commander Riker's life. (TNG: "True Q")

Wearing a technician jumpsuit, she was scanning the debris of the shuttlecraft Fermi in the shuttlebay. (TNG: "Rascals")

She was working in main engineering when the crew discovered system failures caused by the connection between the ship's computer and Data. (TNG: "A Fistful of Datas")

She passed Commander Riker and Geordi La Forge in a corridor when the two were talking about the actions of their new Captain Edward Jellico. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part I")

She visited Ten Forward the same time Geordi La Forge took Lieutenant jg Aquiel Uhnari into the bar. (TNG: "Aquiel")

Back in engineering she was working on a LCARS display when Geordi La Forge listened to the music resounded through the Jefferies tubes. (TNG: "Lessons")

She was part of the away team which beamed down to Nervala IV and found Thomas Riker. (TNG: "Second Chances")

She was one of the engineers "frozen" due to the contact with temporal fragments and blocking the way through the Jefferies tube. (TNG: "Timescape")

In late 2369 she was one of many crewmembers beamed down to the surface of an unnamed planet in the Delta Quadrant to search for Data and the rogue Borg Crosis. (TNG: "Descent")

In early 2370 she was on duty in the control booth of the shuttle bay when Dr. Crusher and Worf welcomed the Klingon Koral aboard and informed him about the health and safety inspection. Later, following Picard and Riker's return aboard the Enterprise-D, she passed them in a corridor. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")

She was on duty on the bridge and working on an aft station during the ship's mission into the Devolin system. When Admiral Erik Pressman ordered Worf to take Captain Picard under arrest she was watching the reaction of the Klingon security chief. (TNG: "The Pegasus")

She was one of the officers in Ten Forward who tried to calm down the Boraalan Vorin when he accidentally went into the bar. Like the others, she moved away at order of Commander Riker. (TNG: "Homeward")

She was working in main engineering when Lieutenant Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge tried to repair the weather control system of the Caldos colony on Caldos. (TNG: "Sub Rosa")

She was present in main engineering when Data was taken over by several D'Arsay personalities, (TNG: "Masks") while the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Dorvan V, (TNG: "Journey's End") and when Jason Vigo was brought aboard to be protected from the Ferengi Bok. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

The same year she attended the welcome back party for Lieutenant Ro Laren in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

She was working in main engineering when the temporal anomaly in the Devron system caused pain in Geordi La Forge's VISOR implants. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

This regular Starfleet officer was played by recurring background actress Noriko Suzuki, who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer ensign 3 []

Female engineer in cargo bay

A female engineer

Engineering hostages

Being held hostage by the Ferengi

Female ensign in cargo bay 5, 2370

A female ensign

This female Starfleet ensign served on board the Enterprise-D as an engineer between 2368 and 2370.

She was on duty in main engineering when the Enterprise-D discovered the SS Vico in a black cluster and brought Timothy on board and when the Enterprise-D approached the Lysian Central Command while their memory was wiped out by the Satarran Kieran MacDuff. (TNG: "Hero Worship", "Conundrum")

Together with Ensign Russell, she was working in the cargo bay when a container fell onto Lieutenant Worf and damaged his back. (TNG: "Ethics")

She was working in the control room of the shuttlebay when Commander Riker and the J'naii Soren inspected the shuttlecraft Magellan. (TNG: "The Outcast")

She was working in main engineering and received orders from Geordi La Forge when a nitrium parasite infected the dilithium crystal chamber. (TNG: "Cost Of Living")

She was also working in main engineering when the Enterprise-D assisted a damaged Romulan science ship. She was standing behind the phased Geordi La Forge when he met Ensign Ro who was also phased. Later she passed the two again when Data and Chief Brossmer analyzed and neutralized the anyon energy patterns. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

She was working in engineering when Data scanned his own head, found as an artifact from the 19th century in San Francisco. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

She worked on a console when the Enterprise-D discovered the damaged USS Yosemite and later talked to Ensign Dern, who set up the remote link. (TNG: "Realm Of Fear")

She was working in cargo bay 4 after the malfunction on board the Enterprise-D caused by the solanogen-based lifeforms. (TNG: "Schisms")

She scanned the cargo in the shuttlebay when Geordi La Forge and Amanda Rogers loaded the cargo into a shuttlepod. (TNG: "True Q")

She scanned the debris of the shuttle Fermi. Together with Geordi La Forge, Ensign Russell, and several other crewmembers, she was beamed to the surface of Ligos VII later, when the renegade Ferengi took over the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Rascals")

She was working in main engineering when Lieutenant Commander Data discovered that the exocomps were lifeforms and when Data was hit by an energy source from the Gamma Quadrant. (TNG: "The Quality of Life", "Birthright, Part I")

She was off duty and sitting at the bar when the Klingon Captain Nu'Daq challenged Data for the B'aht Qul challenge. (TNG: "The Chase")

She inspected the Iyaaran shuttle in the shuttle bay together with Ensign Russell when Captain Picard and Ambassador Voval left the shuttle. (TNG: "Liaisons")

She was on duty on an aft station of the bridge moments before Commander Riker ordered an away team under his command to beam down to the surface of Barradas III. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

She was on duty in main engineering during the rescue mission for the Federation starship USS Raman. (TNG: "Interface")

She was on duty in main engineering when the two scientists Serova and Rabal beamed directly into the location and when Admiral Erik Pressman came aboard. (TNG: "Force of Nature", "The Pegasus")

She enjoyed a drink in Ten Forward and later passed Ensign Sito Jaxa in front of the shuttlebay. (TNG: "Lower Decks")

She was working in main engineering during the investigations of Daniel Kwan's death and also appeared in Deanna Troi's hallucination in main engineering. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder") She remained in engineering while Gul Evek was on board the ship. (TNG: "Journey's End")

In 2370 she had a conversation with Ensign Russell in engineering. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

Alongside Lt. Commander La Forge and another ensign she discovered the emergent lifeform in cargo bay 5. (TNG: "Emergence")

In 2371 she and a command division officer passed the transporter room when a medical team entered it to care for Geordi La Forge. (Star Trek Generations)

This Starfleet ensign was played by recurring background actress Lena Banks who received no credit for her appearances.

