Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Vulcans from the 23rd century.

Civilian []

Vulcan civilian, 2270s

A Vulcan civilian

This civilian was present at Starfleet Headquarters in the 2270s, when Rear Admiral James T. Kirk met Lieutenant Commander Sonak there, before Kirk's meeting with Admiral Nogura. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

This Vulcan was played by background actor Arthur Tovey who received no credit for this appearance.

Elysian councilor[]

Engineers []

This team of engineers helped Admiral James Kirk and his senior staff repair and launch the captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey, the HMS Bounty in 2286. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

These "workers" were described as wearing "beige tunics and loose fitting trousers. On their feet, they wear red boots with curled up, pointy toes. Their hats about a foot tall, and end in a point that curves towards the front." The design was said to be modeled after the headgear worn by Shinto monks. (Starlog #111, October 1986, p. 39)

Expeditionary Group director []

Vulcan expeditionary group director

The Vulcan director

This director headed the Vulcan Expeditionary Group in 2249. He decided to let Sarek choose between Michael Burnham and Spock and that only one of "Sarek's experiments" can join the group. (DIS: "Lethe")

The director was played by actor Jonathan Whittaker.

Fal-tor-pan procession[]

Attendants []

Two attendants to the high priestess were present at the altar during Spock's fal-tor-pan ritual performed by T'Lar at Mount Seleya in 2285. They left the following morning, upon the completion of the return transfer of Spock's katra from Leonard McCoy. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

One of these attendant costumes was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X) [2](X)

Guards []

These two guards were present when Vulcan High Priestess T'Lar supervised Spock's fal-tor-pan ceremony in 2285. The first guard stopped James T. Kirk, who tried to help McCoy, who was involved in the ceremony, because he carried Spock's katra. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Both actors received no credit for their appearance.

Litter bearers []

These four litter bearers carried T'Lar on a sedan chair from the altar area on Mount Seleya the morning of her completion of Spock's fal-tor-pan ceremony in 2285. Another one, a red priest, was present during the ceremony and standing aside. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

According to the name tag, David Armstrong – as Dave Armstrong – portrayed "#3, Red Priest". [3](X)

Maidens []

These six maidens carried the barrow with Spock's body to Mount Seleya in 2285, after James T. Kirk and his crew brought Spock to Vulcan. They used psychokinesis and assisted High Priestess T'Lar during the fal-tor-pan ceremony. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

These Vulcans were played by featured performers who received no credit for their appearance, they were described in the script as being "tall and stately." Among them were Debra Dilley, Rebecca Soladay, Jessie Biscardi, Suzy Born, Paulette, and an unknown actress.

Several of their costumes, headgear, and jewelry were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [4](X) [5](X) [6](X) [7](X) [8](X) [9](X) [10](X) [11](X) [12](X) [13](X) [14](X)

Musician []

Vulcan musician, 2285

Vulcan musician

This musician was present at Mount Seleya in 2285, when T'Lar performed the fal-tor-pan ritual, rejoining Spock's katra with his body. He was responsible for banging the ceremonial gong. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

This musician was played by an unknown performer of Asian origins. His full costume was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [15](X) [16](X) [17](X)

Nobles []

These two nobles were present at Spock's fal-tor-pan ritual, performed by T'Lar at Mount Seleya in 2285. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Priests []

These three priests led Spock's procession in the alter-top on Mount Seleya and remained throughout the fal-tor-pan ritual, performed by T'Lar, in 2285. The following morning, they assisted in dressing Spock in one of their white robes and escorting him from the alter area. They paused for a moment as Spock reunited with his former USS Enterprise comrades. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Spectators []

Occidental college fountain

Procession spectators

Hundreds of spectators were present for the return of Spock's body to Vulcan. They stood along the stairway leading up to the altar on Mount Seleya as Spock procession passed by. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Through the magic of film editing, this scene combined on-location filming at Occidental College and Paramount Stage 10. "This particular set will also teem with hundreds of robed extras, including George–who specifically requested to appear as an extra just so he could wear a Vulcan ceremonial robe." (Starlog #80, March 1984, p. 45) Takei's appearance here is also mentioned in William Shatner's Star Trek Movie Memories, which stated that he was a Vulcan-robed extra in the crowd scenes.

One of the Vulcans might have been Evans Ricciardi as his costume was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [18](X) [19]

Federation Council representatives []

These representatives were seated on the Federation Council gallery in 2286. They attended the Klingon Ambassador's testimony against James T. Kirk and were on Earth during the incident with the Whale Probe.

After the probe had left, they attended the short trial of Admiral Kirk, and applauded when the charges were dropped. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

These representatives were all played by uncredited background performers.

