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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about neural parasites found on Deneva in the 23rd century. You may be looking for the bluegill neural parasites.
TOS neural parasite

A blastoneuron encountered on the planet Deneva in the year 2267.

The blastoneurons were a type of neural parasites, a dangerous lifeform of undetermined origin.

These lifeforms are sometimes referred to as Denevan neural parasites. This is a misnomer as they did not originate on Deneva, but the name persists as there was a prominent outbreak there.

History and specifics[]


Neural parasite anatomical diagram.

The blastoneurons were roughly disc shaped, and anatomically resembled a single large brain cell. They were capable of individual flight, but most commonly attached themselves to humanoid hosts, via a "stinger" which tapped into the nervous system—for example, through the spinal cord. This allowed control over the host, though it also caused severe pain and madness.

These parasites were believed to have traveled from the Beta Portolan system to Levinius V, then Theta Cygni XII, and in the year 2265, Ingraham B. By 2267 they had reached Deneva, where they were encountered by the crew of the Federation starship USS Enterprise. The crew of that ship discovered that the parasites, which were impervious to most environmental factors including high temperature and radiation, were vulnerable to high-intensity visible and ultraviolet light, and were able to eradicate them by placing a series of UV light-producing satellites in Denevan orbit. (TOS episode: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

In 2270, Na'kuhl extremists from the 29th century released Denevan neural parasites on Deep Space Station K-13. Admiral Isaac Garrett dispatched a ship that uncovered the Na'kuhl interference. Working with Commander Montgomery Scott and K-13's medical officer T'Met, the station was bathed in UV light, disrupting the parasites. Unfortunately, the station was lost anyway when the damaged Na'kuhl Daemosh-class timeship opened a time portal that stranded K-13 elsewhen. (STO - Agents of Yesterday mission: "Painful Omens")

Alternate realities[]

In the Kelvin timeline, the blastoneurons had taken on a more gelatinous form, pink in color, and primarily encased the cranium of a victim. In this timeline, the creatures reached Deneva in 2258. (TOS - Operation: Annihilate comic: "Part 1")

Presumably, the organisms experienced a different evolutionary spread in the alternate reality that accounted for their different physical attributes.






External links[]