Engineer ensign 4 []

Enterprise-D engineer, 2369

An ensign in engineering

This Human ensign worked in engineering and initiated a power transfer to a Romulan Warbird. Data was too late to warn him not to, as it could endanger the ship, because he was attacked by an alien. (TNG: "Timescape")

This ensign was played by Joel Fredericks.

Engineer lieutenant junior grade []

Engineering lieutenant jg

A lieutenant jg

This lieutenant junior grade served as an engineer aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366. That year, he was part of the engineering senior staff and took part in a meeting in main engineering. (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits")

This engineer was played by an unknown actor.

Vulcan engineer []

Vulcan engineer, 2364

A Vulcan engineer

This female Vulcan engineer was working in main engineering when the Enterprise-D crew investigated unusual solar flares and magnetic activity in the Delos system. Later she stood guard for Sobi and Langor outside the guest quarters. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This Vulcan was played by an unknown actress.


Bolian ensign []

Bolian ensign, 2367

Bolian ensign

A Bolian ensign in the operations division served aboard the Enterprise-D in the 2360s. In 2367, he was off duty and drinking in Ten Forward when Captain Picard brought in Mirasta Yale, a Malcorian who had just made first contact. He served to show her that the Federation was made up of many, diverse species. (TNG: "First Contact")

This Bolian was played by an unknown actor.

On the call sheet for his day of shooting he was listed as "Alien Starfleet" in the atmosphere section and the actor was to be dated and not cast prior to Monday 3 December 1990, one day before the scene was shot on Tuesday 4 December 1990. The scene was filmed on Paramount Stage 8.

Bridge officer []

USS Enterprise-D bridge officer, 2371

A bridge officer

This female operations officer was on duty on the bridge aboard the Enterprise-D in 2371 when the separated saucer section crash-landed on Veridian III. She held on to a console at the side station but was thrown across the bridge when the saucer section crashed against a hill on the surface. (Star Trek Generations)

Palomino, Avery, Tallman

Palomino with Joni Avery and Pat Tallman

This ops officer was played by stunt actress Cris Thomas-Palomino who received no credit for this appearance.

Ensign 1 []

Shuttlebay 2 crewmember

An ensign in shuttlebay 2

This ensign was on duty in shuttlebay 2 in early 2366 and was responsible for the proper launch of Doctor Paul Stubbs' egg probe. He reported difficulties to the bridge, caused by the nanites. (TNG: "Evolution")

This ensign was played by Randal Patrick, who was credited as "Crewman #1".

Ensign 2 []

Operations division wedding attendee

An operations division ensign

This operations division ensign attended the wedding of Miles O'Brien and Keiko Ishikawa in Ten Forward in 2367. (TNG: "Data's Day")

This ensign was played by an unknown actor.

Ensign 3 []

Enterprise-D operations ensign 3

An addicted ensign

This ensign was addicted to the Ktarian game and offered to give hers to Robin Lefler and Wesley Crusher when she saw that they had none. (TNG: "The Game")

This ensign was played by Diane M. Hurley and credited as "Woman".

Ensign 4 []


An ensign

This operations division ensign played the euphonium at the memorial service held for Geordi La Forge and Ro Laren in Ten Forward in late 2368. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

This musician was played by an unknown actor.

Ensign 5 []

Troi's ensign, 2369

An ensign

This ensign served on board the Enterprise-D in 2369.

After Ambassador Ves Alkar manipulated Counselor Deanna Troi, she met this ensign in a turbolift. She tried to seduce him and was successful. When Commander William T. Riker came into the quarters of Troi this ensign slipped into his boots and saluted, shortly before he left the quarters. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

This ensign was played by J.P. Hubbell.

Lieutenant 1 []

Mozart concert male lieutenant

An operations division lieutenant

This operations division lieutenant was one of four musicians at the Mozart concert held for Ambassador Sarek, his wife Perrin, and the crew of the Enterprise-D in 2366. (TNG: "Sarek")

This musician was played by an unknown actor.

Lieutenant 2 []

Enterprise-D operations lieutenant 2

Bridge officer

This lieutenant was assigned to the Enterprise-D in 2369. She was in command of the bridge when Miles O'Brien came to say goodbye to Captain Picard prior to the ship's departure from Deep Space 9. She informed him that the captain was in the ready room and offered to tell the captain that O'Brien was waiting for him, but O'Brien decided not to bother Picard. (DS9: "Emissary")

This lieutenant was played by Megan Butler.

In the novelization Emissary, this character was called Lt. Suarez.

Officer 1 []

Enterprise-D operations officer 1, 2370


This officer was aboard the Enterprise-D in 2370. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

This officer was played by an unknown actor.

Officer 2 []

This officer was aboard the Enterprise-D in 2370. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

This officer was played by Melanie Balmos.

Security personnel[]

Bajoran security ensign []

Bajoran security guard, 2369

A Bajoran security guard

This Bajoran security ensign was on duty in the brig where the renegade Borg Crosis was held in late 2369. He wore a traditional Bajoran earring. (TNG: "Descent")

This Bajoran security officer was played by background actor Vaun Wilmott, who filmed his scene on Wednesday 21 April 1993 on Paramount Stage 9.

A cut scene would have revealed why a Bajoran was chosen for such a small cameo appearance: when Crosis lists the ways of killing Humans and Klingons quickly, a line was cut in which he would have said "Bajoran. Puncture the lower ventricle of the heart. Death is immediate." The line was cut, but the Bajoran officer is still there.

