Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Vulcans who lived during the 22nd century.

Adviser 1 []

Vulcan adviser 1

A Vulcan adviser in 2143

This male from the Vulcan High Command served as an adviser to Starfleet during the early days of the NX Program. He was present when A.G. Robinson became the first Human to break the Warp 2 barrier in 2143. Like most Vulcans of the day, he was concerned by Humanity's rapid advancement into space and frequently urged caution. Following the destruction of the NX-Alpha he advised that the NX Program go on hiatus indefinitely. He was later present when Robinson and Jonathan Archer stole the NX-Beta and broke Warp 2.5. (ENT: "First Flight")

The Vulcan adviser was played by Michael Canavan.

Adviser 2 []

Vulcan adviser 2

A Vulcan adviser in 2143

This male served as an adviser to Starfleet during the early days of the NX Program. He was present when A.G. Robinson became the first Human to break the Warp 2 barrier in 2143. He was later present when Robinson and Jonathan Archer stole the NX-Beta and broke warp 2.5. (ENT: "First Flight")

In 2151 he was part of a group of five Vulcans who were present at the ceremony for the launch of the starship Enterprise (NX-01) and listened to the recorded speech of Zefram Cochrane. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

This Vulcan was played by background actor Antony Acker who received no credit for his appearances.

Acker filmed his scene for "Broken Bow" on 5 June 2001 on Paramount Stage 18.

His makeup in "First Flight" was done by Robert Maverick. [1] His robe was also worn by Louis Ortiz in the fourth season episodes "Awakening" and "Kir'Shara" and later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)

Anthropologist []

This anthropologist witnessed a football game during an expedition to Earth and mistakenly believed it to be a ritual in which the other participants were trying to kill the quarterback. He related this to Kov at some point. (ENT: "Fusion")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Coalition delegate []

Vulcan Coalition Delegate

A Vulcan delegate

This female attended the Coalition of Planets talks in 2155 on Earth and witnessed the crimes of John Frederick Paxton. She accompanied Ambassador Soval and another Vulcan dignitary. (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime")

The Vulcan delegate was played background actress Amy Earhart, who received no credit for this appearance.

Commando on Cordian []

This commando was part of a unit sent to rescue Captain Archer and T'Pol, who were being held by Coridanite rebels. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem") He was later captured and held hostage by Andorian forces during the conflict on Paan Mokar. (ENT: "Cease Fire")

This Vulcan commando was played by Douglas Lyons.

Commandos in the Forge []

These commandos armed with lirpas were sent by the Vulcan High Command to apprehend Jonathan Archer, T'Pau and T'Pol from the Syrrannite compound.

During the later confrontation, T'Pau and Archer escaped, but T'Pol was eventually captured. Archer attempted a rescue and overpowered the commandos by striking them with electrical discharges of the gallicite deposits, however the third commando had already taken T'Pol away to return her to the High Command. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

All characters were played by uncredited stunt actors. Smolek's boots were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [3](X)

Commando at High Command []

A commando reported to Administrator V'Las that Enterprise hadn't left orbit and remained in a stationary position above the Vulcan's Forge. V'Las ordered him to monitor the ship and the commando acknowledged him with excellency. Later V'Las ordered him to remove Enterprise from orbit with all necessary force and to begin the bombardement of the T'Karath Sanctuary when Enterprise moved out of scanner range. (ENT: "Awakening")

He later informed Administrator V'Las that the Vulcan High Command was being hailed by the Starfleet ship and that Enterprise opened fire against a Vulcan ship. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover. This Vulcan com voice was performed by an unknown actor.

Delegate 1 []

Vulcan delegate 1, 2151

A Vulcan delegate

This delegate was the aide of Ambassador Soval and part of the Vulcan delegation on Earth.

In a group of five Vulcans, he was present during the launching ceremony for the Earth vessel Enterprise in 2151 and listened to the recorded speech of Zefram Cochrane. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

He accompanied Ambassador Soval on several occasions. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem", "Shockwave, Part II")

This Vulcan also served as aide to Soval on a mission report by Captain Jonathan Archer held at Admiral Maxwell Forrest's office on Earth in 2154. (ENT: "Home")

This Vulcan delegate was played by regular background actor Dieter Hornemann, who received no credit for his appearances.

Delegate 2 []

Vulcan delegate 5, 2154

A Vulcan delegate

This delegate was an aide of Ambassador Soval and part of the Vulcan delegation on Earth in 2154. He listened to Captain Archer's mission report held at Admiral Maxwell Forrest's office on Earth in which Captain Archer mentioned the Seleya and the reaction of the Vulcan crew towards the trellium. (ENT: "Home")

This Vulcan delegate was played by regular alien background actor Bill Blair who received no credit for his appearance.

Delegates []

These three delegates were in a group of five as guests during the ceremony for the launch of the Earth starship Enterprise in 2151. They listened to the speech of Zefram Cochran which was recorded in 2119. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

The first delegate also accompanied Ambassador Soval on several occasions. (ENT: "Shockwave, Part II")

All three Vulcans were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearance.

