Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

An assault ship (also known as an armed personnel carrier or troop transport) is a type of military vessel designed to carry large numbers of troops and their support equipment and vehicles into a hostile zone and deliver them under combat conditions to the battlefield. This vessel is more heavily armed than a standard personnel carrier.

Ships of this type[]


Federation assault ships
Continent-class • Iwo Jima-class • Kolm-An-class • Makin-class


Chava'Kal-class • D'aka-class • Mas To Gal-class • Na Ra'den-class




Kestrel-class • Temar Vastari-class • Wings of Justice-class


Starship classification
By type argosy • assault cruiser • assault ship • attack cruiser • attack fighter • battlecruiser • battle frigate • battleship • bird-of-prey • bomber • cargo transport • carrier • colony ship • combat support tender • command battlecruiser • construction ship • corsair • corvette • courier • cruiser • cutter • destroyer • dreadnought • escort • explorer • fast attack ship • fast cruiser • flagship • freighter • frigate • fuel ship • gunboat • heavy cruiser • heavy destroyer • heavy escort • hospital ship • in-system courier • liaison cutter • light cruiser • light frigate • medical frigate • medium cruiser • mining freighter • missile cruiser • monitor • multi-mission explorer • passenger liner • patrol cruiser • personnel carrier • pilot escort • prison barge • repair tender • research vessel • research cruiser • runabout • science vessel • science spearhead • scout • sleeper ship • star battleship • star cruiser • strike cruiser • super carrier • super-heavy cruiser • support frigate • surveyor • tanker • tender • timeship • transport • tug • warbird • warpshuttle • weapon ship
Alphanumeric I • II • III • IV • V • VI • VII • VIII • IX • X • XI • XII • XIII • XIV • XV • XVI