Security guard 1 []

Female security officer, 2370

A security officer

This female security officer served aboard the Enterprise-D.

She was one of the crewmembers who welcomed Captain Picard aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364 when he took over the command of the ship. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

She was part of Lieutenant Worf's security team which beamed down to the T'Karath Sanctuary on Vulcan and faced Tallera using the Stone of Gol. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")

She served as guard along with Garvey for Lieutenant Commander Data following his odd behavior and his attack on Counselor Troi in a turbolift. Later, she guarded the holodeck where La Forge connected Data with the computer. (TNG: "Phantasms")

This recurring security officer was played by actress Mary Thompson, who received no credit for her appearances.

Security guard 2 []

Officer standing guard, 2364

An operations division officer

This operations division officer was among the crewmembers on the ship affected by the polywater intoxication in early 2364. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

Wearing a skanted uniform, he was standing guard in front of the dining room the same year. (TNG: "Haven")

This recurring officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 3 []

This operations division officer served as transporter chief on the early missions of the Enterprise-D.

He beamed Lieutenant Commander Data from Ligon II and later Tasha Yar and Yareena after the latter one died during a hand-to-hand combat with Yar. (TNG: "Code of Honor")

The same year he served as transporter chief who beamed up the Betazoid gift box for Deanna Troi, Victoria, Steven, and Wyatt Miller, and Lwaxana Troi and her servant Mr. Homn. Later, he was ready to beam some medical supplies over to the Tarellian starship but was rendered unconscious by a hypospray used by Wyatt Miller, who himself beamed over to the ship. (TNG: "Haven")

In 2367 he stood guard outside the guest quarters of Duras aboard the Enterprise-D. He followed one of Duras' aides who had the task to distract the security guard. (TNG: "Reunion")

This transporter chief was portrayed by Michael Rider.

Rider was also listed in the end credits of the episode "The Naked Now" but did not appear in the final episode. His scene was cut.

Security guard 4 []

Security officer, 2364

A security officer

This operations division officer witnessed the malfunctions of the holodeck in a corridor. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

He passed the bridge when the Enterprise-D went to Omicron Theta. (TNG: "Datalore")

He was on duty in main engineering when the microbrain took over control of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Home Soil")

Hhe was working on the bridge while Captain Picard and Wesley Crusher visited the Starfleet station on Relva VII. (TNG: "Coming of Age")

He was working on the bridge when the crew rescued Klingon fugitives. Later, he was part of Lieutenant Yar's security team who arrested the Klingons and brought them into the holding cells. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

This recurring operations division officer was played by background actor Dan Campise who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guard 5 []

Starfleet father, 2364

A Starfleet officer

This operations division Starfleet officer was the father of a child aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364.

He passed Commander Riker and Harry Bernard in a corridor shortly after Harry bumped into Riker and watched Harry from above. He later took part in a meeting in the observation lounge when his child was kidnapped by the Aldeans. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

The same year he worked as security guard for the Ornarans T'Jon and Romas and the Brekkians Langor and Sobi when they beamed aboard the ship. He guarded them to guest quarters and stood guard outside. Later he escorted them to the cargo bay. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actor who previously appeared as an Edo in the episode "Justice".

Security guard 6 []

Enterprise-D security officer, 2364

A security officer

This Starfleet officer worked as security officer aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364.

Together with Crewman Ramos he guarded the ship's holding cell when the two Klingon renegades Korris and Konmel were imprisoned. When the two Klingons tried to escape from the brig he killed Konmel with several phaser shots but was killed himself by Korris and a Klingon disruptor shot. Security chief Natasha Yar found his dead body shortly after this incident and reported his death and the break out to Captain Picard. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

The security officer was played by stunt actor John Eskobar, who received no credit for this part.

Security guard 7 []

This security crewman was assigned to the security team that confronted the Borg in main engineering in 2365. He was thrown through the room and against a wall when he tried to stop the Borg drone. (TNG: "Q Who")

He was knocked down by a Koinonian who had taken the form of Marla Aster in early 2366 while trying to stop the energy being in front of transporter room 3. (TNG: "The Bonding")

He was standing guard in a corridor next to a force field when he was knocked down by the Angosian soldier Roga Danar. Danar then used his communicator to deactivate the force field. (TNG: "The Hunted")

He was on duty in main engineering when two Ansata terrorists beamed on board the Enterprise-D in 2366. He was shot by one of the terrorists, but recovered later. (TNG: "The High Ground")

In 2367 he tried to apprehend Locutus of Borg while in a science laboratory aboard the Enterprise-D but was knocked down by Locutus. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

He was one of two security officers who guarded the meeting between Captain Picard, Gowron, and Duras in the observation lounge aboard the Enterprise-D and was hit by Gowron. (TNG: "Reunion")

He was assigned to the security team in 2368, led by Worf, which was ordered to Ten Forward. After they arrived at Ten Forward they had a shootout with Deanna Troi, Miles O'Brien, and Data who were possessed by Ux-Mal terrorists. During it he was hit by a phaser shot and fell on a table. Later he was among the wounded crewmembers who were brought to sickbay by a medical team. (TNG: "Power Play")

He was part of the away team which investigated the ruins on Barradas III and was killed by the mercenaries who shot him down. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

This officer was played by recurring stunt actor Lincoln Simonds, who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guard 8 []

Security crewman, 2366

A security officer

This operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366.