Koss' parents []

Koss' parents consisted of a father and a mother. Koss' father was a senior minister at the Vulcan High Command who wielded great influence. (ENT: "Home")

In 2151 they sent Captain Vanik to deliver private letters to T'Pol aboard Enterprise NX-01 expressing their concerns that she decided to withdraw from the arranged marriage with Koss to serve aboard a Human vessel. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

When T'Pol explained to Koss that she was "not interested in marriage," he explained to her than "the decision isn't [theirs] alone," and that "[His] parents believe in the old traditions. For them, a betrothal cannot simply be dismissed." Nevertheless, T'Pol still married Koss, in part due to Koss' father's influence, which allow T'Les, T'Pol's mother, to be reinstated to her position at the Vulcan Science Academy. (ENT: "Home")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Kov's father []

Kov's father was a minister at the Vulcan High Command during the 2150s.

Kov and his father had a falling out around 2142, when the minister discovered that his son was a V'tosh ka'tur. The last time the two spoke, Kov's father told Kov that he had brought shame to fifteen generations of their family. Since that time, Kov's father tried, several times, to contact him but Kov wouldn't respond.

Around 2152, Kov's father had succumbed to a near-fatal illness and requested one last time to speak with his son, upon discovering that he was aboard the Earth starship Enterprise.

Although adamant at first that he would not reply to his father, Kov eventually gave in to pressure from Charles Tucker to contact him, rather then face the regret of missing the opportunity after his father died.

Kov eventually contacted his father, where he learned that his condition had improved, thanks to an implanted vaso-stimulator, which was expected to both allow the minister to recover, and as well, extend his life a few years. (ENT: "Fusion")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Medical aide []

Vulcan aide Dekendi III

A medical aide at conference

This medical aide was one of many medical personnel at the Vulcan complex on Dekendi III during the 2152 Interspecies Medical Exchange conference.

When Captain Archer barged in looking for Oratt, he asked if he could be of assistance. He was unsuccessful in stopping the captain before he pounded on the glass to get Oratt's attention. When Oratt came out, the aide told him that he tried to convey that he was busy, but Oratt told him it was alright. (ENT: "Stigma")

The Vulcan medical aide was played by actor Lee Spencer.

This Vulcan character was referred to as a "doctor" in the final draft script of "Stigma". He was scripted to be "sitting at a desk", though he is standing in the episode. [4]

Medical technicians []

These two medical technicians were assigned to Doctor Oratt during his visit to the Interspecies Medical Exchange conference on Dekendi III. They performed medical research and assisted Oratt, Yuris, and Strom analyzing data about T'Pol's DNA, including her Pa'nar Syndrome. (ENT: "Stigma")

Both costumes were later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [5](X) [6](X)

Ministers []

These four ministers were part of the Vulcan High Command in 2154. Three were present when Captain Jonathan Archer and T'Pol made their trip into the Vulcan desert and Administrator V'Las threatened Enterprise to leave orbit of Vulcan. (ENT: "Awakening") When Administrator V'Las ordered the attack of the Vulcan fleet against Andoria three of them were also present. They've watched the Vulcan sublieutenant pointing his gun at Minister Kuvak and witnessed the Vulcan letters from Surak, presented by the Kir'Shara. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

One of these officials attended the talks for the Coalition of Planets in 2155 on Earth. (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime")

All four Vulcans were played by background performers who received no credit for their work.

The robe worn by Louis Ortiz was previously worn by background actor Antony Acker in the episodes "Broken Bow" and "First Flight" and sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [7](X)

Ministry of Security officer []

Vulcan security administrator

An officer with the Ministry of Security

An officer with the Ministry of Security contacted T'Pol late at night in 2152. She apologized for waking her, and told her that they had found Menos in the Pernaia system. (ENT: "The Seventh")

The Vulcan official was played by actress Coleen Maloney.

She was identified in the script simply as both "a uniformed officer of the Ministry of Security" and "Vulcan officer".

Nurse []

Vulcan nurse

A Vulcan nurse

This nurse assisted a Vulcan priest at the P'Jem monastery who performed the fullara ceremony on T'Pol after she resigned from the Vulcan Ministry of Security after killing Jossen. The nurse held T'Pol by force. T'Pol remembered the ceremony and the face of the nurse during a mission in 2151 in which she had to find Menos. (ENT: "The Seventh")

This Vulcan was played by background actress Marijane Cole, who received no credit for her appearance.

She was consistently referred to as "Vulcan Nun" in the final draft script of "The Seventh". However, she was identified as a nurse by the actress who portrayed her.

Officer []

Vulcan on repair station

A Vulcan officer

This officer was abducted by the automated repair station, probably while a Vulcan ship was in dock. While Captain Archer and T'Pol were searching for Travis Mayweather, whom the station had also kidnapped, T'Pol scanned this Vulcan and determined that the computer had fully integrated into his neocortex. He was there for over a year, and the brain damage caused by the process could not be reversed. He was presumed killed, along with the others when the station was destroyed soon after. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

This Vulcan was played by recurring background actor Mark Major, who received no credit for this appearance. He filmed his scene on Tuesday 20 August 2002 on Paramount Stage 9.

