Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Cassady was a 23rd century Human woman who served in Starfleet as a sciences division survey officer.


In 2264, Cassady was a captain, serving as commanding officer of the Federation's observation post mission to the world-ship Archernar IV, and was in charge of the Archernar IV contact station and Archernar airlock station. That year, she and a team led by Captain James T. Kirk made first contact with the Archernarians. (TOS - Mission's End comic: "Issue 1")


Cassady aboard Columbus.

By 2270, Cassady was named the Federation ambassador to that world. Kirk returned to join her for the signing ceremony admitting Archernar IV into the Federation. Unfortunately, High Minister Kel-M led a short-lived coup and used the world-ship's Omega-weapon to destroy the contact station, killing most of her staff. (TOS - Mission's End comic: "Issue 2")

When James T. Kirk was injured and unconscious, Cassady became ranking officer during the mission, and soon found herself frustrated by the burdens of command. In particular, she disliked having to abandon the Archernarians and Crawlers per Starfleet regulations when a civil war erupted. (TOS - Mission's End comic: "Issue 4")

After the disappearance of Archernar IV into another dimension, Cassady was assigned to the USS Hawking as its captain. (TOS - Mission's End comic: "Issue 5")