He was among the guests in Ten Forward who listened to a violin concert, performed by Data, Miles O'Brien, and two other crewmembers. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command")

He was standing guard on the bridge while the Acamarian Gatherer Brull was on the bridge. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")

He was one of the security officers guarding the fugitive Roga Danar while being held in the holding cell aboard the ship. He witnessed the escape of Danar while being transported aboard the Angosian police shuttle. (TNG: "The Hunted")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 9 []

This security officer was knocked down by a Koinonian who had taken the form of Marla Aster in early 2366. (TNG: "The Bonding")

He was part of the security team which welcomed Roga Danar aboard the Enterprise-D and was attacked by Danar. He was thrown over the transporter platform and tried to keep him. The fight ended in the corridor in front of the transporter room, where Danar injured his right arm. (TNG: "The Hunted")

He was also one of the security officers who were stopped by a force field when Data hijacked the Enterprise-D and went from the bridge to the next transporter room. (TNG: "Brothers")

He was part of a security detachment sent to Ten Forward when the crew was experiencing lack of REM sleep. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

He accompanied Worf and another security officer to the holodeck to disconnect Reginald Barclay from the computer but was stopped by a force field. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

This security officer was played by regular Star Trek stunt actor George Colucci, who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guard 10 []

Security officer in corridor, 2366

A security officer

This security officer was one of the guards in front of the transporter room when Captain Picard and Lieutenant Worf escorted the Koinonian being which appeared as Marla Aster. (TNG: "The Bonding")

He was one of the crewmembers in the corridors who noticed Lal when she made her first appearance in public. (TNG: "The Offspring")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 11 []

Transporter room security 2, 2366

A security officer

This security officer led the security team which should welcome the Angosian soldier Roga Danar on board the Enterprise-D in 2366. When Danar attacked the security team he knocked this officer out, who tried to overwhelm him. (TNG: "The Hunted")

The security officer was played by stunt actor John Gillespie, who received no credit for his appearance, although he had dialogue.

Security guard 12 []

Holding cell guard, early 2366

A security officer

This security officer was standing guard in the holding cell area aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366 when the imprisoned Roga Danar was prepared to be beamed aboard an Angosian police shuttle. He was unable to stop Danar who escaped while being beamed. (TNG: "The Hunted")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 13 []

Security guard, 2366

A security guard

This security officer was part of Lieutenant Worf's security team which tried to imprison the fugitive Roga Danar following his escape from the Enterprise-D's brig. Together with Lieutenant Worf he stopped a turbolift but only found a phaser which was moments before overloading. Later he accompanied Worf to a cargo bay where the Klingon was surprised by Danar and the other security officers were trapped outside the cargo bay. (TNG: "The Hunted")

He was standing guard on the bridge of the Enterprise-D in an alternate timeline, created when the Enterprise-C traveled forward through time. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 14 []

Security officer in 2366

A security officer

This security officer was working in main engineering when the crew assisted the Bre'el IV scientists restoring the orbit of their planet. (TNG: "Deja Q")

He was also working in engineering in an alternate timeline, created when the Enterprise-C traveled back through time. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

He passed Wesley Crusher, La Forge and Troi in a corridor when the three went to meet Data and his creation, his daughter Lal. (TNG: "The Offspring")

He passed Captain Picard and Commander Riker in a corridor when the two went to the transporter room to welcome Commander Kurn aboard. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

Together with Worf and Garvey, he went to the quarters of Captain Picard after Data read some strange energy patterns in his quarters. (TNG: "Allegiance")

He was working on an aft station of the bridge when the Enterprise-D went into orbit of Risa to beam down their captain. (TNG: "Captain's Holiday")

Together with Darien Wallace he served as guard for Kivas Fajo at the ship's brig. (TNG: "The Most Toys")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 15 []

In an alternate timeline created when the USS Enterprise-C traveled forward in time, he served on the Enterprise-D's bridge. He was wounded during the Klingon attack, after his console exploded. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This security crewman was part of a security detachment sent to Ten Forward when the crew was experiencing lack of REM sleep. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

He accompanied Worf and another security officer to the holodeck to disconnect Reginald Barclay from the computer but was pushed to the ground when the ship was pulled into the subspace distortion. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

The security officer was played by regular stunt actor B.J. Davis who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guards 16 []

These three security officers were part of the security teams which tried to stop Lieutenant Commander Data after the android hijacked the Enterprise-D and tried to beam to the surface of Terlina III. They were knocked down by force fields. (TNG: "Brothers")

Security guard 17 []

Female security officer, 2367

A security officer

This female security officer was part of Lieutenant Worf's security team which tried to stop Lieutenant Commander Data in front of the transporter room after he hijacked the Enterprise-D in 2367. The security team had to stay back because of a force field Data created. (TNG: "Brothers")

Later that year, she escorted Jono into sickbay where the Human adopted by Talarians visited Captain Picard after he attacked him with a d'k tahg. (TNG: "Suddenly Human")

This security officer was portrayed by background actress Carrie Henger, who received no credit for her appearances.

Security guard 18 []

Female security officer, early 2367

A security officer

This security officer was part of the security team which tried to stop Data leaving the ship. She cared for another security officer who was hit by a force field. (TNG: "Brothers")

This security officer was played by an unknown actress.

Security guard 19 []

Holodeck security officer, 2367

An operations division officer

This operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in the late 2360s.

