Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Commandant of Starfleet Academy is a high ranking officer in charge of the professional development and day-to-day activities of the cadets at Starfleet Academy.


Commandant desk

Desk of the commandant.

The commandant was head of the Starfleet Academy Board and presided over cadet hearings and trials. (TOS movie: Star Trek, TOS - Khan comic: "Khan, Issue 1")

The commandant was responsible for selecting honorees for the Grankite Order of Honor. By the 2360s, 23 such medals had been awarded, the latest being Cadet Kimberly Calabrese in 2361. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)

The commandant's office was on the third floor with a view of San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. (TOS - Gateways novel: One Small Step)

By 2409, the commandant had an office on the ground floor of Building 2. Vice Admiral Herthel shared his spacious office with Lieutenant Commander S'arkee. (STO - Tutorial mission: "Graduation Day")



Vice Admiral Herthel in 2410.

In 2364, Admiral Gregory Quinn offered the Commandant position along with a promotion to the rank of admiral to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Picard turned the offer down. (TNG episode: "Coming of Age")

Alternate realities[]

Kelvin timeline[]

Mirror Universe[]


The nature of the division of responsibilities between the the Commandant of Starfleet Academy and the Superintendent of Starfleet Academy has not been established. At the modern United States Naval Academy, the Superintendent is the Officer in charge of the Academy and the Commandant oversees discipline and day-to-day operations involving midshipmen. (The U.S. Naval Academy's Commandant is properly titled "Commandant of Midshipmen.")



External links[]
