Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Ariolo (also known as Ariolon) are a civilization of non-humanoid lifeforms native to Fillandia, the first planet of the Bartz' Star system.

History and specifics[]



Ariolo resemble the mythological centaur. (LD episode: "Envoys")

They are mammals with a slow metabolism, yet when necessary they can gallop at upwards of 60 kilometers per hour. They lack nasal passages, but have such highly acute taste buds that they can smell with their tongues. They lead hedonistic lives and have been vegetarians since the start of the Ifelsli era. Notably, their culture never developed a concept of time and believed in reincarnation.


The Federation made first contact with this species in the year 2243.

Ariolo are gifted musicians, artists, and chefs. In the 2280s decade, the warp blues musical form grew popular, with groups such as Orellia and the Urflo Hipsters and the Ahmels leading "the Ariolon Invasion".

With a technological/sociopolitical index of 975774-55, Ariolo had warp drive, advanced computer technology, mid-level life sciences knowledge, fusion-level engineering, and some level of ecological and gravity control. Their form of government was a monarchy. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update)

In 2286 during the Cetacean Probe crisis, two Ariolo sat on the Federation Council. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home)

By this time, scientists discovered that Ariolo's home star would explode in the next century. Ariolo hoped that the Council would authorize a mass relocation project. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update)

By the 24th century, Ariolo administrative personnel were commonplace among staff at Starfleet installations and starbases. Federation cultural exchange programs often featured Ariolo works of art. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)

In 2380, two Ariolo were present in Little Qo'noS on Tulgana IV. (LD episode: "Envoys")

Notable Ariolo[]

  • Iflera
  • Iroloro
  • Olirofle
  • Yfrallo


  • Ifelsli
  • Olirri


  • Ahmels
  • Fillandian Symphony Orchestra
  • Orellia and the Urflo Hipsters


Appearances and references[]



External link[]
