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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Aves-class was a type of warbird developed by the Romulan Republic in 2409 using technology recovered from the Solanae Dyson Sphere in the Delta Quadrant. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)


The Aves-class was designed from a fusion of Romulan technology with research performed by the Dyson Joint Command that also produced the Solanae and Nov-class vessels for Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force, respectively. (STO website: Dev Blogs)

Technical data[]

The Aves-class was chiefly a science vessel but also had features of destroyers. It possessed a standard Romulan cloaking device and variable geometry. Switching to tactical mode reduced its scientific abilities but enabled it to use a pair of heavy proton cannons for improved damage output.

The Aves-class also had three enhanced sub-variants, the Caprimul, Harpia, and Tyton-classes. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)



Starship classes of the Romulan Republic
subclass groups Ar'Kif (Ar'Kala ��� Jhu'ael) • Aves (Caprimul • Harpia • Tyton) • Baratan (Deihu • Vastam) • D'deridex (D'ridthau • D'Khellra) • Daeinos (Dinaes) • Dhelan (Dhael) • Scimitar (Falchion • Tulwar) • Ha'apax (Haakona) • Khaiell (Jaeih • Ohkala) • Mogai (Melponar • Morrigu • Valdore) Seal of the Romulan Republic
other named classes Aelahl • Faeht • Ha'feh • Ha'nom • T'liss • T'varo
small craft Jarok • Kestrel • Scorpion • Talon • Tiercel
Dyson science destroyer starships
Federation, Starfleet Solanae-class: USS Solanae • USS Dyson • Helios-subclass: USS Helios • Kardashev-class: USS Endeavor • USS Kardashev • NCC-90277 • Montgomery-subclass: USS Montgomery • Omega-subclass: USS Omega Starfleet icon image.
Romulan Republic, Republican Navy Aves-class: RRW Aves • RRW Dyson • Caprimul-subclass: RRW Caprimul • Harpia-subclass: RRW Harpia • Rallus-class: RRW Rallus • RRW Shaenha • Tyton-subclass: RRW Tyton Romulan Republic icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force Nov-class: IKS Dyson • IKS Nov • Chontay-subclass: IKS Chontay • Lo'laH-class: IKS Lo'laH • IKS Toramor • MoQ-subclass: IKS MoQ • Ta'Sub-subclass: IKS Ta'Sub Klingon Empire icon image.

External links[]