Two pieces of wardrobe worn by Martin were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. These pieces had tags describing her character as a "Vulcan Noble Woman" or "Noblewoman". [20](X) [21](X)


Healer []

Vulcan healer, 2237

A Vulcan healer

This healer lived in the city of Shi'Kahr during the 2230s.

In 2237, he was summoned late at night, on the 20th day of Tasmeen, by a young Spock, to the L-langon Mountains, to tend to the injured sehlat I-Chaya.

He recognized Spock as being the son of Sarek, and noted that he had heard of the young Vulcan and his Human tendency to perform practical jokes. Spock admitted that he had pulled a prank two years prior, but promised the healer that he would not have sought the healer out unless a life was in danger.

After gathering his medicines, the healer transported himself and Spock to the site where I-Chaya laid, via a desert flyer, where he attempted to heal the sehlat's injuries. Unfortunately, the time that had elapsed since I-Chaya was injured had been too long, and he informed Spock that no antidote known could save his life. He then informed Spock that the best he could do for the sehlat was prolong its life. However, he noted that it would be in pain, then added that he could also, if necessary, release him from his pain, but the decision was ultimately young Spock's to make.

After Spock made the difficult decision to have I-Chaya released from his pain, the healer gave the sehlat a shot from his hypospray, which ended the pet's life. (TAS: "Yesteryear")

The voice of the Vulcan healer was provided by James Doohan.

The novelization of "Yesteryear" (in Star Trek Log 1) describes the healer as a "tall, middle-aged Vulcan" and refers to his toga-like night clothing as "red with garish blue stripes."

He is one of the few Vulcans who have been known to grow a beard, as opposed to the popular trend in the mirror universe.

High Priestess []

Vulcan High Priestess, 2230

A Vulcan High Priestess

This High Priestess assisted Amanda Grayson during the birth of Spock on Vulcan in 2230. When Spock was born, she gave him to his father, Sarek. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

This Vulcan was played by Beverly Hart.

According to the novelization of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, the Vulcan High Priestess was T'Lar.

While jockeying for an opportunity to audition for the role of Sirol, writer/actor Michael Mack referenced this character to Jeri Taylor as an example of a "black" Vulcan character – the first of which to appear – when arguing to be what would eventually be his appearance as the first "black" Romulan character. [22]

Instructor []

Portrayed by Ray Cammaert.

Khitomer Conference attendees[]

Kirk's cellmate[]

In an alternate timeline, James T. Kirk had a Vulcan cellmate when he was jailed for six months in a Denobulan prison. It was from this Vulcan that he learned how to do the Vulcan neck pinch and make plomeek soup in the toilet. He explained this in 2022. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Kolinahr high master []

Vulcan Kolinahr Master (Female)

A female Vulcan Kolinahr master

This master guided Vulcans who underwent the rituals to attain kolinahr. She presented Spock with the symbol of pure logic after he underwent the rituals in the early 2270s. However, Spock refused the symbol after his Human side was touched by strong emotions from V'ger. The master melded with Spock and told him he would need to look elsewhere for the answers he sought. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

The Vulcan high master was played by actress Edna Glover.

In Gene Roddenberry's novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, she was given the name of T'sai (β), in chapter two. The first draft script for The Motion Picture, then called Star Trek II, featured a similar Vulcan master asking for Spock's thoughts named Pai-ad. (The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, p. 23)

Kolinahr masters []

These masters also guided Vulcans who underwent the rituals to attain kolinahr. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Marriage party[]

Bell-banner bearers []

These bell-banner bearers announced the coming of T'Pau to Spock and T'Pring's marriage ceremony. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Vulcan actor, behind the scenes

The second actor without his helmet.

Both actors received no credit for their appearance.

The second pictured could be played by Mauri Russell or Charles Palmer.

Executioner []

Vulcan executioner

A Vulcan executioner

This executioner was a masked man who, at Spock's pon farr ceremonies in 2267, was ordered to kill "anyone showing cowardice" during the kal-if-fee. In this case, it was James T. Kirk or Spock who would be fighting. After T'Pau explained the rules, McCoy misunderstood and thought Spock would have to fight the executioner. Later, when McCoy spoke out of turn again, the executioner positioned the huge blade at his throat, as T'Pau noted, "I can forgive such a display only once." (TOS: "Amok Time")

The Vulcan executioner was played by background actor Russ Peek.

He was described in the script as being "a slightly shorter [than Stonn] but incredibly muscled and fierce looking male who carries an enormous, strangely shaped Vulcan war axe. This is the ceremonial executioner!"

