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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Chin'toka was a star with an associated star system, located in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in 24th century Cardassian Union space, near the Federation border.

History and specifics[]



The Chin'toka system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds, including two — Chin'toka II and Chin'toka III — which are inhabited. During the Dominion War, the system was the location of two major engagements between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion-Cardassian alliance. (DS9 episodes: "Tears of the Prophets", "The Siege of AR-558", "The Changing Face of Evil")

In late 2374, Starfleet salvaged a Jem'Hadar ship crashed on one of Chin'toka's planets. P8 Blue was a member of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team to investigate the ship. (SCE eBook: War Stories, Book 2)

Zelik Leybenzon was among the Starfleet personnel assigned as ground forces in the Chin'toka system. (TNG novel: Q & A)

In 2401, the USS Titan hid with the wrecked ships in the Chin'toka scrapyard. (PIC episode: "Dominion")

Alternate histories[]

In an alternate reality version of the late 24th century where many familiar political associations had been dissolved, Kelvas had fallen away from the Cardassian Union and was held by Ferengi, with a trio of heavily-armed Ferengi shuttles, a force equivalent to the fleet of a commodore. (ST video game: Conquest)

System makeup[]

Chin'toka system primary star

See also[]



Stars and star systems of the Cardassian Union
Actrium • Almatha • Amleth • Ankaro • Aokii • Arawath • Arduria • Argaya • Avenal • Bajor (ceded 2369) • Bryma • Cardassia • Celtris • Chin'toka • Cuellar • Davon • Doltec • Geilod • Glintara • Gulvaria • Hagal • Iota Cephei • Kelrabi • Lahra • Mirish • Monac • Nuraka • Olmerak • Orias • Pentath • Peyit • Quinor • Rakal • Raknal • Rissa • Rondac • Septimus • Shahr • Torros • Trelka • Trivas • Unefra • Weibak • Varian • Velos • Ventani • Xahea (ceded 2375) • Xoxa Emblem of the Cardassian Union.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (C)
C-71 • C-111 • Caberhardt • Cada-X • Caerulum • Cain • Cairna • Calari • Calibus • Calidan • Caliph • Calka • Calthos • Calufrax • Calydon • Cambelian • Cambra • Cameron Vortex • Campor • Camus • Candela • Candelar • Candessa • Candida • Canton • Cantos • Cantrel • Cao • Caperna • Capulon • Careta • Carmara 712 • Carmol • Carmun • Carner • Carraya • Carrek • Carsiuk • Carxal • Casius • Casmus • Caspan • Caspan • Caspara • Cassandra • Cassia • Cassiopeia Delta • Castara • Castella • Castora • Castra • Castrola • Catra • Catulla • Catzara • Cawley • Cebrana • Celada • Celeth • Celos • Celsor • Cemesi • Centuri • Cephalus • Cephenes • Cepheus • Cerberus • Cerebus • Ceriun • Cerkek • Cerker • Cernen • Cernial • Cerral • Cersiun • Cersol • Certax Alpha • Cerzom • Cerzos • Ceti Ancites • Cetsa • Cetsuo's Folly • Cetus • Cevrinc • Chadric • Chaj Daq • Chala • Chalburna • Chandra • Chapin • Charbi • Charulh • Charybdis • Chavira • Chazron • Cheron VI • Chi Feronis • Chi Gorgoni • Chi Rho • Chi Scorpii • Chiara • Chiaros • Chibrex • Chimenor • Chiroth • ChIyt'Iyq • Cholmondeley • Chonon • Cho'por • Choren • Chorix • Chotegh ngIyev • Christofi • Chronian • Chronister • Chrysalis • Chryson • Chumbra • ChunI'Huq • Churchill • Cidasi • Cillers • Cintar • Circe • Cirok • Cita Laga • Cito • Claneia • Clara Nieve • Clarke's Abyss • Clarke's Star • Cleon • Clytomenes • Codis Alpha • Codis Beta • Codis Delta • Codis Epsilon • Codis Eta • Codis Gamma • Codis Iota • Codis Kappa • Codis Lambda • Codis Mu • Codis Nu • Codis Omicron • Codis Pi • Codis Theta • Codis Xi • Codis Zeta • Cogen • Colistarr • Colloda • Comar • Conira • Constina • Convora • Copernicus • Cor • Coram • Cordana • Cordera • Cordival • Corian • Corill • Corola • Cor'tek • Coros • Correk • Corsen • Corvidae • Cossina • Costara • Cotrok • Cromia • Cryblon • Crytokts • C'tinaia • Culun • Curalon • Cygni • Cygnia Miros • Cygni Ora • Cygnus • Cymkoe • Cymon • Cynur • Cyonis • Cyrus Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (C) Cait • Caldik • Capella • Capricorn Arday • Cardassia • Cebelrai • Celtris • Chara • Chi Herculis • Chin'toka • Clarus • Cor Caroli • Corwin • Cuellar • Cygnia Minor • Czar'ak Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (C) Calbriden • Calder • Caldos • Canis Minoris • Canopus • Carinae Delta • Castor • Cestus • Ceti • Ceti Alpha • Chaltok • Cheron systems: Cheron (83 Leonis) (Cheron A, Cheron B) • Cheron (Omicron Gruis) • Chi-1 Orionis • Chil'Ko • Chi'tan • CJ-884 • Chiron • Chiron Beta • Chort • Ciatella • Cimera • Cirini • Coridan • Corvus • Cursa • Cygnet Beta Quadrant icon image.


In Star Trek: Conquest, the Chin'toka system was located in the Cardassian extension near the bottom left of the game map, much as it is located in the local space map projections in Star Charts. This system had a low-level rating 1 star, which modified the mining or research efficiency and the experience advantage of players holding and using the system. There were 3 points of access to the system, through Kelvas, Torros and Cardassia.


The RPG The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon, published by Last Unicorn Games after they had lost their Star Trek licence, states that the system has a K2IV star, at least twelve planets, an Oort cloud and Kuiper belt. It also states that prior to the first engagement between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion alliance, the system contained many orbital manufacturing facilities and Tokara Nor.


External link[]
