Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Devidians, as they appear in Time's Arrow.

Devidians STO

Devidians engage a Starfleet officer in battle in 2409.

The Devidians were a phase-shifting species, originating from Devidia II.

History and specifics[]

In the year 2265, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott identified this species as energy beings. (STO - Spectres mission: "Night of the Comet")

A group of Devidians were discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D using a time portal to feed off of humans from the past. The Enterprise put a stop to this operation. (TNG episode: "Time's Arrow"; TOS novel: Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars)


A Devidian in the 2370s.

Though they frequently engaged in time-travel, their activities produced minor enough changes to the timeline that they warranted little attention from organizations such as the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations, especially since interfering in their activities often risked causing more problems than it solved. The Aegis, however, being a more advanced civilization, did investigate Devidian interference more often, sometimes even directly contacting Department of Temporal Investigations agents and telling them not to get involved. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock, TOS comic: "Split Infinities"; TNG comic: "Future Imperiled")

In 2373, Quark commented that transphasic sensor technology could be used to detect Devidians. (DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: "... Loved I Not Honor More")

In 2409, the Devidians also began feeding off the crews of certain Cardassian vessels as well. (STO mission: "Skirmish")



External links[]
