Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Gia.

Gia was a 24th century Barkonian girl on the planet Barkon IV, the daughter of Garvin, a magistrate in a small village in the 2370s decade.


Gia's mother had died in the year 2369.

In 2370, Lieutenant Commander Data came to her planet to recover a crashed space probe's radioactive remains. A mishap in handling the materials left Data damaged, malfunctioning and with amnesia. When he arrived at the village, she befriended him and gave him the name "Jayden".

Data's satchel of radioactive metal caused many in the town to fall ill with radiation poisoning. Gia and the rest of the town were cured by Data when he realized he had caused the problem, but the townspeople were infuriated and a mob attacked him, leaving him deactivated.


Gia tells Beverly and Riker about Data.

Commander William T. Riker and Doctor Beverly Crusher came later, disguised as Barkonians, to find Data's location. Gia explained that he had been buried after his "death". She never saw Data again as he was beamed up to the ship and his memories were restored. (TNG episode: "Thine Own Self")

Gia was played by Kimberly CullumMA.


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