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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Dilithium (symbol Dl or Dt) is a chemical element, atomic number 119 on the periodic table.

Characteristics and history[]

Dilithium, in its most stable form, has an atomic mass of 315, and was discovered by Humans for the first time on Amalthea, the fifth moon of planet Jupiter, in the year 2049. This crystalline element is part of the trans-uranic series of heavy elements. (ST reference: Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual)

Federation: The First 150 Years states that humans first discovered dilithium from an excavation site at Earth's South Pole in the 21st century, evidently having come to Earth via meteorite.

Dilithium is a member of the hypersonic series of elements. (TNG episode: "Rascals")

Dilithium was named as a extrapolation of another element's name, lithium. Dilithium was of note to Federation science because of qualities as a subspace amplifier, creating transtator current when exposed to subspace fields. It was the only known material which could regulate matter/antimatter reactions, which was why it is used by most species in their warp drives. Different compositions and origins produced slightly different appearances in the crystals, ranging in shape and color. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)

Dilithium was theorized to be formed naturally by violent explosions or supernovae. (TOS novel: Preserver)

In 2265, Harry Mudd stated that dilithium crystals were worth 300 times their weight in diamonds. (TOS - Mudd's Angels novelization: Mudd's Women)

In TOS episode: "Mudd's Women", he called them lithium crystals.

Originally, the lifespan of dilithium was limited until methods were discovered in recrystallizing fractured crystals. This caused a drop in the value of dilithium, which was a precious element around 2275. (TOS novel: Preserver)

In the 2260s, Starfleet starships used triolium-L as a dilithium preservative. (TOS comic: "The Final Truth")


Human explorers first discovered dilithium on Amalthea in 2049. (ST reference: Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual; TAS novelization: The Time Trap)

Zefram Cochrane studied dilithium but kept his knowledge of it secret until he could find a way to make money off of it. Later people thought that Cochrane avoided discussing it to keep the information out of the hands of dictators of the era. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)

After the initial discovery of dilithium, it was discovered that 2-3% of the quartz on Earth was actually dilithium. This was previously undiscovered because it is difficult to discover the mineral's distinguishing feature -- its extension into the fourth dimension -- through conventional testing. This discovery prompted a gold rush, as many museums dug through their collections and found samples of dilithium. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)

Federation: The First 150 Years states that dilithium is not native to Earth.

Having a large supply of dilithium almost instantly promoted a planet into prominence in interplanetary politics, as other species seek trade. Some planets known for their dilithium deposits include Coridan III, Troyius, and Avaton II. (TOS video game: Starfleet Academy: Strategic Command)

The planet Direidi was one of the most concentrated locations of dilithium in known Federation space, and was located on the border to Klingon space. (TOS novel: How Much for Just the Planet?)

At some point in the 22nd century, the Klingon Empire mined the innermost planet of the Arhennius system to obtain its dilithium; the Federation never noticed the dilithium on its long range scans as it was under several kilometers of rock. (ST novel: Engines of Destiny)


Pharos, burning after its dilithium deposits were ignited by phaser fire.

In 2254, Starfleet engineers constructing Project Pharos on the Pharos siteworld in the Marrat system discovered huge deposits of dilithium of such purity that, had it been mined, it would not have required refining. Because Marrat was an open system, Starfleet, opted to keep the discovery a secret, concerned it could provoke a gold rush or a war. Unfortunately, Klingon Commander Kaaj did find out about the discovery and attacked Pharos in response. When the USS Enterprise was sent to investigate why communications had been lost with Pharos, Kaaj attacked the starship. To solve the dilemma, Captain Christopher Pike had the Enterprise fire on Pharos, igniting the entire planet in a chain reaction and eliminating the source of conflict. (EV comic: "The Fires of Pharos")

Although the planet Halka was rich in dilithium, the Halkan Council was reluctant to associate with organizations with militaristic tendencies. (TOS novel: Preserver)

In 2355, the planets and moons of the Maxia Zeta star system were discovered be richly endowed with many minerals, including dilithium. (TNG - TLE novel: The Buried Age)

Romulan scientist Tavorak was reputed to have created a virus that ate dilithium and attempted to sell his creation to the highest bidder, making him a wanted criminal. (TNG comics: "A Matter of Conscience...", "The Truth Elusive")

The planet Konnoria V was notable for the brutality of its dilithium mines. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)

The planet Naia VII was rich in dilithium, among other valuable materials. A Starfleet Corps of Engineers mining operation there in 2368 excavated these, which were vital for Starfleet to rebuild its strength following the Battle of Wolf 359. (TNG - Assimilation² comic: "Issue 2")



Dilithium crystal - sta sc

A dilithium crystal.

During the 23rd century, the crystals often deteriorated rapidly during adverse situations, so starships often kept large supplies of them on board. (TOS video game: Starfleet Academy: Strategic Command)

Also in the 23rd century, it was known that travelling at high warp factors could cause stress fractures in the dilithium crystals mounted in a warp engine. Any affected crystals needed to be replaced and recalibrated. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: The Empty Chair)

During a trip back to the 20th century to retrieve two humpback whales, the dilithium crystals of the Klingon ship Kirk and his crew were using began to wear out. Since fission based nuclear reactors was still in use, Captain Spock determined that it might have been possible to obtain high energy photons from such a reactor, and bombard the crystals with them - thus causing dilithium to recrystallize. After obtaining such photons from the United States aircraft carrier Enterprise, Spock and Engineer Montgomery Scott were able to successfully recrystallize dilithium. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home)

By the 24th century, the process of recrystallizing dilithium had been refined to the point that it had become routine on board Federation vessels. Using a theta-matrix compositor, dilithium could be recrystallized inside the warp reaction chamber. (TNG episodes: "Family", "Skin of Evil")

See also[]


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warp drive technology
types of warp engines coleopteric warp drive • dicyclic warp engine • transwarp drive • warp sled • warp drive
warp components warp core • matter injector • antimatter inducer • antimatter injector • intermix chamber • power transfer conduit • warp coil • bussard collector • coolant manifold • plasma manifold • phase discriminator • dilithium crystal • dilithium articulation frame


Dilithium appeared as an element on the table of elements barely legible on screen in the TNG episode: "Rascals", with the chemical symbol Dt. The Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual lists it as symbol Dl.

In real-life science, element 119 has yet to be discovered. A placeholder name based on its number, "ununennium", has been suggested to document the possible existence of this substance. Some models of theoretical science have stated that heavy elements on this scale may be impossible to synthesize or reproduce, and cannot exist in nature. Subspace science mentioned in Star Trek may account for the contradiction of this being a natural resource on other worlds, as well as any relation to lithium, which is another aspect of this fictional material that has not been borne out in real-life study. The formation of the name has the prefix di- preceding lithium, indicating some sort of twofold increase of the basic lithium. A similar nomenclature is used for trilithium and decalithium.


External links[]