He was working on the aft station of the bridge when Captain Picard welcomed Mirasta Yale aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "First Contact")

He was part of Worf's security team which accompanied Commander Riker to the holodeck. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

Off duty he visited Ten Forward while Geordi La Forge discussed Baclay's behavior with him. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

He passed Captain Picard's quarters in late 2367 when Picard prepared his speech for the Federation Archaeology Council. (TNG: "Qpid")

He was present in Ten Forward when Lwaxana Troi found Timicin there, sitting at a table and when Dr. Crusher talked to Counselor Troi about her feelings for Odan. (TNG: "Half a Life", "The Host")

He was sitting at the bar in Ten Forward and watched how Geordi La Forge dumped his drink over Miles O'Brien. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye") He was also in Ten Forward listening to the woodwind quintet concert late in 2367. (TNG: "In Theory")

He was one of the crewmembers who stood in the row between the turbolift and the transporter room to bid farewell to Worf who left the ship to fight in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG: "Redemption")

He was sitting at the bar in Ten Forward and was talking to Crewman Nelson when Ro Laren visited the bar. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

He was again having a drink in Ten Forward when Commander Riker and the J'naii Soren had split pea soup for lunch. (TNG: "The Outcast")

This Starfleet officer was played by recurring background actor Thomas J. Booth, who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guard 20 []

Female security officer, late 2367

A security officer

This female security officer had a drink in Ten Forward when Reginald Barclay and Geordi La Forge had a conversation. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

She was one of the security officers during the briefing in the observation lounge at orders of Norah Satie. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

She was part of the security team which scanned the debris in the cargo bay while the brainwashed La Forge tried to assassinate the Klingon military governor Vagh. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

This recurring security officer was played by an unknown actress.

Security guard 21 []

Male operations division officer, 2367

An operations division officer

This operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in the late 2360s.

A holographic duplicate of him was part of the Romulan program in which Geordi La Forge killed Miles O'Brien. He sat next to O'Brien. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

The same year he attended the woodwind quintet concert in Ten Forward, performed by Jenna D'Sora, Data, and Keiko O'Brien. (TNG: "In Theory")

He was among the officers who stood in a row between the turbolift and the transporter room to say farewell to Worf when the Klingon left to fight in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG: "Redemption")

Off duty he had a drink in Ten Forward while the Ullian delegation was aboard. (TNG: "Violations")

He was also off duty in Ten Forward when he was taken hostage by the Ux-Mal criminals in 2368. (TNG: "Power Play")

He took the same turbolift like the phased Romulan Parem and left it together with him. (TNG: "The Next Phase")

He attended the poetry reading of Data in Ten Forward in early 2369. (TNG: "Schisms")

He was one of the security officers who came to the holodeck when James Moriarty appeared. He later guarded Moriarty and Picard to Ten Forward. (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle")

This Starfleet officer was played by a background actor with the last name Hunt.

Security guard 22 []

Security officer guarding Hugh

A security officer

This security officer was part of the first forensic team in cargo bay 4 who searched cargo units of weapons for DNA samples. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

In early 2368 he was part of Worf's security team which beamed down to the surface of Melona IV to rescue the away team. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")

He visited Ten Forward and was one of the crewmembers at the bar who were addicted to the Ktarian game. (TNG: "The Game")

A holographic recreation of him was programmed by Data in early 2368 as a diversion for Sela and her two guards. (TNG: "Unification II")

He accompanied Worf and Ensign Kellogg to the quarters of Deanna Troi and arrested the Ullian Jev who tried to mentally rape the Counselor for the second time. (TNG: "Violations")

He was part of the security team aboard the Enterprise-D in 2368 which guarded the Borg Hugh in its detention cell. At order of Lieutenant Worf he lowered and brought the force field back online. (TNG: "I Borg")

This security officer was played by recurring background actor Bill E. Rogers, who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guard 23 []

Security officer, 2369

A security officer

This operations division officer served as security officer aboard the Enterprise-D in the late 2360s.

He was part of the away team which beamed to the conference with the Lenarians and had to beam back when Captain Picard was shot. (TNG: "Tapestry")

He had a drink at the bar in Ten Forward when the Klingon Captain Nu'Daq challenged Lieutenant Commander Data. (TNG: "The Chase")

When Commander Riker lost the mind between reality and illusion, he met this officer in a corridor. (TNG: "Frame of Mind")

He was one of the security officers who received instructions from Worf in the ship's biolab following the murder of Dr. Reyga. (TNG: "Suspicions")

The same year he accompanied Commander Riker to Lieutenant Worf's quarters when Worf did not show up for his duty shift and did not respond to communications. (TNG: "Rightful Heir")

He was one of the crewmembers in the audience in Ten Forward for Commander Riker's jazz concert in late 2369. (TNG: "Second Chances")

This recurring security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 24 []

Wounded security officer, 2369

A wounded security officer

This security officer was hit by a Lenarian weapon while guarding Captain Picard during a conference. He was beamed aboard the Enterprise-D with the rest of the away team and was supported by Ensign Kellogg. (TNG: "Tapestry")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 25 []

Male security officer, 2369

A security officer

This security officer was part of the security team which accompanied Commander Riker to Lieutenant Worf's quarters after the Klingon did not show up for duty and no communication with him was possible. (TNG: "Rightful Heir")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 26 []

Frozen security officer

A security officer

This security officer was one of two sent to sickbay to stop a Romulan but was like all other crewmembers "frozen" due to the contact with temporal fragments. (TNG: "Timescape")

The following year he was part of the security team which was called into engineering when Rabal and Serova suddenly appeared. (TNG: "Force of Nature")

In another quantum reality in 2370, he attended the surprise party for Lieutenant Worf following the bat'leth tournament on Forcas III. (TNG: "Parallels")

He was part of Lieutenant Worf's security team which was called to Ten Forward when several artifacts appeared. (TNG: "Masks")

He served as guard for Worf in sickbay after the Klingon attacked Counselor Troi in her bath tub. (TNG: "Genesis")

He was part of the away team which beamed down to Kalla III and found the Dopterian Gorta, betrayed by the Duras sisters. (TNG: "Firstborn")

This security officer was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 27 []

Bridge security officer, 2369

A security officer

This security officer was called to the bridge following the attack of the Borg in late 2369. He entered through the door where previously Crewman Franklin stood guard. (TNG: "Descent")

This security officer was played by stand-in and Deep Space Nine background actor Geoffrey Mutch who received no credit for his appearance.