Litterbearers []

These litterbearers carried T'Pau and the weapons to the marriage ritual of Spock and T'Pring where she would officiate at the ceremony. (TOS: "Amok Time")

The two unidentified Vulcans could be played by Gary Wright, Mauri Russell, or Charles Palmer.

Master []

Vulcan Master

A Vulcan Master

In the 2270s, a young and rebellious Tuvok was sent to a Vulcan master to learn to control his emotions. He often spoke in riddles, which annoyed Tuvok.

Tuvok told the master that he was sent there against his will, for refusing to deny himself passion and feelings he was born with. The master said that he would teach control to Tuvok, who was in love with a schoolmate, Jara, which was one of the reasons his parents sent him to the master. The master taught him that love was the most dangerous of emotions, leading to jealousy, grief, and rage. It was through his teachings that Tuvok embraced logic. (VOY: "Gravity")

The Vulcan master was played by Star Trek regular Joseph Ruskin.

He is one of the few Vulcans who have been known to grow a beard, normally a popular trend in the mirror universe.

Ruskin reprised this role for Star Trek: Hidden Evil, a video game that suggests this character is named Si'tann.

Princess []

A princess was Sarek's lover, with whom he had his first son, out of wedlock: Sybok, in 2224. She had died prior to 2229, when he married Amanda. (SNW: "The Serene Squall"; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

From what we know of the Vulcan government, it is curious that they would have a princess unless it was a solely ceremonial or religious title.

Sybok's backstory and Sarek's marriage to the Vulcan princess is considered apocryphal by many sources and individuals, including Gene Roddenberry. The episode "Sarek" also contradicts this by stating that Sarek's first wife (obviously meant to be Amanda) was from Earth. Note, however, that although Spock states Sybok's mother was a Vulcan princess, he never said that she and Sarek were ever married. Indeed, "The Serene Squall" ultimately confirmed that they were not.

The film's novelization gives her name as T'Rea (β) and calls her a priestess instead of a princess. The novel Sarek calls her a "reldai" (an archaic Vulcan word which in the old days meant both "female religious leader" and "female ruler or princess"). The same novel also states that T'Rea divorced Sarek to pursue kolinahr, eventually becoming a High Master of Gol (β).

Sarek's aides[]

Sarek's physician []

This physician prescribed Benjisidrine for Ambassador Sarek's medical condition, a malfunctioning heart valve. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Sonak's family []

Following the death of Commander Sonak and a female crewmember in a transporter accident, Admiral James T. Kirk asked Starfleet to express his condolences to their families, adding that Sonak's family could be reached through the Vulcan embassy. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

This family was only mentioned in dialogue.

Space Central contact []

This Space Central contact answered the hails of the USS Enterprise and granted the starship permission for standard orbit at Vulcan in 2267. He also welcomed the vessel, asked if Spock was aboard and instructed the crew to stand by the ship's central viewer. (TOS: "Amok Time")

This Vulcan's voice was provided by Walker Edmiston.

In the script notes, his voice was described as "almost accentless."

Starfleet officers[]

Waiter []

Vulcan waiter

Vulcan Waiter

This waiter attended Spock and T'Pring's dinner together in Raal in 2259.

When the two began to show public affection, the waiter informed them that "I'm going to have to ask you two to do that somewhere else." In response, it was stated, "What an excellent idea," and the two took their relations to another location. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

This Vulcan waiter was played by Myles Dobson.

Background information[]

Child []

Katherine Blum as Vulcan child, deleted scene

A Vulcan child greeting Spock

This Vulcan child was part of a deleted scene in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, scene 276. In this scene, the child released herself from her father's grip, went to the body of Spock, performed the Vulcan salute, and said, "Live long and prosper, Spock." while the Enterprise crew carried Spock up Mount Seleya.

Katherine Blum was credited in the end credits for playing this "Child"; the revised final draft script listed her as "Small Girl". [23]

Midwives []

A deleted scene from Star Trek pictures the birth of Spock in 2230, and includes two Vulcan midwives who help Amanda Grayson give birth to Spock. The younger of the two midwives asks the elder one why the mother is crying and the elder midwife answers it is because the mother is Human. The two Vulcan midwives were portrayed by Jill Lover and Star Trek: The Next Generation guest actress Fran Bennett. In the film's screenplay, the older midwife was described as being in her "60's". [24] The deleted scene is available on the film's Special Edition DVD and Blu-ray, as well as in the Blu-ray set Star Trek: The Compendium.

Previous list:
Unnamed Vulcans (22nd century)
Unnamed Vulcans
Next list:
Unnamed Vulcans (24th century)