Officials on Dekendi III []

Three officials attended the Interspecies Medical Exchange conference on Dekendi III in 2152. Two of them entered the medical suite when Doctor Phlox visited the place to ask for information about the Pa'nar Syndrome. All three were later present when Captain Jonathan Archer presented Dr. Oratt information from the Vulcan database regarding a hearing about T'Pol's future and career. (ENT: "Stigma")

Operatives []

Vulcan listening post

Vulcan operatives

These operatives were working in the Vulcan listening post beneath the monastery at P'Jem when it was discovered by a landing party of Enterprise NX-01 and a commando of the Andorian Imperial Guard in June 2151. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

The operatives were played by unknown performers who filmed their scene during second unit of the episode. CGI was used to duplicate the performers to leave the impression several operatives were working in that listening post.

P'Jem inhabitants[]

Priest []

Vulcan Priest, Kir'Shara

The Vulcan priest

This priest was an elderly Vulcan cleric sometimes called upon to perform duties of a more spiritual nature. In 2154, he performed the wedding of T'Pol and Koss. (ENT: "Home")

Later that year he transferred the katra of Surak from the mind of Jonathan Archer to his own. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

The Vulcan priest was played by Jack Donner.

Scientist []

This scientist had a sophisticated prosthetic forearm.

Doctor Drake remembered having once met him and said that his prothesis was nothing compared with the Borg arm his team found in the Arctic Circle. (ENT: "Regeneration")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starship personnel[]

Sublieutenant []

Sublieutenant doorman

A Vulcan sublieutenant

This sublieutenant was an officer who was posted at the door to the office of the Vulcan High Command and the Administrator of Vulcan.

In 2154, Administrator V'Las ordered him to inform Major Talok, that he should find Archer, T'Pol, and T'Pau and eradicate them, calling them "radical insurgents". Later he pointed his gun at Minister Kuvak at the order of V'Las but was made unconscious by a Vulcan nerve pinch from Kuvak. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

The Vulcan sublieutenant was played by an unknown actor.

Syrrannites []

These Syrrannites followed their leader Syrran until his death in 2154. They crowded together in their hiding, the T'Karath Sanctuary, in the Vulcan's Forge. This area provided them from detecting by the Vulcan High Command and their patrol ships who tried to arrest them because of their beliefs. Jonathan Archer and T'Pol were taken prisoners by them after Archer got the katra of Surak through a mind meld with Syrran. Three of them guarded Archer and T'Pol and followed the orders of T'Pau and T'Les. The Syrrannites were attacked in a blind mission by the patrol ships and the sanctuary was destroyed. T'Pol, T'Pau, and Archer discovered their dead bodies in a part of the T'Karath catacombs. (ENT: "The Forge", "Awakening")

All Syrrannites were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearances.

Several costumes were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay, including the costumes of Jeff Doba, [8](X) [9](X) Ator Tamras, [10](X) Larry Barnhart, [11](X) Dionne Anthony, [12](X) Nikki Flux, [13](X) Bill Blair, [14](X) Dieter Hornemann, [15](X) Richard Kent, [16](X) and two unknown performers. [17](X) [18](X)

T'Les' husband []

Tucker in Vulcan robes

Commander Tucker in a suit and robe that belonged to T'Les' late husband

This male was the husband of T'Les. They had met only once prior to their bonding and marriage. However, even though they were strangers at the time of their marriage, they grew to love and care for each other deeply. (ENT: "Home")

In 2088, T'Les and her husband had their only child, a daughter named T'Pol. (ENT: "Zero Hour") He died sometime before 2154. On a visit home in that year, T'Pol expressed her belief that he would have approved of her Starfleet posting. (ENT: "Home")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

United Earth Embassy bombing victims []

These two bombing victims visited the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan in 2154. Moments after they passed through the security station in the lobby, the embassy was the victim of a bomb assassination. (ENT: "The Forge")

Both performers were played by background actors who received no credit for their appearance.

It was not stated if they're among the twelve Vulcans who died.

The robe, worn by the female Vulcan, was a reuse of the robe worn previously by Ator Tamras in the episode "Home", and was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [19](X)

Wedding attendee []

Vulcan Wedding Attendee 2154

A Vulcan wedding attendee

This female attended the wedding of T'Pol and Koss on Vulcan in 2154. She followed T'Pol closely as she approached the ceremony, straightened the train of T'Pols dress, and witnessed a shared kiss between T'Pol and Commander Tucker. (ENT: "Home")

This Vulcan was played by regular background actress and stand-in Ator Tamras. who received no credit for her appearance.

Her robe was later reused by background actress Jennifer Nash in the episode "The Forge", and was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [20](X)

Wedding attendees []

These wedding attendees, some of which were Koss' family, were present at the wedding of T'Pol and Koss on Vulcan in 2154. Just before the ceremony, T'Les announced to Commander Tucker that "Koss' family is waiting." (ENT: "Home")

The unnamed Vulcans were played by unknown performers.

Previous list:
Unnamed Vulcans (21st century)
Unnamed Vulcans
Next list:
Unnamed Vulcans (23rd century)