Security guard 28 []

Female security officer, early 2370

A security officer

This Starfleet security officer was part of the security team which accompanied Worf to deck 10 after Data found the source for the power drain there. She was ordered by Worf to scan the deck for the malfunction. (TNG: "Homeward")

This security officer was played by an unknown actress.

Security guards 29 []

These two security officers guarded the quarters of Lieutenant Commander Data in 2370 when the android was taken over by several D'Arsay personalities. When Data was taken over by Masaka and left his quarters he knocked both security guards unconscious. (TNG: "Masks")

Security guard 30 []

Enterprise-D security guard 30

A security officer

This Starfleet officer worked in the security division on board the Enterprise-D in 2371. He was part of the away team which beamed to the Amargosa observatory and found alongside another security officer the Romulan corpse. (Star Trek Generations)

This security officer was played by Henry Marshall.

Security guard 31 []

Enterprise-D security officer, 2365

A security officer

This security crewman was assigned to sickbay when Anya threatened to kill Hennesey because he had a virus. (TNG: "The Dauphin")

Played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 32 []

Enterprise-D sickbay guard

A security guard

This security crewman was part of the security team assembled by Worf during the birth of Ian Troi in 2365. (TNG: "The Child")

In, 2366, he was part of the security team sent to stop Rogar Danar following his escape from the brig. He asked an engineer who was knocked unconscious by Danar if he was okay. (TNG: "The Hunted")

The guard was played by an unknown actor.

Security guard 33 []

Enterprise-D sickbay guard 2

A security guard

This male security guard was called to sickbay because Anya threatened to kill Hennesey. He later stood guard outside her quarters. (TNG: "The Dauphin")

This guard was played by an unknown actor.

Security ensign 1 []

Female security ensign, 2369

A security ensign

This female operations division officer served as security officer aboard the Enterprise-D in the late 2360s.

She was part of the security team which was called to the transporter room following Deanna Troi's attack against Captain Picard. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

She was also part of the security team in the transporter room which welcomed the Romulans aboard. Due to the contact with several temporal fragments, she was "frozen". (TNG: "Timescape")

This security ensign was played by background actress Ericka Bryce.

Her uniform was later sold off on the web. [2]

Security ensign 2 []

Female security officer in ten forward, 2370

A security officer

This Starfleet ensign was part of the security division aboard the Enterprise-D in 2370.

She accomapnied Lieutenant Worf to Ten Forward where they witnessed the transformation of the ships mass into D'Arsay artifacts. (TNG: "Masks")

Together with Russell, Diana Giddings, Armstrong, and Alfonse Pacelli she beamed down to Maranga IV to attend the Kot'baval Festival. (TNG: "Firstborn")

While talking to Ensign Armstrong in a corridor, she passed Captain Picard who traveled through several times. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

Pauline Olsen, Firstborn

Olsen on a continuity Polaroid for "Firstborn"

This security officer was played by background actress Pauline Olsen, who received no credit for her appearances.

Security ensign 3 []

This ensign was about to be summoned by Worf to guard Picard's ready room following an apparent 2367 break in, but Picard felt the move unnecessary, preferring caution instead. (TNG: "In Theory")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Security lieutenant junior grade []

Female security officer, 2364

An operations division officer

Female lieutenant jg, 2364

Taking part in a meeting

This female operations division officer served as a security officer and engineering officer aboard the Enterprise-D following its launch in 2364.

She was on duty in main engineering when the ship headed to Deneb IV. Later she was one of two security officers who tried to leave the turbolift to stop Q but was stopped by a force field. She was also one of the crewmembers who visited the mall at Farpoint Station. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

She was on duty in main engineering when the crew was affected by a polywater intoxication the same year. Together with five other crewmembers she was standing in front of Wesley Crusher's force field and laughing. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

She was again working in main engineering when the ship was trapped in orbit of Delphi Ardu IV. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")

She was on duty outside the transporter room when the Selay delegates beamed aboard the Enterprise-D en route to the conference world of Parliament. Holding the rank of a lieutenant junior grade, she participated in a conference meeting in the observation lounge. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")

This recurring Starfleet officer was played by Marti Avila.

Security lieutenant 1 []

Security lieutenant, 2369

A security lieutenant

This lieutenant served as security guard in the observation lounge during the stay of Chancellor Gowron aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Rightful Heir")

This lieutenant was played by an unknown actor.

Security lieutenant 2 []

USS Enterprise-D security lieutenant 3

A security lieutenant

This female lieutenant was on duty on the bridge when the Enterprise-D arrived at the Amargosa observatory in 2371. She was talking to fellow officers and working on an aft station on the bridge. She was also present during the Klingon attack and was working from the side station. (Star Trek Generations)

This security lieutenant was played by background actress Star Halm who received no credit for her appearance.

Tactical officers[]


Technicians 1 []

The second technician worked in main engineering when Korris tried to flee from the security team lead by Natasha Yar. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

The second technician was also on duty in engineering when the ship investigated unusual solar flares and magnetic activity in the Delos system. Later he passed the cargo bay where the Enterprise-D crew stored the felicium. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

Both technicians worked to realign the dilithium crystals aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364 under the supervision of Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch. (TNG: "Skin Of Evil")

Technician 2 []

Technician in ten forward, 2366

A technician

This technician and two fellow crewmembers shared a drink in Ten Forward when a doppelgänger of Captain Picard started to sing. All three crewmembers started to sing with him not knowing that this wasn't their captain. (TNG: "Allegiance")

This technician was played by an unknown actor.

Technician 3 []

Technician in main engineering, 2366

A technician

This technician was working in main engineering and repaired the ships systems following the first contact with the Borg in 2366. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds")

This technician was played by an unknown actor.

Technicians 4 []

In 2369, this crewmember was working in cargo bay 4, together with two other crewmembers, when internal sensors reported a massive EM explosion in the cargo bay. When a medical team went to check on the crewmen, it turned out that the sensors had malfunctioned and that the three men were not harmed. (TNG: "Schisms")

Technicians 5 []

Thee two technicians were part of the team which investigated the destruction of the Type 6 shuttlecraft Fermi following its contact with a molecular reversion field by inspecting the debris in one of the ships shuttlebays. (TNG: "Rascals")

Technician 6 []

Enterprise-D technician hologram

A technician

A hologram of this technician was present when La Forge killed a holographic duplicate of O'Brien during his brainwashing by the Romulans. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

This technician was played by an unknown actor.

Technicians 7 []

These two technicians were working in engineering when La Forge ran out to warn Picard about the Iconian probe. (TNG: "Contagion")

Technician 8 []

Technician on the Hathaway

A technician

This technician worked on the Hathaway during the battle with the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This technician was played by an unknown actor.

Transporter operators[]

Transporter chief 1 []

Bridge security officer, early 2364

A security officer

Transporter officer, late 2364

A transporter operator

This operations division officer served as security officer and transporter operator aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364.

He was working in main engineering when the ship went to Deneb IV and was one of the security officers called to the bridge when Q appeared. He was imprisoned in the turbolift by Q's force field. He was again working in engineering shortly after this and talking to a Vulcan officer. He was back on the bridge when Lieutenant junior grade Worf took command over the saucer section. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

He suspiciously eyed his fellow crewmembers in main engineering when they were affected by the polywater intoxication and Wesley Crusher took over command of the starship. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

The same year he served as transporter operator in the cargo bay and beamed the Ligonian delegation aboard. (TNG: "Code of Honor")

He cared for a boy and got a blanket by Counselor Troi when the crew was forced to gather in several quarters and the life support system went down. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")

He beamed the away team down to Mordan IV. (TNG: "Too Short A Season")

He was one of Tasha Yar's security officers who were called to arrest the Klingons Korris and Konmel and brought them to a holding cell. He was also called to main engineering and witnessed how Worf shot Korris who fell to death. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

He was unable to beam the Ornarans T'Jon and Romas aboard the ship and was dismissed by Tasha Yar. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This recurring Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actor.

Transporter chief 2 []

Transporter chief, 2364

The hand of the transporter chief

This transporter chief contacted the bridge to inform Captain Picard that two persons are ready to be beamed aboard the ship from the USS Fearless. When Commander Riker and Lieutenant Commander Argyle joined him in the transporter room he beamed Kosinski and the Traveler aboard. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before")

The same year he reported to the bridge and informed the captain that the transporter console in transporter room 6 was malfunctioning. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")

He also answered Captain Picard's call for the transporter chief and was ordered to beam the Edo Rivan immediately back to the surface of Rubicun III. He was unable and reported that he could not energize the beam although everything checked out but without results. He was able to beam Rivan down after Picard attached his communicator to the Edo. (TNG: "Justice")

This transporter chief was played by an unknown actor and voiced by a different unknown actor in all three episodes.

Transporter chief 3 []

Transporter operator, 2364

A transporter operator

This Starfleet officer served as transporter chief in late 2364 while the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Velara III. Commander Riker contacted the transporter room to let the "microbrain" lifeform beam back to the surface of the planet. The transporter officer responded to Riker "Coordinates entered, sir." and beamed the lifeform then back to the planet. (TNG: "Home Soil")

He also reported to Captain Picard the same year that he was unable to get a lock on Commander Riker who was capsuled on the surface of Minos. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")

This transporter officer was voiced by an unknown actor in both episodes and his hands were portrayed by an unknown background actor in "The Arsenal of Freedom".

Transporter chief 4 []

Female transporter officer, 2364

A female officer

This female Starfleet operations division officer served as transporter operator in 2364. She beamed Admiral Gregory Quinn from the Enterprise-D following his visit aboard the ship. (TNG: "Coming of Age")

The same year she worked on the bridge when the ship took Ornaran and Brekkian survivors from the freighter Sanction aboard. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This transporter officer was played by an unknown actress.

Transporter chief 5 []

Transporter operator, 2367

A transporter officer

This Starfleet officer served as transporter operator in 2367 and beamed Admiral Norah Satie and her aides Nellen Tore and Sabin Genestra aboard. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actress.

She filmed her scene on Wednesday 27 February 1991 on Paramount Stage 9 and was listed as "Transporter Tech" on the call sheet. The actress was to be dated.

Transporter chief 6 []

Male transporter chief, 2368

An operations division officer

Male hostage in ten forward

An operations division officer

This operations division officer served aboard the Enterprise-D in 2368.

He was working on an aft station of the bridge when the Enterprise-D went into the orbit of Valo II. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

He was on duty in main engineering when Data and Geordi La Forge investigated possibilities to destroy the Crystalline Entity. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")

He was one of the technicians and engineering personnel who scanned the debris of the Vulcan transport ship T'Pau in one of the shuttle bays. (TNG: "Unification I")

He walked past Berlinghoff Rasmussen in a corridor. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

He worked as transporter chief and beamed Helena Rozheko aboard the ship. (TNG: "New Ground")

He passed Counselor Troi when she entered Timothy's quarters. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

Sometime between 2366 and 2368 he was one of the engineering crewmembers who were evacuated from the main engineering due to a warp core breach. Commander Riker experienced this event during a telepathic memory invasion by the Ullian Jev and remembered the death of Ensign Keller. (TNG: "Violations")

He had a drink in Ten Forward shortly before the crew experienced a memory loss. (TNG: "Conundrum")

He was one of the hostages held in Ten Forward by the Ux-Mal criminals who took over the bodies of Deanna Troi, Miles O'Brien, and Data. (TNG: "Power Play")

This recurring operations division officer was played by background actor Jay Montalvo, who received no credit for his appearances.

Transporter chief 7 []

Enterprise-D transporter chief, 2371

A transporter chief

This Starfleet officer served as transporter chief aboard the Enterprise-D in 2371 and beamed Captain Picard to the surface of Veridian III and Geordi La Forge back aboard the ship. (Star Trek Generations)

The transporter chief was played by Granville Ames.

Transporter chief 8 []

Enterprise-D male transporter chief, 2369

A transporter chief

This male transporter chief beamed the away team and Captain Nu'Daq down to Vilmor II. (TNG: "The Chase")

The transporter chief was played by an unknown actor.

Transporter ensign 1 []

Cargo transporter ensign

An ensign

This Starfleet ensign operated the transporter in cargo bay 11 in 2364 and received the order from Captain Picard to beam the Ornarans T'Jon and Romas and the Brekkians Sobi and Langor along their cargo of felicium down to the surface of Ornara. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

This ensign was played by an unknown actor.

Although he wore no ensign rank insignia, Picard addressed him as ensign.

Transporter ensign 2 []

Transporter operator, 2366

A transporter officer

This Starfleet officer was off duty and had a drink in Ten Forward when the Enterprise-D transported Sovereign Marouk to Acamar III. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")

He served as transporter operator in 2366 and beamed the Romulan defector Admiral Alidar Jarok aboard the Enterprise-D. He previously acknowledged an order from Captain Picard to stand by. (TNG: "The Defector")

Off duty he visited Ten Forward while Q was aboard the ship. (TNG: "Deja Q")

He walked past Commander Riker and Captain Picard on their way to the transporter room to welcome Commander Kurn aboard the ship. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

This transporter officer was played by an unknown actor. His voice which was previously heard over com in "The Defector" was voiced by an other unknown actor.

Transporter ensign 3 []

Female transporter technician, 2366

A transporter technician

This Starfleet officer served as transporter technician on board the Enterprise-D in 2366. She beamed Commander Kurn aboard, who participated in a Klingon Federation officer exchange program. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

This officer was played by actress Teddy Davis.

Transporter ensign 4 []

Transporter ensign, 2369

An ensign in the transporter room

Moab IV away team

Part of the away team on Moab IV

This female ensign was part of the away team that beamed down to Moab IV to increase the shielding of the Genome colony. (TNG: "The Masterpiece Society")

She worked as transporter officer and beamed Doctor Toby Russell aboard the Enterprise-D and also the Borg drone Hugh back to the surface of the planet where the Borg scout ship crash landed. (TNG: "Ethics", "I Borg")

In early 2369 she was working on an aft station of the bridge while the Enterprise-D was in orbit of Tyrus VIIA assisting with the repairs of the malfunctioning particle fountain. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

She was present in Ten Forward when Captain Picard officially transferred command to the new Captain Edward Jellico. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part I")

She operated the transporter in 2369 and beamed DeSeve on board the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy")

Carrying a suitcase she walked past Commander Riker and Lieutenant Commander Nella Daren in a corridor when the chief of Stellar sciences tried to accomplish personnel changes in her department. (TNG: "Lessons")

She was working in main engineering when Captain Picard, Data, and Geordi La Forge identified the DNA samples and compared them to a jigsaw puzzle. (TNG: "The Chase")

She was on duty in main engineering when a temporal fragment caused the time to stop and everyone was frozen. (TNG: "Timescape")

She walked past Commander Riker, Dr. Crusher and Captain Picard in a corridor shortly after the captain and the doctor returned from the surface of Kesprytt III. (TNG: "Attached")

Together with Geordi La Forge she operated the transporter and beamed Captain Picard aboard Bok's starship. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

This recurring Starfleet officer was played by background actress and stand-in Sissy Sessions, who received no credit for her appearances.

Her appearance in "Ethics" was off screen and over dubbed by a male voice in post production but Sessions is listed as "Transporter Tech" on the call sheet for this scene, scene 16.

Transporter ensign 5 []

Transporter technician 2368

A transporter technician

This ensign was on duty in the transporter room when Miles O'Brien, Deanna Troi, and Data were taken over by Ux-Mal criminals in 2368. He was unable to beam the criminals back to the planet Mab-Bu VI where they had come from, because O'Brien had taken the transporter array off-line and put it in a diagnostic mode. (TNG: "Power Play")

The transporter technician was played by Ryan Reid.

Transporter ensign 6 []

Male transporter chief, 2370

A transporter chief

This operations division ensign served as transporter chief in 2370. He beamed Wesley Crusher to the surface of Dorvan V. (TNG: "Journey's End")

Off duty he shared a drink with a woman in Ten Forward the same time Jason Vigo told Sandra Rhodes that he needed more space. (TNG: "Bloodlines")

This Starfleet ensign was played by an unknown actor.

Transporter lieutenant junior grade []

Male operations division lieutenant jg, 2369

A lieutenant jg

This operations lieutenant jg served aboard the Enterprise-D in the late 2360s.

He passed Captain Picard outside the transporter room after Picard was beamed back from the city Darthen. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

He walked past Geordi La Forge and Montgomery Scott in a corridor after Scotty was beamed aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Relics")

Also in 2369, he attended Data's poetry reading in Ten Forward and was standing behind Lieutenant Jae and Captain Picard. (TNG: "Schisms")

He passed Lieutenant Reginald Barclay and Data in a corridor while Professor James Moriarty demanded his own life. (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle")

He was the transporter chief who beamed Worf back aboard the Enterprise-D following his return from Carraya IV. (TNG: "Birthright, Part II")

He passed Deanna Troi and Iyaaran Ambassador Loquel in a corridor. (TNG: "Liaisons")

This recurring lieutenant jg was played by background actor Jack Gilroy who received no credit for his appearances.
